12 best inexpensive mixers — Rating 2022

The edi­tors of Exper­tol­ogy mag­a­zine decid­ed to help you with a con­fi­dent choice of the right mod­el. Our experts have ana­lyzed the Russ­ian mar­ket of house­hold appli­ances in the sec­ond half of 2020, and have select­ed for you the 12 best inex­pen­sive mix­ers.

How to choose an inexpensive mixer

To assess the qual­i­ty and con­sumer char­ac­ter­is­tics of mix­ers, our spe­cial­ists were guid­ed by the high stan­dards of for­eign and domes­tic researchers and test enthu­si­asts, and also con­duct­ed their own bench tests of indi­vid­ual mod­els. We also took into account the rec­om­men­da­tions for choos­ing, for­mu­lat­ed by a respect­ed Amer­i­can con­sumer orga­ni­za­tion
Con­sumer Union.

We also took into account cer­tain impor­tant points that our West­ern col­leagues from
BBC Good Food. Based on the results of a large-scale study, we have devel­oped a num­ber of prac­ti­cal rec­om­men­da­tions for choos­ing and eval­u­at­ing the qual­i­ty of a sta­tion­ary or hand mix­er.

When choos­ing a stand mix­er, CR experts rec­om­mend con­sid­er­ing the fol­low­ing two fac­tors in the first place:

  1. for what type of test and prod­ucts you plan to use the device;
  2. how much mix­er stor­age space do you have in your kitchen.

If you have to knead a lot of thick dough, then you should choose a sta­tion­ary mix­er, which has a fair­ly large weight. These devices have pow­er­ful motors, a sol­id body and many acces­sories, and the legs have suc­tion cups on the legs. The rec­om­mend­ed weight of a stand mix­er is between 4 and 10 kg — the stand mix­er should not be too light.

Regard­ing stor­age, most stand mix­ers have a tilt head that lifts up to expose the mix­ing bowl. When the device is assem­bled for use, such a mix­er will require a cer­tain height space. There­fore, if the device is used next to the upper cab­i­nets, it needs enough space.

The Con­sumers Union Lab­o­ra­to­ries con­duct­ed tests on the prepa­ra­tion of the choco­late chip cook­ie mix to check the qual­i­ty of the mix. The dough for choco­late chip cook­ies is quite thick on its own, and to test for even mix­ing, testers added blue and yel­low food col­or­ing. After that, the time it took the mix­er to get a sol­id green col­or was cal­cu­lat­ed. In anoth­er test, the time spent whip­ping heavy cream before the for­ma­tion of air peaks was cal­cu­lat­ed.

BBC Good Food experts advise when choos­ing a hand mix­er pay atten­tion to the fact that it can be eas­i­ly held in the hand for a few min­utes of whip­ping. This point may seem obvi­ous, but in prac­tice it turns out that many peo­ple make the mis­take of buy­ing an inex­pen­sive but heavy mix­er. The mix­er is con­sid­ered to be the most con­ve­nient and effec­tive if it is pos­si­ble to simul­ta­ne­ous­ly hold it and change the speed set­ting with only one work­ing hand.

The BBC Good Food team also did some test­ing where each mix­er was used to beat 100g of egg whites to firm peaks using beat­ers. After that, the time for which the eggs were beat­en, the final vol­ume, the thick­ness of the foam, the size and reg­u­lar­i­ty of the bub­bles were not­ed.

The sec­ond test con­sist­ed of mix­ing 200 ml of dou­ble cream with a whisk. It takes a lot of effort to get soft, fluffy but­ter­cream, so the test mod­els were delib­er­ate­ly brought to over­heat­ing and even to unchar­ac­ter­is­tic sounds from the motor.

In the third test, each mix­er was used to knead a dough made from 250 g of flour. There, the empha­sis was placed on deter­min­ing the pow­er, reli­a­bil­i­ty of attach­ments and ease of oper­a­tion.

Exper­tol­ogy spe­cial­ists con­duct­ed their own analy­sis of the mod­els that passed the pre­lim­i­nary selec­tion, and com­par­ing the results with the expe­ri­ence of West­ern col­leagues, formed a selec­tion of the most effi­cient low-cost mod­els.

