How to quickly dry clothes after washing

How to quickly dry clothes after washing

Only not this! Washed things are not dry in the morn­ing, and you only have 1 hour before going out? Don’t wor­ry, we’ll help you solve this prob­lem.

Famil­iar sit­u­a­tion. First of all, don’t be dra­mat­ic. If there is no extra need to wear the washed item, feel free to wear anoth­er out­fit. Impromp­tu will give you mys­tery and charm.

But in the fol­low­ing sit­u­a­tions, you real­ly have to resort to emer­gency mea­sures. Read our rec­om­men­da­tions if you real­ly have noth­ing else to wear or urgent­ly need:

  1. Suit for a respon­si­ble event or per­for­mance.

  2. Office uni­form.

  3. Par­ty dress.

  4. Jeans and socks for a date.

How to quickly dry clothes after washing

Precautionary measures

Do not rush to build a fire of friend­ship in the mid­dle of the room. Read the safe­ty tips:

  1. It is strict­ly for­bid­den to dry things over a gas burn­er, in a gas oven. You can not only burn holes in clothes, but also burn an apart­ment.

  2. Do not hang things on elec­tric radi­a­tors, heat fans, heat guns. In the event of a mal­func­tion of the devices, you can get an elec­tric shock.

  3. Do not put laun­dry in the microwave. The fibers of the fab­ric, in the truest sense of the word, are boiled and destroyed.

As for the hair dry­er, we will not com­plete­ly pro­hib­it its use. But always keep in mind that this appli­ance is not suit­able for dry­ing clothes, it over­heats very quick­ly and fails.

Fast Drying Methods

Shall we dry? What comes first, shirt or jeans? Irrel­e­vant. First, let’s call on the help of nat­ur­al ele­ments.

Burning sun and frost

On a hot day, light cloth­ing will be dry in half an hour. Direct sun­light is the best ally in emer­gency dry­ing.

Hang the clothes, spread­ing them as much as pos­si­ble and elim­i­nat­ing the over­lap of the fab­ric:

  1. Hang jeans upside down and fas­ten at the very edges.

  2. Dress­es can be fas­tened with clothes­pins at the shoul­der seams or at the hem.

  3. Hang T‑shirts, sweat­shirts, sweat­shirts, sweat­shirts from the bot­tom edge. Be care­ful with del­i­cate knitwear. It is bet­ter not to sub­ject it to extreme tests. Lay the sweater on a tow­el as usu­al and wait for it to dry nat­u­ral­ly.

  4. Straight­en blous­es and shirts as much as pos­si­ble and fas­ten on a rope at the bot­tom edge, stretch­ing like a sail. You can dry this type of tex­tile on a coat hang­er. This posi­tion also con­tributes to the max­i­mum evap­o­ra­tion of mois­ture.

With frost, about the same as with the sun. Hang up your clothes and wait for them to “die”. It will be dry to the touch, but firm. At this point, you need to bring things into heat.


A strong wind instant­ly blows all the water mol­e­cules out of the fab­ric. There­fore, you are very lucky if there is a storm warn­ing out­side. in this case, fas­ten the clothes more secure­ly, but every­thing is also in a straight­ened state. Since the more folds and thick­en­ings of the fab­ric, the worse mois­ture evap­o­rates in these places.

There is a good chance of dry­ing your clothes in the wind even in rainy weath­er, if you only need to avoid direct rain.


A kind of domes­tic wind. Hang the nec­es­sary things in a draft and, after an hour, you will get dry clothes. But this applies to things made of thick fab­rics. No mat­ter how you blow on a woolen coat, you won’t dry it in an hour.

So, we have already smooth­ly moved into the house. There­fore, let’s see what house­hold appli­ances can help in quick dry­ing of laun­dry. Let’s start with sim­ple ways.

Hot water bottles

There are drea­ry days when there is nei­ther wind, nor sun, nor frost, but only rain. Then a time-test­ed plas­tic bot­tle will come to the res­cue, or rather 5 pieces.

To build a heat gen­er­a­tor, you need to fill the bot­tles with hot water (not high­er than 70 degrees) and put them on the floor close to each oth­er.

The thing nec­es­sary for dry­ing should be placed on top of the bot­tle bat­tery. If you do this in the evening, be sure to have dry clothes by morn­ing.

Which iron coating is better

Drying with a terry towel and iron

This emer­gency method is more suit­able for light things. The blouse, sum­mer dress and trousers will dry per­fect­ly.

We arm our­selves with a pair of thick ter­ry tow­els, an iron, a hairdry­er and, with­out wast­ing time, do the fol­low­ing:

  1. On top of the unfold­ed tow­el we put the straight­ened wet thing.

  2. We turn a tight roll, simul­ta­ne­ous­ly with clothes.

  3. We com­press the result­ing roll along the entire length so that mois­ture migrates into the ter­ry cloth.

  4. We unfold the roll and take out a semi-dry thing.

  5. We begin to iron clothes, be sure to lay anoth­er ter­ry tow­el on the iron­ing board. If the clothes are light, do not take a col­ored tow­el, opt for a white one.

  6. At the max­i­mum tem­per­a­ture allowed for this fab­ric, we iron the whole thing. We pay spe­cial atten­tion to the col­lar and cuffs.

  7. If tight places and seams remain wet, hang clothes for 5 min­utes in the sun or dry with a hairdry­er.

  8. If nec­es­sary, iron the thing again.

Why can’t we dry cot­ton jeans in 15 min­utes? The point is mul­ti-lay­ered seams, pock­ets and a belt. These places are too thick and will not dry in a short peri­od of time. But, if it’s hot out­side and you have no choice, do all the manip­u­la­tions list­ed above and wear jeans. Rest assured, they will dry out on the way to work.

