How to wash a pen from white clothes: 8 best ways

How to wash a pen from white clothes: 8 best ways

Acci­dents hap­pen unex­pect­ed­ly, and the law of mean­ness works exact­ly when we are most afraid of some­thing. Well, we put on a white shirt in the office and in the evening we will cer­tain­ly get the result in the form of a beau­ti­ful stroke of a ball­point pen.

Expe­ri­enced office work­ers and par­ents of school­child­ren prob­a­bly have a cou­ple of secrets in store on how to remove an ink stain. We have col­lect­ed their expe­ri­ence, test­ed all the meth­ods in prac­tice and offer you the 8 most work­ing meth­ods.

How to remove stains from white clothes

What is ink made of?

Ink often con­sists of 2 com­po­nents. Depend­ing on the struc­ture of the writ­ing knot, the pig­ment can be of dif­fer­ent den­si­ty. Let’s look at the table

Han­dle type

Ink Com­po­si­tion


Thick blue, pur­ple, black, red oil-based pig­ment


Dye of dif­fer­ent col­ors mixed on the gel.

Cap­il­lary, roller­ball pen

Water-based paints of var­i­ous shades

Based on the tab­u­lar data, we can con­clude that the prin­ci­ple of remov­ing a trace from a pen comes down to the destruc­tion of the pig­ment or the dis­so­lu­tion of the ink base.

How to get a pen out of clothes

Most home meth­ods involve chem­i­cal destruc­tion of the base of the paste and sub­se­quent mechan­i­cal wash­ing of the dye. House­hold prod­ucts affect the paint, destroy its struc­ture and dis­col­or.

Rules for handling white fabrics

Even though it is eas­i­er to remove stains from white clothes than from col­ored clothes, mis­takes do hap­pen that lead to dam­age to things. To pre­vent this, we rec­om­mend pay­ing atten­tion to the fol­low­ing points:

  1. The fresh­er the stain, the eas­i­er it is to get rid of.. If pos­si­ble, do not let the soiled thing stale.

  2. Do not scrub with coarse brush­es. A hard pile can fluff the fibers of the fab­ric, they roll up or stretch out, form­ing a pile spot on a smooth fab­ric. The most gen­tle way is to use an old tooth­brush. The stain should be rubbed with soft small cir­cu­lar motions.

  3. Intense rub­bing of the stain with your hands can lead to a vio­la­tion of the struc­ture. fab­ric, weav­ing defor­ma­tion and thread pulling.

  4. Do not leave chlo­rine-con­tain­ing prod­ucts on fab­ric for a long time. undi­lut­ed for­mu­la­tions. In addi­tion to the stain, chlo­rine simul­ta­ne­ous­ly destroys the threads, which can lead to the for­ma­tion of holes.

  5. remem­ber, that wool fab­rics react unpre­dictably to var­i­ous chem­i­cals. There­fore, before use, test the select­ed prod­uct on an incon­spic­u­ous area.

  6. When choos­ing bleach as a bleach, keep in mind that the treat­ment area can become sig­nif­i­cant­ly whiter than the over­all tone of the clothes.

pen 2.jpg

Organizing a place to remove stains

First of all, allo­cate free space for your­self on the kitchen table or in the bath­room and cov­er it with oil­cloth. Do not exper­i­ment on lac­quered or paint­ed fur­ni­ture, oth­er­wise, in addi­tion to the old stain, you can get a new one from the dis­solved var­nish and, in addi­tion, get dam­aged fur­ni­ture.

The select­ed stain removers and tools should be placed in front of you. Here’s what you might need:

  1. cot­ton pads;

  2. an unnec­es­sary clean tooth­brush;

  3. con­tain­er for mix­ing com­po­nents (plas­tic or glass);

  4. small and large spoon for mea­sur­ing and mix­ing com­po­si­tions;

  5. water (hot and cold);

How to remove stains at home

First, let’s see what we have at hand. We assure you that in dif­fer­ent cor­ners we can find prod­ucts that can eas­i­ly cope with ball­point pen stains.

mustard powder

It can be called a uni­ver­sal nat­ur­al bleach. It also does an excel­lent job with ink stains. Let’s pre­pare the sup­plies. We will need:

  1. mus­tard pow­der;

  2. small mix­ing bowl

  3. water at room tem­per­a­ture;

  4. big spoon.