Rating of the best inexpensive mixers

The 6 Best Inexpensive Hand Mixers

Hand mix­ers are the most com­pact, but also the least pow­er­ful. For the most part, in such mod­els, the pow­er con­sump­tion of the motor does not exceed 350 watts. Using these devices, you can whip prod­ucts in var­i­ous con­tain­ers, it is desir­able that the walls of the bowl are high, this will pre­vent the ingre­di­ents from splash­ing. Man­u­al mod­els are most often equipped with two types of noz­zles. One type of noz­zle is used for whip­ping liq­uid sub­stances, and the oth­er type for mix­ing thick ingre­di­ents. You can also find devices that come with an addi­tion­al noz­zle, with which an ordi­nary hand mix­er will become a full-fledged blender.

The advan­tage of man­u­al mod­els:

  1. pre­dom­i­nant­ly low price;
  2. device mobil­i­ty;
  3. min­i­mum dimen­sions.

Zigmund&Shtain ZHM-150

Rat­ing: 4.5

Zigmund&Shtain ZHM-150

Although the brand name is asso­ci­at­ed with Ger­many, Zig­mund & Shtain small house­hold appli­ances are made in Chi­na. The ZHM-150 is a fair­ly effi­cient hand mix­er with a body made of high-qual­i­ty impact-resis­tant ABS plas­tic. The device is resis­tant to mois­ture, food acids, deter­gents, scratch­es and dirt. Man­u­fac­tur­ers have worked on the design of this mix­er with high qual­i­ty, mak­ing it in a clas­sic, even part­ly retro style.

This mod­el is designed for whip­ping, knead­ing var­i­ous prod­ucts and quick prepa­ra­tion of a small amount of dough. The device is equipped with a reli­able 600 W elec­tric motor. The impres­sive torque is quite enough for the vig­or­ous rota­tion of the noz­zles when knead­ing vis­cous prod­ucts. The ergonom­ic shape of the han­dle and the low weight of the mix­er at 900 grams do not cause pre­ma­ture hand fatigue dur­ing use.

From the review of a Yandex.Market user with the “Ver­i­fied user” sta­tus: “The ven­ti­la­tion grille is max­i­mal­ly pro­tect­ed from flour, cin­na­mon, and oth­er dust. The flat back of the cab­i­net allows the mix­er to be placed ver­ti­cal­ly.”

On the body of the mix­er there is a but­ton that pro­vides easy removal and instal­la­tion of met­al noz­zles, as well as their secure fix­a­tion dur­ing oper­a­tion. The ZHM-150 mod­el is equipped with two types of alloy steel noz­zles:

  1. tur­bo beat­ers with flat edges — used for whip­ping cream, pro­teins and omelet mix­tures. They are also use­ful for mak­ing bat­ter;
  2. hooks — use­ful when knead­ing dough, minced meat and veg­eta­bles.

The device is equipped with 6 noz­zle speed modes, as well as Tur­bo mode, in which the motor accel­er­ates the rota­tion of the noz­zles to max­i­mum speeds, which allows you to thor­ough­ly beat any liq­uids until smooth. To pre­vent the motor from fail­ing dur­ing pro­longed oper­a­tion with a high load, man­u­fac­tur­ers have installed a reli­able pro­tec­tive sys­tem that turns off the pow­er when over­heat­ed.


  • styl­ish design;
  • impact-resis­tant case;
  • mois­ture resis­tance;
  • over­heat pro­tec­tion;
  • Tur­bo mode;
  • 6 speeds;
  • pow­er­ful motor.


  • rel­a­tive­ly slip­pery han­dle.

Gorenje M400ORAW

Rat­ing: 4.6

Gorenje M400ORAW

The coun­try of ori­gin of the device is Slove­nia. Styl­ish, reli­able and high­ly pro­duc­tive hand mix­er with an ele­gant body made of ABS plas­tic. This mod­el from a well-known brand attracts with a min­i­mal­ist design that resem­bles a ther­mal mug. This device is designed for effi­cient whip­ping and knead­ing of var­i­ous prod­ucts, as well as quick prepa­ra­tion of a small amount of dough.

