15 Best Home Coffee Grinders

  1. High-pro­file brands such as Bosch and De’­Longhi need no intro­duc­tion. We only recall that the first brand is Ger­man, and the sec­ond is Ital­ian. The pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties of both are scat­tered around the world (glob­al­iza­tion), but in gen­er­al, the qual­i­ty always cor­re­sponds to the class of equip­ment pro­duced.
  2. The own­er of the Nivona brand is the rel­a­tive­ly young Ger­man com­pa­ny NIVONA Appa­rate GmbH, which entered the mar­ket in 2005. Its advan­tage is a nar­row spe­cial­iza­tion in the pro­duc­tion of cof­fee machines and relat­ed prod­ucts. The equip­ment is assem­bled at fac­to­ries in Switzer­land, Por­tu­gal and Chi­na.
  3. The Span­ish com­pa­ny Cunill with more than half a cen­tu­ry of his­to­ry is even more high­ly spe­cial­ized than Nivona. It pro­duces strict­ly cof­fee grinders and acces­sories for them. This is an indis­putable plus, but for the most part this tech­nique is close to pro­fes­sion­al and often very expen­sive. Prod­ucts are made in Spain.
  4. The Caso brand was cre­at­ed in 2003 by the Ger­man com­pa­ny Brauk­mann GmbH. All equip­ment under this name is made in Chi­na, but the char­ac­ter­is­tics and reviews are most­ly pos­i­tive.
  5. Rom­mels­bach­er is a sol­id Ger­man brand with a deep, almost cen­tu­ry-old his­to­ry. Small appli­ances such as cof­fee grinders are made in Turkey and Chi­na.
  6. The Ger­man trade­mark Profi­Cook belongs to the well-known hold­ing Cla­tron­ic Group. These are house­hold appli­ances for the mass con­sumer, not dis­tin­guished for the most part by pre­mi­um qual­i­ty. But it is inex­pen­sive and well worth the mon­ey. Pro­duced in Chi­na.
  7. Sil­am­pos is a Por­tuguese man­u­fac­tur­er of stain­less steel cook­ware. Entered the mar­ket in 1951 as a fam­i­ly busi­ness. Now Sil­am­pos prod­ucts have real fans around the world and belong to the pre­mi­um class, clos­er to the elite. Prices are appro­pri­ate. Man­u­al cof­fee grinders are pro­duced at the Sil­am­pos fac­to­ry in Por­tu­gal.

Now we are mov­ing from “for­eign­ers” to Russ­ian brands.

  1. VITEK is a well-known and even famil­iar to our cus­tomer trade­mark, owned by the Russ­ian com­pa­ny Gold­er Elec­tron­ics. Refers to the mid­dle and low­er price seg­ment. One of the best-sell­ing brands of home appli­ances in the Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion — accord­ing to Gallup Media, every third Russ­ian fam­i­ly has prod­ucts of this brand. Pro­duced in Chi­na on a con­tract basis from OEM / ODM com­pa­nies.
  2. Mik­ma is a trade­mark of small house­hold appli­ances of the Mikro­mashina plant (Moscow). One of the old­est Russ­ian indus­tri­al enter­pris­es. Posi­tioned as a domes­tic man­u­fac­tur­er, but there is a share of crafti­ness here — the engines in Mik­ma cof­fee grinders are Chi­nese. It is pos­si­ble that oth­er parts are too, since “Made in Chi­na” is clear­ly writ­ten only on the engine.
  3. ViTESSE is a com­plete­ly Russ­ian brand, which for a long time dili­gent­ly dis­guised itself as French, until the Fed­er­al Anti­mo­nop­oly Ser­vice became inter­est­ed in this cir­cum­stance. Now there are no direct state­ments about the French ori­gin of ViTESSE equip­ment on the offi­cial web­site, but the “tricks” with attrib­ut­es and posi­tion­ing have remained. By itself, the equip­ment of this brand is quite good, afford­able, and ful­ly com­plies with the stan­dards and require­ments of Rospotreb­nad­zor.

