Метка: overview

  • Overview of the Weissgauff DW 4035 dishwasher: reviews, pros / cons

    Overview of the Weissgauff DW 4035 dishwasher: reviews, pros / cons

    [ad_1] This dish­wash­er is com­pact in size — its height is 85 cm, width — 60, depth — 54 cm. How­ev­er, in terms of capac­i­ty it is not infe­ri­or to larg­er mod­els — you can wash up to 10 sets of dish­es in one cycle. Functionality Weissgauff DW 4035 The dish­wash­er is equipped with all…

  • Overview of the DeLonghi DDW06S Granate platinum dishwasher: photos, reviews, specifications

    Overview of the DeLonghi DDW06S Granate platinum dishwasher: photos, reviews, specifications

    [ad_1] Nar­row (40 cen­time­ters) built-in dish­wash­er DeLonghi DDW06S Granate plat­inum. It belongs to the pre­mi­um cat­e­go­ry, there­fore it is equipped with an exten­sive list of sup­port­ed func­tions. In addi­tion to this, it uses a brush­less motor. Functionality DeLonghi DDW06S Granate platinum Pro­vid­ed func­tion­al­i­ty in the dish­wash­er DeLonghi DDW06S Granate plat­inum: 4 cus­tomiz­able pro­grams, but there…

  • Overview of the Beko DIS 28124 dishwasher: photos, reviews, specifications

    Overview of the Beko DIS 28124 dishwasher: photos, reviews, specifications

    [ad_1] Built-in dish­wash­er Beko DIS 28124 allows you to wash up to 10 sets of dish­es at once (nar­row). Already by tra­di­tion for this man­u­fac­tur­er — as many as 8 pro­grams, of which you can con­fig­ure 3 at your dis­cre­tion. And in addi­tion to this, an invert­er motor is installed. Functionality Beko DIS 28124 Func­tion­al­i­ty…

  • How to choose a fryer for home and restaurant?  Overview of manufacturers and useful tips

    How to choose a fryer for home and restaurant? Overview of manufacturers and useful tips

    [ad_1] The art of choos­ing a good deep fry­er lies in cor­rect­ly deter­min­ing its fur­ther use. The buy­er, first of all, must under­stand what he pur­sues the goal — to use it for the needs of the fam­i­ly or for com­pa­nies. Based on this, a device of the appro­pri­ate vol­ume and pow­er is select­ed. Selection…

  • Overview of the Beko DFS 05012 W dishwasher: photos, reviews, specifications

    Overview of the Beko DFS 05012 W dishwasher: photos, reviews, specifications

    [ad_1] This dish­wash­er is one of the most durable mod­els. Its body is made of stain­less steel. Due to this, the dish­wash­er is in good con­tact with water and at the same time does not cor­rode. The capac­i­ty of the mod­el is 9 sets of dish­es. Functionality Beko DFS 05012 W The dish­wash­er is equipped…

  • Functional overview Hansa ZWM 416 WH.Photos, reviews, specifications, pros/cons

    Functional overview Hansa ZWM 416 WH.Photos, reviews, specifications, pros/cons

    [ad_1] A free-stand­ing, nar­row Hansa ZWM 416 WH dish­wash­er is designed to wash up to 9 sets of dish­es at the same time. Half load is also sup­port­ed, the man­u­fac­tur­er added a lot of addi­tion­al fea­tures to save elec­tric­i­ty and water. Suit­able for an aver­age fam­i­ly of 3 — 4 peo­ple. Functional overview Hansa ZWM…

  • Overview of the Leran CDW 55–067 WHITE dishwasher: specifications, pros / cons

    Overview of the Leran CDW 55–067 WHITE dishwasher: specifications, pros / cons

    [ad_1] The ultra-com­pact dish­wash­er from Ler­an is the best-sell­ing in many online stores (mean­ing, it is from this size). Inex­pen­sive, reli­able, with a basic list of sup­port­ed fea­tures. Cre­at­ed specif­i­cal­ly for those who have a min­i­mum of free space, but do not have time to wash dish­es on their own. Functionality Leran CDW 55–067 WHITE…

  • Overview of the Electrolux ESF 9420 LOW dishwasher: photos, reviews, pros / cons

    Overview of the Electrolux ESF 9420 LOW dishwasher: photos, reviews, pros / cons

    [ad_1] Free­stand­ing nar­row dish­wash­er with con­denser dry­er. It is cal­cu­lat­ed on a simul­ta­ne­ous sink to 9 sets of ware. There is pro­tec­tion against leaks (due to a sealed case), as well as 5 sets of pro­grams. Avail­able in white col­or only. It is a mod­i­fied ver­sion of the 9420 ESF dish­wash­er, dif­fer­ing only in the…

  • The best microwave ovens: an overview of 18 popular models

    The best microwave ovens: an overview of 18 popular models

    [ad_1] When choos­ing the best microwave oven, a num­ber of dif­fi­cul­ties can arise, knowl­edge on how to choose a microwave oven, as well as our rat­ing, will help you decide. This review presents only the best mod­els with their full descrip­tion and char­ac­ter­is­tics. Best Freestanding Models Free-stand­ing microwaves have less pro­tec­tion against the heat gen­er­at­ed…

  • The best blenders for home: an overview of 18 models

    The best blenders for home: an overview of 18 models

    [ad_1] A blender is an essen­tial kitchen appli­ance. With its help, any food is quick­ly chopped, from veg­eta­bles to meat for minced meat. The arti­cle presents a rat­ing of the best blender mod­els: bud­get mod­els, mid-range equip­ment, expen­sive devices. The best immersion blenders Immer­sion blenders are the choice of those who are look­ing for a…