The mix­er is equipped with a 400 W DC elec­tric motor, and the torque is enough to effi­cient­ly rotate the noz­zles even when work­ing with vis­cous ingre­di­ents. There are 5 modes for adjust­ing the rota­tion speed of the noz­zles. And due to the noise reduc­tion sys­tem, the device can be used in Tur­bo mode with­out fear of dis­turb­ing the house­hold.

From the review of a Yandex.Market user with the sta­tus “Ver­i­fied user”: “Pow­er­ful mix­er. The sec­ond speed is enough to beat egg whites. Runs qui­et­ly even at max­i­mum speed.

The M400 sub­mersible mix­er is equipped with two types of noz­zles, which are made of alloy steel:

  1. a pair of whisks — used for whip­ping pro­teins, cream and omelettes. They are effec­tive for mak­ing bat­ter for pan­cakes, muffins, waf­fles;
  2. a pair of hooks — use­ful when knead­ing dough for cook­ies, dumplings, pas­ta, mix­ing minced meat.

All noz­zles of this mod­el are quite long, which is con­sid­ered a def­i­nite plus when mix­ing a large num­ber of ingre­di­ents in deep bowls.

In addi­tion to the unusu­al design, the device is also easy to use. The but­tons on the body do not pro­trude and are easy to press, and the flat bot­tom allows you to put the mix­er even­ly on the sur­face dur­ing breaks. The ergonom­ic shape of the mix­er han­dle and the low weight of 1.3 kg do not cause fatigue in the hand when using this mod­el. The pow­er cord, how­ev­er, the mix­er is short — only one meter.


  • light weight;
  • ease of use;
  • Tur­bo mode;
  • long noz­zles;
  • noise reduc­tion sys­tem.


  • short pow­er cord.

See also: 12 best kitchen mix­ers

Bosch MFQ 4020

Rat­ing: 4.7

Bosch MFQ 4020

The coun­try of ori­gin of the device is Ger­many. This is a com­pact and high­ly ver­sa­tile hand mix­er equipped with a 450 W elec­tric motor and a noise reduc­tion sys­tem.

The MFQ 4020 mod­el is equipped with 5 noz­zle speeds, and the pow­er con­trol is locat­ed on the mix­er so that it can be switched with the thumb of the work­ing hand. This mod­el is equipped with a pulse mode, which is loved by many house­wives, with which you can eas­i­ly han­dle even the most dense prod­ucts. Unlike Tur­bo, pulse mode allows the motor to start at min­i­mum speed with a grad­ual increase in speed. The undoubt­ed advan­tage of this mode is the long-term oper­a­tion of the engine with­out over­heat­ing.

From the review of a ver­i­fied user on the IRec­om­mend ser­vice: “The mod­el turned out to be very qui­et — there is a small child in the house and he prac­ti­cal­ly does not react to him when the mix­er is run­ning.”

This mod­el comes with two types of met­al noz­zles:

  1. whisks — for whip­ping liq­uid ingre­di­ents, such as cream or eggs;
  2. hooks — used for knead­ing thick dough.

The Bosch MFQ 4020 mix­er is famous for its Fine Cream­er whisks, which, due to their non-stan­dard shape, per­fect­ly beat and mix any liq­uid ingre­di­ents. Each whisk is equipped with four unique balls. To replace the noz­zles, a sep­a­rate but­ton is dis­played, which dis­con­nects them only when the device is turned off — a plus for oper­a­tional safe­ty. The noz­zles are made of stain­less steel, so they can be safe­ly washed under water.

The mix­er also has the abil­i­ty to con­nect a stain­less steel leg attach­ment, which sig­nif­i­cant­ly expands its capa­bil­i­ties, name­ly, mak­ing it a full-fledged blender. If desired, you can also use a mea­sur­ing cup made specif­i­cal­ly for this series. Blender attach­ment and con­tain­er sold sep­a­rate­ly.

The body of the mix­er is made of durable plas­tic with Soft­Touch coat­ing. The han­dle of this mod­el is rub­ber­ized and does not close with the body, due to which it is very con­ve­nient to hold the device. The cord has a latch that allows you to eas­i­ly attach it to the body, and the noz­zles are quick­ly removed, so the mix­er can be eas­i­ly dis­as­sem­bled and put into a box if you rarely use it.