Rating of the best coffee grinders

Best Electric Rotary Coffee Grinders

Let’s con­sid­er the first nom­i­na­tion of our rat­ing of cof­fee milk of the sim­plest type — rota­tion­al. The prin­ci­ple of grind­ing here is the rapid (+/- 3000 rpm) rota­tion of a spe­cial­ly designed two- or four-sided knife, which breaks and crush­es the grains to the small­est frac­tions. Blenders work the same way. The degree of grind­ing in such devices is con­trolled by the pro­cess­ing time in com­bi­na­tion with visu­al obser­va­tion of the con­tents of the cham­ber through a trans­par­ent cov­er. The uni­for­mi­ty of grind­ing in rotary cof­fee grinders for the most part is not ide­al, but they are much cheap­er in mass than mill­stones. From the widest offer of the mar­ket, our spe­cial­ists have iden­ti­fied the fol­low­ing mod­els: Bosch MKM 6000 (6003), Mik­ma EKMU IP-30, De’­Longhi KG 49, Profi­Cook PC-KSW 1021 and Caso Cof­fee Fla­vor.

Bosch MKM 6000/6003

Rat­ing: 4.9

Bosch MKM 6000/6003

Ger­man cof­fee grinders Bosch mod­els MKM 6000 and 6003 are man­u­fac­tured at Bosch’s own pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties in Slove­nia. This is a com­pact device, made in a typ­i­cal cylin­dri­cal form fac­tor for such cof­fee grinders. Pow­er con­sump­tion — 180 watts. Avail­able in two col­ors: white — series 6000 and black — series 6003.

The capac­i­ty of the bean bowl is 75 g. The bot­tom of the bowl is made at an angle — thanks to this, it is pos­si­ble to avoid stick­ing of large frac­tions to the walls of the bowl and lid, there­by achiev­ing max­i­mum grind­ing uni­for­mi­ty. For the same rea­son, there is no need to shake the grinder dur­ing oper­a­tion — in devices with a flat bot­tom, this must be done con­stant­ly.

The cof­fee grinder can only be oper­at­ed when the lid is com­plete­ly closed — only in this posi­tion it becomes pos­si­ble to press the pow­er but­ton. Not all users like this solu­tion, since the but­ton and, accord­ing­ly, the cov­er must be held by hand all the time.

Knives in Bosch MKM 6000/6003 are made of stain­less steel, but the seat is plas­tic, and accord­ing to numer­ous reviews, this is one of the weak­est points of this mod­el. The dis­ad­van­tage is com­pen­sat­ed by a 24-month war­ran­ty from the man­u­fac­tur­er.


  • Euro­pean assem­bly;
  • qual­i­ty mate­ri­als;
  • rel­a­tive­ly uni­form grind­ing;
  • cute design;


  • fragili­ty of knife fas­ten­ing;
  • retractable cord.

Mikma EKMU IP-30

Rat­ing: 4.8

Mikma EKMU IP-30

Mik­ma EKMU IP-30 is a Russ­ian-made cof­fee grinder, but with Chi­nese spare parts (at least an engine) takes sec­ond place in our rat­ing. Pow­er con­sump­tion is 115 watts. The device weighs 730 g. The shape — the most com­mon for this class of devices — is cylin­dri­cal, but the start­ing prin­ci­ple is some­what dif­fer­ent.

In the Mik­ma EKMU IP-30 cof­fee grinder, unlike the pre­vi­ous mod­el, the start but­ton is placed on the body, but the engine will still start only when the lid is tight­ly fixed, and here it will no longer need to be held by hand.

Many users do not like the mod­est capac­i­ty of the bowl — only 30 g, but this mod­el is much qui­eter than the same Bosch MKM 6000/6003. Pulse mode pro­tects the device from over­heat­ing. The mech­a­nism for tak­ing the cord inside the case is not pro­vid­ed, as in the pre­vi­ous mod­el.


  • qual­i­ty mate­ri­als and assem­bly;
  • thick-walled cov­er and its reli­able fix­a­tion;
  • pulse mode;
  • qui­et work;
  • pro­tec­tion against inclu­sion at the removed or insuf­fi­cient­ly fixed cov­er;


  • small max­i­mum dose of a sin­gle grind­ing;
  • non-retractable cord;
  • not suit­able for grind­ing spices and sug­ar;

See also: 7 best veg­etable cut­ters

De’Longhi KG 49

Rat­ing: 4.7

De'Longhi KG 49

The Ital­ian cof­fee grinder De’­Longhi KG 49 has sig­nif­i­cant dif­fer­ences from the two mod­els described above. This is a dis­tinct­ly high­er class and advanced func­tion­al­i­ty. Buy­ers pri­mar­i­ly appre­ci­ate the design of the device and rel­a­tive­ly qui­et oper­a­tion. A spe­cial “thank you” is expressed to the man­u­fac­tur­er for hav­ing a device for wind­ing the pow­er cord.