Thermal Fan

If there is no ther­mal device, a con­ven­tion­al fan will also work. The dif­fer­ence is that the fan heater will com­plete its task faster. What should be done:

  1. We hang the clothes on a fold­ing dry­er, straight­en­ing them well. You can use the back of a chair.

  2. We put the fan at a dis­tance of 2 m from the clothes and turn it on at the high­est pow­er. The air flow should fall direct­ly on the thing being dried and blow it like a fresh May breeze.

Thin clothes will be dry in 15 min­utes. It will take about half an hour to dry a denser fab­ric. Every­thing will depend on the tem­per­a­ture of the blow­er.

Washing machine

If your machine has a dry­ing func­tion, then you know how to use this mode. And if we have a stan­dard wash­ing machine with a spin of 800‑1000 rpm? In this case, put things in the drum and turn on the strongest spin. Cen­trifu­gal forces will famous­ly draw out excess mois­ture, and clothes will become much dri­er. If you have time, do the pro­ce­dure twice and iron the item with an iron.

Hand dryer

This mir­a­cle thing has been tried and works with a bang. If you have a stain on your T‑shirt while at work or while trav­el­ing, and by a lucky chance you can retire to the wash­room, where there is a hand dry­er, act quick­ly and deci­sive­ly:

  1. Take off your shirt and wash the dirt. Don’t let the big wet spot scare you.

  2. Take a few paper tow­els and blot the fab­ric thor­ough­ly on both sides.

  3. Now stretch the washed area like a drum and bring it to the hand dry­er. You need to find the place where the auto­mat­ic sen­sor is trig­gered.

  4. Keep the gar­ment under a blast of air until the fab­ric is almost dry. By iner­tia, resid­ual mois­ture will evap­o­rate while you put on a T‑shirt.

How to dry clothes quickly after blow drying

household hair dryer

With a hair dry­er you can:

  1. dry socks quick­ly

  2. remove mois­ture after wash­ing the stain;

  3. warm up the seams, col­lar and cuffs on an under­done shirt.

Pre­cau­tion­ary mea­sures:

  1. Do not bring the hair dry­er close to cloth­ing. This can cause the engine to over­heat quick­ly and the device will burn out.

  2. Do not use the appli­ance near an open source of water or in a humid envi­ron­ment.

  3. Do not leave the includ­ed hair dry­er unat­tend­ed.

Before using a hair dry­er to dry clothes, make sure you don’t real­ly have a change of socks. No one guar­an­tees that the hair dry­er will with­stand this load.

So, how to dry socks:

  1. First, squeeze the socks well, remov­ing as much excess water as pos­si­ble. You can blot the jer­sey with a tow­el.

  2. We put the sock on the noz­zle of the hair dry­er (the place where the air flow comes from) and turn it on to medi­um heat.

  3. Keep the hair dry­er on with a sock on for no more than 1 minute.

  4. Repeat the pro­ce­dure for the sec­ond sock.

Hair straightener

Well, since house­hold appli­ances are used, we will test every­thing that heats up. An iron (or hair straight­en­er) is a thing that is fair­ly resis­tant to over­heat­ing. But we rec­om­mend using it exclu­sive­ly on cot­ton fab­rics for dry­ing seams and thick­en­ings. To dry the seams, col­lar and cuffs, you need:

  1. Turn on the appli­ance to max­i­mum heat.

  2. Posi­tion the jeans or jack­et so that the seam is on the fold.

  3. Clamp the seam between two hot plates.

  4. Dry by slow­ly advanc­ing the fab­ric or dry each sec­tion sep­a­rate­ly, pinch­ing the mate­r­i­al for a few sec­onds.

  5. Dry the col­lar and cuffs in the same way.

Central heating radiator

In win­ter, hot bat­ter­ies help out a lot. Dry clothes can be removed after an hour. In order for the thing to dry com­plete­ly, straight­en it well, also place the legs or sleeves on the sur­face of the radi­a­tor, and do not leave it hang­ing help­less­ly on the floor.

For exam­ple, to hang jeans, do this:

  1. Take the trousers by the top, with the right side fac­ing you.

  2. We place the dense part of the belt with pock­ets in the cen­ter on the upper plane of the bat­tery.

  3. Let’s straight­en the legs first down along the radi­a­tor pan­el, and then fold them in half, and put the bot­tom seam on the top of the radi­a­tor, on the sides of the pants belt.

Light cloth­ing just straight­en on the bat­tery. Do not use this method to dry wool­lens. They may lose shape or sit down. And white things run the risk of acquir­ing rust spots.

Gas or electric oven

We do not rec­om­mend using the dry­er near the oven all the time. Use it only when absolute­ly nec­es­sary.

When choos­ing this method, be care­ful not to get a grilled dress and burn down the apart­ment. In a gas oven, turn on only the bot­tom heat, exclud­ing open top fire.

How to dry:

  1. Turn on the oven and open the door.

  2. Move a chair with clothes hung on it to the oven at a dis­tance no clos­er than 1 m.

  3. The dry­ing process should be con­stant­ly mon­i­tored, not leav­ing an impromp­tu struc­ture unat­tend­ed.

In any unfore­seen sit­u­a­tions, we tend to suc­cumb to emo­tions and even pan­ic. And hav­ing com­mit­ted rash acts, then we regret what we have done. So is the case with cloth­ing. Uncon­trolled emo­tions can only aggra­vate the sit­u­a­tion, and in a hur­ry, we can eas­i­ly spoil our favorite thing.

The meth­ods of dry­ing clothes offered by us in the total mass are quite safe and fast. By fol­low­ing the instruc­tions and tak­ing pre­cau­tions, you can eas­i­ly achieve the desired result.






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