  • pow­er­ful motor;
  • Soft­touch coat­ing;
  • Fine Cream­er whisks;
  • pulse mode;
  • qui­et work;
  • can be used as a blender (noz­zle sold sep­a­rate­ly);


  • you need to pur­chase a sep­a­rate noz­zle-leg.

Braun MultiMix HM 3000

Rat­ing: 4.7

Braun MultiMix HM 3000

The coun­try of ori­gin of the device is Ger­many. This clas­sic hand mix­er has a remark­able key fea­ture — 450 W of pow­er, which allows you to solve many culi­nary issues many times faster than oth­er mix­ers in the same price seg­ment.

The device is equipped with five modes of rota­tion speed of the noz­zles, and the Tur­bo mode is also turned on sep­a­rate­ly, in which the motor accel­er­ates the rota­tion of the noz­zles to max­i­mum speeds for a short time, which allows you to thor­ough­ly whip any liq­uids to a homo­ge­neous state. There is no noise reduc­tion sys­tem in the device, but if you do not turn on the max­i­mum mode, the noise will not be too uncom­fort­able.

This mod­el is notable for the pres­ence of sev­er­al pro­pri­etary tech­nolo­gies from Braun man­u­fac­tur­ers:

  1. Com­fortClick — a sys­tem for quick­ly and com­fort­ably detach­ing attach­ments from the device;
  2. EasyClick — a sys­tem for fast and at the same time smooth gear shift­ing;
  3. Smart­Mix — based on the ver­ti­cal posi­tion of the motor, which cor­rect­ly dis­trib­utes the weight of the device by direct­ing it to the bowl, and not to the hand.

From the review of a Yandex.Market user with the sta­tus “Ver­i­fied user”: “A con­ve­nient smooth pow­er relay but­ton that switch­es with a slight click and does not dete­ri­o­rate over time.”

The set of the device includes two types of clas­sic noz­zles made of alloy steel: whisks for beat­ing and hooks for knead­ing dough. The body of the device is made of plas­tic, which facil­i­tates the design, which weighs only 900 grams. The han­dle of the mix­er has a pleas­ant Soft­Touch coat­ing, so it is per­fect­ly fixed in the hand even when work­ing at high speeds.

The remov­able ele­ments of the HM 3000 mod­el can be washed both by hand and in the dish­wash­er, and the plas­tic hous­ing can be sim­ply wiped. The device is equipped with a cord 130 cm long with a soft and flex­i­ble fas­ten­ing for con­ve­nient work with the mix­er.


  • Com­fortClick, EasyClick, Smart­Mix tech­nolo­gies;
  • ease of use;
  • han­dle with Soft­Touch coat­ing;
  • pow­er­ful motor;
  • mod­er­ate weight.


  • noisy at high speeds.

Braun MultiMix HM 3105

Rat­ing: 4.8

Braun MultiMix HM 3105

The coun­try of ori­gin of the device is Ger­many. This is a uni­ver­sal hand mix­er equipped with a 500 W elec­tric motor, which means that the device will sure­ly serve for many years even with fre­quent use. With this device, you can knead not only semi-liq­uid, but also thick dough.

This mod­el has 5 modes of noz­zle rota­tion speed. Switch­ing between speeds is quite easy, the but­ton is dis­played so that when knead­ing, you can change the pow­er with the thumb of the work­ing hand. And to cre­ate max­i­mum rota­tion speed, man­u­fac­tur­ers have set the Tur­bo mode. Due to the noise reduc­tion sys­tem, the device con­tin­ues to oper­ate qui­et­ly at high speeds.

The Braun Mul­ti­M­ix HM 3105 mix­er is equipped with alloy steel whisks for whip­ping liq­uid, loose, semi-liq­uid prod­ucts. Also includ­ed are hooks for knead­ing dough and a noz­zle for chop­ping veg­eta­bles and fruits, which makes the device a full-fledged blender. And for com­plete ver­sa­til­i­ty, a 600 ml plas­tic mea­sur­ing cup is includ­ed with the main acces­sories.