The dimen­sions of the device are 15x25x13 cm, and the weight is 800 g. The capac­i­ty of the bowl is quite decent — 90 g. The pack­age includes a spe­cial brush for clean­ing the bowl.

The De’­Longhi KG 49 has a dos­ing device to accu­rate­ly cal­cu­late the amount of grind per cup. It also has a timer and grind indi­ca­tor, but buy­ers almost unan­i­mous­ly qual­i­fy these fea­tures as use­less, which only add val­ue to the cof­fee grinder.

As for the qual­i­ty of grind­ing, the sit­u­a­tion here is ambigu­ous. On the one hand, the uni­for­mi­ty of grind­ing approach­es burr cof­fee grinders, but at the same time, for many, this result is unsta­ble and varies from por­tion to por­tion.

Per­haps the most notice­able draw­back is the crit­i­cal short­age of spare parts, which makes this mod­el prac­ti­cal­ly unre­pairable. And there is some­thing to break in it — the knife axis fix­ing ring is made of plas­tic, and due to the con­stant expo­sure to high tem­per­a­tures and mechan­i­cal loads, it can “crum­ble” already in the first year of oper­a­tion.

Prices: 3021 — 5990 rubles.


  • Beau­ti­ful design;
  • rel­a­tive­ly qui­et oper­a­tion;
  • clean­ing brush includ­ed;
  • cord winder;


  • use­less fea­tures that increase the cost;
  • unjus­ti­fied price;
  • ques­tion­able dura­bil­i­ty;
  • unsta­ble grind­ing;
  • prob­lems with spare parts dur­ing repairs;

ProfiCook PC-KSW 1021

Rat­ing: 4.7

ProfiCook PC-KSW 1021

The Ger­man cof­fee grinder Profi­Cook PC-KSW 1021 is made in Chi­na. It has a lacon­ic yet styl­ish design. A stain­less steel met­al case is also a rel­a­tive rar­i­ty among cof­fee grinders of this class. The fea­tures and func­tion­al­i­ty of this mod­el look very good against the back­drop of an afford­able price. A lit­tle more about this.

The pow­er of the device is 200 watts. The bowl holds up to 85 g of cof­fee beans. The engine is start­ed by press­ing the cov­er itself, that is, the pro­tec­tion against start­ing in the open is imple­ment­ed very ele­gant­ly. The pulse mode saves the grinder from over­heat­ing, but many users do not like the fre­quent oper­a­tion of the pro­tec­tion. The case has a cord winder.

The most indis­putable advan­tage of this mod­el is the pres­ence of two remov­able bowls with dif­fer­ent knives: with two and four blades. The first is used for grind­ing cof­fee, the sec­ond — for grind­ing nuts, herbs, spices.

The Profi­Cook PC-KSW 1021 mod­el is cov­ered by an offi­cial man­u­fac­tur­er’s war­ran­ty for a peri­od of 24 months.


  • attrac­tive design;
  • uni­ver­sal­i­ty;
  • over­heat pro­tec­tion;
  • met­al case;


  • noisy;
  • heats up quick­ly before the pro­tec­tion trips.

Caso Coffee Flavor

Rat­ing: 4.7

Caso Coffee Flavor

The Caso Cof­fee Fla­vor cof­fee mak­er is made in Chi­na, but under the patron­age and qual­i­ty con­trol of a Ger­man com­pa­ny. This is to some extent a “cousin” of the above mod­el Profi­Cook PC-KSW 1021. Here, in the same way, the case is made of stain­less steel with mat­te pol­ish­ing and very sim­i­lar func­tion­al­i­ty.

The pow­er of the device is 200 W, the vol­ume of the bowl can hold 90 g of cof­fee beans. The lin­ear dimen­sions are 20.5x10.7x10.7 cm, and the weight is 950 g. The bowl, like the body, is made of stain­less steel. A pulse mode is imple­ment­ed to pro­tect against over­heat­ing. There is a cord winder.