To remove the stain, do the fol­low­ing:

  1. In a cup put 2 tbsp. l. mus­tard pow­der and pour 2 tbsp. l. water. Mix the paste. If you see that the spot is small, you can reduce the con­sump­tion of com­po­nents by half.

  2. Lay out the soiled cloth on a flat sur­face. If the prod­uct can­not be unfas­tened (for exam­ple, a turtle­neck), place a col­or­less plas­tic bag between two lay­ers of fab­ric. This will pro­tect the bot­tom lay­er from get­ting wet and exposed to the active sub­stance.

  3. Put the gru­el on the stain with a spoon and leave to act for 30 min­utes.

  4. After the time has elapsed, rub the con­t­a­m­i­na­tion with your hands and rinse the fab­ric under water.

  5. If nec­es­sary, repeat the pro­ce­dure.

  6. Wash the item in the wash­ing machine as usu­al.


This tool eras­es fresh traces of ink in just 5 min­utes. You need to take white tooth­paste. You will also need an old, but clean, tooth­brush and water.

Lay out the clothes on the table and do the fol­low­ing:

  1. Squeeze the paste out of the tube and even­ly dis­trib­ute it along the lines from the han­dle.

  2. In small cir­cu­lar motions, begin to rub the stain with a tooth­brush.

  3. If the fab­ric is thin, the stain on the eyes will light­en and dis­ap­pear. On thick fab­rics, the process is a lit­tle slow­er.

  4. Rinse the cleaned clothes in water or wash them in the wash­ing machine.

We rec­om­mend that you don’t use a col­ored den­ti­frice, oth­er­wise you’ll have to look for a tooth­paste stain remover.

How to clean a pen from white clothes


The only neg­a­tive of the liq­uid is the strong smell of ammo­nia. There­fore, in case of res­pi­ra­to­ry dis­eases or aller­gies, ammo­nia can­not be used.

If the stain is small, we see no rea­son to dilute the prod­uct with water. Just apply 2 drops of ammo­nia to the stain and rub the area with your fin­gers. Do not be afraid that the paint will begin to spread. The main thing is not to let the stain dry out and move to oth­er parts of the cloth­ing. After a few min­utes, wash the soiled area with a few drops of dish­wash­ing deter­gent.

Fairy for dishes

Some house­wives use this liq­uid only in emer­gency cas­es, since the com­po­si­tion of the prod­uct is quite aggres­sive. Indeed, Fairy is good at help­ing with var­i­ous every­day prob­lems. And just as eas­i­ly, he wash­es stains from the han­dle.

What we need:

  1. dish liq­uid Fairy;

  2. warm water;

  3. soft brush.


  1. Lay the fab­ric in one lay­er or put a plas­tic bag between the lay­ers of cloth­ing.

  2. Apply to the Fae stain and rub it into the stain a lit­tle.

  3. Using a spoon, apply a few drops of water and rub the area again with a brush.

  4. Leave for 5 min­utes.

  5. Then rub the stain between your fin­gers. If the ink mark dis­ap­pears, rinse the cloth. If some con­tours are still left, let the prod­uct work for anoth­er 5 min­utes.

  6. Wash your clothes in the wash­ing machine.

Spe­cial deter­gents con­tain com­po­nents that active­ly affect one or anoth­er pol­lu­tion. Sodi­um lau­reth sul­fate and propy­lene gly­col sol­vent allow you to remove even com­plex con­t­a­m­i­nants.


Buy the cheap­est col­or­less alco­hol-con­tain­ing liq­uid from the phar­ma­cy and keep it on hand. It will always come in handy on the farm. You can use hygien­ic hand gel for alco­hol or vod­ka.