The device is well bal­anced by weight using Smart­Mix tech­nol­o­gy, based on the ver­ti­cal posi­tion of the motor, which cor­rect­ly dis­trib­utes the weight of the device, direct­ing it to the bowl, and not to the hand. The Power­Bell tech­nol­o­gy is also intro­duced here, which ensures homo­ge­neous and uni­form mix­ing with­out splash­ing.

The design of the Mul­ti­M­ix HM 3105 is ele­gant, the body of the mix­er is made of thick plas­tic, its sur­face is smooth, so dirt can be eas­i­ly removed.

From the review of a Yandex.Market user with the “Ver­i­fied user” sta­tus: “Due to the low ini­tial speed, it does not spray the mix­ture dur­ing oper­a­tion and does not raise a cloud of flour. It turns off with one click, unlike tra­di­tion­al mod­els, where you need to flip the con­trol to the ini­tial posi­tion.


  • Tur­bo mode;
  • homo­ge­neous mix­ing tech­nol­o­gy Power­Bell;
  • well bal­anced (Smart­Mix tech­nol­o­gy);
  • blender noz­zle includ­ed;
  • pow­er­ful motor;
  • effec­tive noise reduc­tion.

Bosch MFQ 36480

Rat­ing: 4.9

Bosch MFQ 36480

The coun­try of ori­gin of the device is Ger­many. Mod­el MFQ 36480 is a ver­sa­tile sub­mersible mix­er with the option of attach­ing a blender leg and a small mix­ing bowl.

This mod­el is posi­tioned by the man­u­fac­tur­er as a medi­um-price device that can per­form not only the func­tions of a mix­er, but also work as a low-pow­er sub­mersible blender. The mix­er belongs to the prod­ucts of the Bosch ErgoMixx range, which are designed for house­hold use.

The device is equipped with a reli­able 450 W elec­tric motor that oper­ates at 5 fixed speeds, as well as a sep­a­rate Tur­bo pulse mode. The engine is equipped with a noise reduc­tion sys­tem. The torque of the dri­ve allows you to cope with both the rota­tion of the mix­er noz­zles and full-fledged work in blender mode.

From a review by a ver­i­fied user on the IRec­om­mend ser­vice: “The chop­per turns every­thing into a fine­ly chopped sub­stance, you can use it to make minced meat.”

The set of this mod­el includes whisks and hooks, thanks to which the mix­er eas­i­ly copes with mix­ing and whip­ping var­i­ous prod­ucts, and also quick­ly pre­pares a small amount of unleav­ened or yeast dough. There is a but­ton on the mix­er body that helps to eas­i­ly sep­a­rate whisks and hooks from the mix­er for clean­ing. All Bosch MFQ 36480 acces­sories are dish­wash­er safe.

The mix­er comes with:

  1. a sharp knife block made of alloy steel that can oper­ate at ele­vat­ed tem­per­a­tures;
  2. mini chop­per with a sep­a­rate lid, the vol­ume of which is 500 ml. It is designed for crush­ing meat, veg­eta­bles, fruits, nuts and herbs.
  3. a mea­sur­ing cup with a lid, which can be used to accu­rate­ly dose prod­ucts, and also be used to mix var­i­ous ingre­di­ents.

The weight of the mix­er is already sig­nif­i­cant­ly high­er than that of the most com­pact mod­els — 2.3 kg, but the ergonom­ic shape of the device makes it easy to work with the device. The body of the mod­el is made of plas­tic. Man­u­fac­tur­ers have devel­oped a com­fort­able ergonom­ic han­dle with a soft anti-slip Soft-touch coat­ing and large but­tons on it. The coat­ed han­dle pro­vides a secure and com­fort­able grip.


  • suf­fi­cient­ly pow­er­ful motor;
  • sharp knife block made of stain­less steel;
  • wide equip­ment;
  • can be used as a blender;
  • Tur­bo mode;
  • noise sup­pres­sion;
  • Soft-touch coat­ing on the han­dle.


  • frag­ile body;
  • rel­a­tive­ly large weight.

6 Best Inexpensive Stand Mixers

Now con­sid­er a selec­tion of mix­ers of a dif­fer­ent type, which involve a table­top instal­la­tion. Such mod­els are, as a rule, by def­i­n­i­tion more pow­er­ful and pro­duc­tive than man­u­al ones. It makes sense to buy them if the mix­er is used in cook­ing real­ly often, and it makes prac­ti­cal sense to keep it con­stant­ly in the work­ing area.