This mod­el, just like the Profi­Cook PC-KSW 1021, is capa­ble of not only grind­ing cof­fee, but also grind­ing spices, herbs and nuts. The only dif­fer­ence is that in this mod­el the same bowl with a dou­ble-sided knife is used for this.

Like the pre­vi­ous mod­el, the PC-KSW 1021 comes with a 24-month man­u­fac­tur­er’s war­ran­ty.


  • attrac­tive design;
  • pulse mode;
  • com­part­ment for cable wind­ing;
  • mul­ti­pur­pose;


  • not expressed.

The best inexpensive coffee grinders with burrs

We turn to a review of anoth­er, more advanced cat­e­go­ry of cof­fee grinders, in which mill­stones per­form the direct func­tion of grind­ing. First, it is also the most impor­tant advan­tage of such cof­fee grinders over rotary ones — it is almost guar­an­teed uni­for­mi­ty of grind­ing. On aver­age, cof­fee grinders of this type are more expen­sive than rotary grinders, and sig­nif­i­cant­ly.

Kitfort KT-717

Rat­ing: 4.6

Kitfort KT-717

The Kit­fort KT-717 cof­fee grinder with a plas­tic case and met­al burrs is the best solu­tion for home use, besides, the device is inex­pen­sive and not trou­ble­some to use. The grind­ing size is adjustable, but, judg­ing by the reviews, you won’t have to rely on a very fine pow­der, nev­er­the­less, the degree of grind­ing is suit­able for Turks and cof­fee machines. The receiv­ing trans­par­ent com­part­ment is designed for 230 gr. grains, a tank for ground prod­uct — 100 gr. Kit­fort KT-717 can work con­tin­u­ous­ly for no more than 5 min­utes, but this time is usu­al­ly enough to pre­pare a large por­tion of the pow­der. Longer one-time oper­a­tion is fraught with over­heat­ing of the device, but in this case there is a pro­tec­tive ther­mo­stat in the sys­tem — in case of crit­i­cal heat­ing, it will turn off the motor auto­mat­i­cal­ly. By the way, if the cof­fee grinder is assem­bled incor­rect­ly, for exam­ple, with­out con­tain­ers installed, it will not be pos­si­ble to turn it on.

To clean the mill­stones, a spe­cial brush is pro­vid­ed in the kit. Dur­ing oper­a­tion, the device does not trav­el on the table thanks to rub­ber­ized legs. The motor of the device is designed for 800 W, the length of the cord is suf­fi­cient — 98 cm. There is an indi­ca­tor of the cof­fee grinder oper­a­tion on the pan­el.


  • trans­par­ent con­tain­ers for grains and ground prod­uct;
  • grind­ing fine­ness adjust­ment;
  • auto­mat­ic shut­down when heat­ed;
  • avail­able in many hard­ware stores.


  • there is no the finest grind­ing;
  • a slight escape of ground cof­fee was not­ed.

Vitek VT-7129

Rat­ing: 4.5

Vitek VT-7129

Com­pact cof­fee grinder Vitek VT-7129 with met­al burrs and a plas­tic case, accord­ing to users, is almost an ide­al solu­tion for home use. It grinds cof­fee beans and spices quick­ly and effi­cient­ly. The vol­ume of the bean box is 240 gr., the receiv­ing box is 140 gr. On the device pan­el there is an oper­a­tion indi­ca­tor and a rotary wheel that reg­u­lates the degree of grind­ing from very fine pow­der to large gran­ules. The cof­fee grinder copes with the task per­fect­ly even at a pow­er of 150 watts.

The burr and con­tain­er can be eas­i­ly removed for clean­ing, but there are no main­te­nance acces­sories includ­ed. A meter pow­er cord is suf­fi­cient for con­ve­nient oper­a­tion of the device, and rub­ber­ized feet will pre­vent the cof­fee grinder from slid­ing on the coun­ter­top. By the way, users note that Vitek VT-7129 does not buzz and vibrate much, and this is a plus.


  • grind­ing degree adjust­ment;
  • there is an indi­ca­tor of work;
  • con­ve­nient device dis­as­sem­bly and clean­ing;
  • over­heat pro­tec­tion.


  • no care acces­sories includ­ed.

