Метка: check

  • Microwave power: how to check and adjust correctly?

    Microwave power: how to check and adjust correctly?

    [ad_1] Addi­tion­al fea­tures of the microwave oven should pro­vide for an increased load on the pow­er grid. Device para­me­ters such as microwave pow­er deter­mine the amount of elec­tric­i­ty con­sump­tion in the mode of switch­ing on all the pro­vid­ed func­tions. Measuring utility The main char­ac­ter­is­tics of a microwave oven among ordi­nary con­sumers are con­sid­ered to be…

  • How to check the compressor on the refrigerator using a multimeter, tester, pressure gauge

    How to check the compressor on the refrigerator using a multimeter, tester, pressure gauge

    [ad_1] A refrig­er­a­tor is made up of many parts, but the main ele­ment is the com­pres­sor. The qual­i­ty of the work of this house­hold appli­ance depends on its ser­vice­abil­i­ty. When the refrig­er­a­tor is not work­ing, the first thing to check is the com­pres­sor. In this case, it is not nec­es­sary to imme­di­ate­ly go to the…