Scarlett SC-HM40B01

Rat­ing: 4.4

Scarlett SC-HM40B01

The coun­try of ori­gin of the device is Chi­na. Inex­pen­sive and rel­a­tive­ly com­pact sta­tion­ary mix­er with dough knead­ing func­tion and a plas­tic bowl rotat­ing around its axis, which allows for more uni­form mix­ing and beat­ing of ingre­di­ents.

The SC-HM40B01 is equipped with a 450 W elec­tric motor, which has enough torque to dri­ve the noz­zles vig­or­ous­ly in vis­cous flour mix­tures, as well as to active­ly rotate the bowl.

The device is equipped with 5 noz­zle rota­tion speed modes, which should be switched sequen­tial­ly to select the opti­mal mode. And to enable max­i­mum rota­tion speed at max­i­mum pow­er, Tur­bo mode is set. Low speed oper­a­tion is indis­pens­able when knead­ing dense dough, high speeds are used for whip­ping and vig­or­ous mix­ing of liq­uids. When you turn on the max­i­mum speed mode, the device is very noisy.

This mix­er is equipped with two types of alloy steel noz­zles:

  1. whisks — designed for effi­cient whip­ping of egg whites, cream or quick mix­ing of cream ingre­di­ents. They can also be used to make bat­ter for pan­cakes, muffins, waf­fles, etc.;
  2. hooks — designed for knead­ing denser unleav­ened or yeast dough.

The mix­er can be used with or with­out a stand and bowl. That is, here we have a hybrid form fac­tor “sta­tion­ary-man­u­al”. The 3 liter plas­tic bowl and met­al attach­ments are dish­wash­er safe.

From a review by a ver­i­fied user on IRec­om­mend: “This mod­el has the abil­i­ty to “click” the mix­er and turn it into a man­u­al one.”


  • uni­ver­sal­i­ty;
  • hybrid form fac­tor;
  • big bowl;
  • Tur­bo mode;
  • pow­er­ful motor;
  • afford­able price.


  • noisy at high speeds.

Bosch MFQ 3555

Rat­ing: 4.5

Bosch MFQ 3555

The coun­try of ori­gin of the device is Ger­many. Spa­cious and sta­tion­ary mix­er with a motor pow­er of 350 W, equipped with a noise reduc­tion sys­tem. The Bosch MFQ 3555 mix­er is equipped with five noz­zle rota­tion speeds, which allows you to adjust the inten­si­ty of work for the desired type of ingre­di­ents used.

This mod­el is equipped with a pulse mode, with which you can effec­tive­ly mix “heavy” mate­ri­als with­out over­heat­ing the elec­tric motor. Unlike the Tur­bo mode, it allows you to start the work­flow at min­i­mum speed with a grad­ual increase in rota­tion­al speed. The undoubt­ed advan­tage of the pulsed mode was the pos­si­bil­i­ty of long-term oper­a­tion of the engine with­out turn­ing it off to cool down.

This stand mix­er is equipped with a rotat­ing bowl — a tech­nol­o­gy that allows you to mix and beat all the ingre­di­ents, even at the edges of the bowl. The device comes with two types of attach­ments: beat­ers and hooks for knead­ing dough. Noz­zles are made, as it should be in high-qual­i­ty mix­ers — from alloy steel.

Man­u­fac­tur­ers have pro­vid­ed a spe­cial but­ton on the mix­er body for detach­ing noz­zles, this is a plus for ease of use. And the sock­et for attach­ing attach­ments is closed by a retractable cov­er for addi­tion­al pro­tec­tion, it opens only when the device is turned off. If you pur­chase a spe­cial noz­zle-leg, the mix­er can be used as a full-fledged blender.

The MFQ 3555 is light­weight, weigh­ing only 1.7 kg due to the plas­tic case and acces­sories, which allows you to effort­less­ly trans­fer the device to any sur­face when using.

From a review by a ver­i­fied user on the IRec­om­mend ser­vice: “The mix­er can also be used as a blender. Thus, the device becomes two in one for a nice price.”