To remove the trace from the pen you need:

  1. Moist­en dirt with alco­hol.

  2. Wait a few sec­onds and rub the fab­ric.

  3. The ink trail may spread into a large spot. This is a nor­mal reac­tion.

  4. After the dis­ap­pear­ance of the con­tours of the han­dle, wash the treat­ed area with laun­dry soap or dish­wash­ing deter­gent.

  5. Light residues of soil­ing can be re-treat­ed and then put into the wash­ing machine.

To enhance the effect, you can mix alco­hol and ammo­nia solu­tion in a 1:1 ratio. But, we do not con­sid­er this to be appro­pri­ate, since each tool indi­vid­u­al­ly copes well with the task.

Hair spray

It is a fact! Hair­spray copes with paint­ing on clothes in sec­onds. We will need any hair­spray, water and soap.

We will deal with the stain like this:

  1. Place a paper or cloth nap­kin under the con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed area.

  2. Apply hair­spray to the stain.

  3. With­out wait­ing for dry­ing, rub the stain between the fin­gers and wash off the remain­ing var­nish with water.

  4. If light out­lines of lines remain on the fab­ric, they will be washed off after wash­ing in the machine.

The secret behind hair­spray is that it con­tains alco­hol. But it hap­pens that there was no alco­hol at hand, but there is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to use hair­spray.

how to remove pen marks from white clothes

chemical eraser

This tool can be used as a focus. It works right before your eyes. For its man­u­fac­ture, the fol­low­ing mate­ri­als will be required:

  1. water;

  2. potas­si­um per­man­ganate;

  3. acetic acid (70%);

  4. hydro­gen per­ox­ide.

To remove ink lines, you need to do the fol­low­ing:

  1. In 1 tsp. acetic acid, add crys­tals of mag­ne­sium per­man­ganate (at the very tip of a thin knife) and stir until a dark solu­tion is obtained.

  2. Apply the prod­uct to the stain with a cot­ton swab. The ink will instant­ly begin to dis­col­or. A yel­low­ish-pink spot from potas­si­um per­man­ganate will appear.

  3. Using anoth­er cot­ton swab, apply hydro­gen per­ox­ide to the stain. All traces of pol­lu­tion will instant­ly dis­ap­pear.

  4. Rinse the prod­uct with clean water.

Household chemicals

Some­times it hap­pens that home reme­dies can­not cope with the hard­ly sol­u­ble ink pig­ment. The rea­son can be dif­fer­ent fac­tors: the chem­i­cal com­po­si­tion of the dye in the paste, the den­si­ty and com­po­si­tion of the fab­ric, the age of the stain.

A fea­ture of white fab­rics is the abil­i­ty, almost with­out fear, to use var­i­ous bleach­ing agents on them. We list the tools that do a good job of remov­ing marks from a ball­point pen:

  1. Liq­uid bleach­es Van­ish, Nika;

  2. Pow­der oxy­gen prod­ucts Boss, Cin­derel­la, Per­sol, Antipy­atin, Typhoon.

  3. Chlo­rine-con­tain­ing bleach­es White­ness, Chistin, Ster­il.

  4. Amway stain remover.

  5. Spe­cial tools for remov­ing pen marks: Dr.Schnell Novo Pen-Off, VMD 88 ink remover, Dr. Beck­mann Stain remover from ball­point pen and felt-tip pen.

Before using these prod­ucts, we rec­om­mend that you read the instruc­tions for use. We also rec­om­mend that you take pre­cau­tions. Wear pro­tec­tive gloves when han­dling cor­ro­sive liq­uids. Avoid get­ting chem­i­cals in your mouth and eyes.

Ink stains from a ball­point pen are not amenable to ordi­nary wash­ing, but eas­i­ly dis­ap­pears when treat­ed with impro­vised means. Our meth­ods are sim­ple and real­ly work. Take them into ser­vice and your white shirts will be flaw­less.







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