  • pulse mode;
  • rotat­ing bowl;
  • low noise lev­el;
  • rel­a­tive­ly small weight;
  • can be used as a blender (noz­zle sold sep­a­rate­ly).


  • low motor pow­er.

Scarlett SC-HM40B02

Rat­ing: 4.6

Scarlett SC-HM40B02

The coun­try of ori­gin of the device is Chi­na. This is one of the most afford­able swiv­el bowl stand mix­ers on the mar­ket today. Mod­el SC-HM40B02 is equipped with an elec­tric motor with a pow­er of 500 W, which is quite enough for com­fort­able house­hold use. This mix­er copes even with rather thick dough, not to men­tion creams, may­on­nais­es or omelettes.

Man­u­fac­tur­ers have pro­vid­ed in this mod­el the stan­dard 5 modes for con­trol­ling the speed of rota­tion of the noz­zles. Thanks to the noise reduc­tion sys­tem, the mix­er can be used at high­er speeds with­out being dis­turbed by noise.

The mod­el is equipped with a two-liter bowl, in which you can cook up to 1.5 liters of liq­uid and about 1 liter of thick dough. There are func­tions of rota­tion of the bowl, which allows you to achieve uni­for­mi­ty and high qual­i­ty mix­ing. If desired, the mix­er can be detached from the stand and used as a man­u­al one. The Scar­lett SC-HM40B02 pack­age includes two pairs of met­al noz­zles — all the same beat­ers for light mate­ri­als and hooks for more vis­cous mix­tures.

This mod­el has rub­ber­ized feet that do not slip on the work sur­face, as well as a wide and sta­ble body made of durable plas­tic. For even greater con­ve­nience, man­u­fac­tur­ers have pro­vid­ed a stor­age com­part­ment for noz­zles, which increas­es the con­ve­nience of stor­ing the mix­er even in a small kitchen. The cord length of the device is 120 cen­time­ters. And the weight is 2.75 kilo­grams.

From the review of a Yandex.Market user with the sta­tus “Ver­i­fied user”: “It’s con­ve­nient that the mix­er comes with a bowl and is mount­ed on a rotat­ing stand, so I don’t have to hold it in my hand when work­ing.”


  • pow­er­ful motor;
  • hybrid sta­tion­ary-man­u­al design;
  • swiv­el bowl;
  • com­part­ment for stor­ing noz­zles;
  • noise reduc­tion sys­tem.


  • big weight;
  • small bowl.

Philips HR3745/00 Viva Collection

Rat­ing: 4.7

Philips HR3745/00 Viva Collection

The coun­try of ori­gin of the device is Chi­na. This is a reli­able sta­tion­ary mix­er with a dough knead­ing func­tion and a capa­cious swiv­el bowl that rotates around its axis. The device is intend­ed for prepa­ra­tion, mix­ing, and whip­ping of var­i­ous types of ingre­di­ents. Mod­el HR3745/00 is equipped with a durable 450W elec­tric motor. The engine has enough torque to both rotate the noz­zles and the bowl.

An excel­lent bonus was the noise reduc­tion sys­tem of the device, even in the max­i­mum pow­er mode, the mix­er does not make much noise. In addi­tion, the mod­el does not cre­ate strong vibra­tions and does not jump on the table thanks to high-qual­i­ty suc­tion cups on the legs. When work­ing for a long time, the mix­er must be turned off for a few min­utes to cool the motor and the body of the device.

This mix­er has a 5‑speed speed con­trol and a spe­cial Tur­bo mode. All switch­ing but­tons are locat­ed so that they can be switched while whip­ping with your thumb.

The Philips HR3745/00 Viva Col­lec­tion mix­er is suit­able for both sta­tion­ary use and can be con­ve­nient when work­ing in man­u­al mode. All acces­sories of this device, such as the 3 liter bowl and the whisk attach­ments, are dish­wash­er safe.

From the review of a Yandex.Market user with the sta­tus “Ver­i­fied user”: “Due to the deep thick­et and the arrange­ment of the whisks, the ingre­di­ents do not splat­ter all over the kitchen. The suc­tion cups at the bot­tom of the mix­er sta­tion will keep it from falling off.”


  • noise reduc­tion sys­tem;
  • large vol­ume of the bowl;
  • rotat­ing bowl for whip­ping;
  • pow­er­ful motor;
  • tur­bo mode.


  • whisks do not reach the walls of the bowl;
  • heats up quick­ly.

Bosch MFQ 2600W

Rat­ing: 4.8

Bosch MFQ 2600W

This is a uni­ver­sal hand mix­er adapt­ed for uni­ver­sal use — on a sta­tion­ary plat­form with a bowl rotat­ing around its axis or sep­a­rate­ly from the plat­form, man­u­al­ly. This is con­ve­nient, since man­u­al mode is often more con­ve­nient for cook­ing small vol­umes of dish­es.

The MFQ 2600W mod­el is equipped with a reli­able 375 W elec­tric motor, which is enough to rotate the noz­zles and the bowl. This mix­er is used for knead­ing and whip­ping var­i­ous prod­ucts, as well as for quick prepa­ra­tion of a small amount of unleav­ened or yeast dough, up to about 600 grams.

The man­u­fac­tur­er has pro­vid­ed 4 modes of noz­zle rota­tion speed. You can set the desired speed with a sim­ple move­ment of the thumb of the work­ing hand. And to cre­ate max­i­mum rota­tion speed at max­i­mum pow­er, Tur­bo mode is set with a sep­a­rate but­ton for it.

There is also a spe­cial but­ton on the mix­er body for detach­ing the noz­zles. All remov­able parts of the device are dish­wash­er safe. The mix­er has a ded­i­cat­ed cord stor­age for easy stor­age.

The body of the mix­er and a large bowl with a vol­ume of 3 liters are made of durable plas­tic, which will pro­tect the device from acci­den­tal impacts. Plas­tic does not con­tain harm­ful sub­stances, envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly and safe for health.

From the review of a Yandex.Market user with the sta­tus “Ver­i­fied user”: “The mix­er kneads all prod­ucts. There is enough pow­er even for the thick­est dough. And work­ing at high speed does not over­heat.


  • pow­er;
  • durable case;
  • ver­sa­tile in use;
  • Tur­bo mode;
  • large rotat­ing bowl;
  • cord com­part­ment


  • few speeds.

Bosch MFQ 36460

Rat­ing: 4.9

Bosch MFQ 36460

And in con­clu­sion, anoth­er inter­est­ing mix­er man­u­fac­tured by Bosch. This is a stan­dard mix­er with the pos­si­bil­i­ty of sta­tion­ary use. The kit includes two beat­ers and two hooks for knead­ing the dough. The device is equipped with five speed modes, as well as a Tur­bo mode, which allows you to start the max­i­mum rota­tion speed for a short time.

Despite its com­pact size, the motor pow­er of the MFQ 36460 is 450 W, which is con­sid­ered a good indi­ca­tor for such a mix­er. When work­ing at low speeds, this mod­el prac­ti­cal­ly does not make noise, but “at max­i­mum speeds” the noise can already cause dis­com­fort.

This device can be used free­ing hands from the mix­er while beat­ing prod­ucts, which is impor­tant if you need to add addi­tion­al ingre­di­ents to the bowl. And the swiv­el design of the plas­tic bowl with a vol­ume of 3 kg, which rotates simul­ta­ne­ous­ly with whisks and hooks, con­tributes to a thor­ough mix­ing of the con­tents.

This mix­er can be used sep­a­rate­ly from the stan­dard bowl, which is very con­ve­nient when whip­ping small vol­umes. The speed mode switch of the mod­el is installed on the han­dle with Soft Touch coat­ing, which con­tributes to a reli­able and com­fort­able grip when using the device as a hand mix­er. In addi­tion, using a spe­cial but­ton, you can detach the attach­ments from the mix­er, for clean­ing and wash­ing acces­sories.

From a review by a ver­i­fied user on IRec­om­mend: “The mix­er runs qui­et­ly and smooth­ly. Whisks eas­i­ly reach the bot­tom of the bowl.


  • large bowl for whisk­ing:
  • can be used as a stand mix­er;
  • pow­er­ful motor;
  • Tur­bo mode;
  • Soft Touch coat­ed han­dle.


  • lack of a blender attach­ment;
  • noisy at high speeds.

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