Rating of the best coffee grinders in terms of price-quality ratio

And now, in order to ful­ly cov­er the seg­ment of cof­fee grinders for home use, we need to go beyond the low­er price seg­ment. Our experts con­sid­ered the fol­low­ing mod­els to be opti­mal in terms of a com­bi­na­tion of rea­son­able price, qual­i­ty char­ac­ter­is­tics and nec­es­sary func­tion­al­i­ty: Rom­mels­bach­er EKM 300, Nivona NICG 130 Cafe­Gra­no and Cunill Brasil. These mod­els are already sig­nif­i­cant­ly more expen­sive than any of the above, and in terms of func­tion­al­i­ty they are almost on the upper bor­der of “home” cof­fee grinders. Every­thing above is already pro­fes­sion­al equip­ment, or cof­fee grinders for cater­ing estab­lish­ments.

Rommelsbacher EKM 300

Rat­ing: 4.9

Rommelsbacher EKM 300

And again, this famous Ger­man brand sounds in our review. The Rom­mels­bach­er EKM 300 cof­fee grinder with dimen­sions of 14x29.5x18.5 cm is char­ac­ter­ized by an impres­sive capac­i­ty of the bean con­tain­er — 220 g. The capac­i­ty of the cham­ber for ground cof­fee is 120 g.

The mod­el is equipped with a dis­penser and a grind­ing degree reg­u­la­tor. The adjust­ment is quite sub­tle — as many as 12 degrees. The dis­penser is designed for the num­ber of serv­ings up to 10. The cof­fee grinder is sup­plied with a spe­cial brush for clean­ing the inter­nal sur­faces.

The pow­er con­sump­tion of the Rom­mels­bach­er EKM 300 is 150 watts. Users high­ly appre­ci­ate the long-term con­tin­u­ous oper­a­tion and high per­for­mance of this mod­el. Even the cord received spe­cial praise — its length is 1.4 m — this is a rar­i­ty. As a rule, the cords of cof­fee grinders are twice as short. The case has a cable winder.

Against the back­ground of gen­er­al­ly favor­able reviews about this cof­fee grinder, com­plaints about noise slip through, which is often tir­ing when mak­ing cof­fee for a large fam­i­ly.


  • attrac­tive design;
  • capac­i­ty;
  • high per­for­mance;
  • qual­i­ty assem­bly;

Nivona NICG 130 CafeGrano

Rat­ing: 4.8

Nivona NICG 130 CafeGrano

The Ger­man cof­fee grinder Nivona NICG 130 Cafe­Gra­no is made in Chi­na, but the head office close­ly mon­i­tors qual­i­ty, so there are no com­plaints about mate­ri­als and assem­bly.

The mod­el is quite orig­i­nal and pleas­ant to users with its con­ve­nience. So, for exam­ple, many peo­ple appre­ci­ate it because you can grind cof­fee direct­ly into the horn of the cof­fee mak­er. A dis­tance of 58 mm allows you to almost snug­ly fit the horn from most mod­els. The vol­ume of the bean com­part­ment is 200 g. Both bean and ground cof­fee con­tain­ers have trans­par­ent walls.

The cof­fee grinder con­sumes 100 watts in oper­a­tion. This mod­el has 4 main grind­ing lev­els, each of which is fur­ther divid­ed into 4, that is, in total there are 16 lev­els. The built-in timer can be used to con­trol the vol­ume pro­duced.

Many users appre­ci­ate such a seem­ing­ly small detail — the ground cof­fee does not wake up when the con­tain­er is removed, as is usu­al­ly the case with many oth­er cof­fee grinders.

There is, how­ev­er, a draw­back in this grinder — with min­i­mal grind­ing, the pas­sage into the stor­age tank can clog, and it has to be cleaned man­u­al­ly.


  • qual­i­ty mate­ri­als;
  • rel­a­tive­ly qui­et oper­a­tion;
  • you can grind direct­ly into the horn;
  • con­i­cal mill­stones;


  • plas­tic case;
  • clogged at the small­est grinds.

See also: 6 best yogurt mak­ers

Rommelsbacher EKM 200

Rat­ing: 4.8

Rommelsbacher EKM 200

The Rom­mels­bach­er EKM 200 burr grinder grinds up to 250 grams of grains (or spices) at a time. It has an ergonom­ic com­pact appear­ance, a strong body and trans­par­ent con­tain­ers, through the walls of which it is con­ve­nient to mon­i­tor the amount of con­sumed and received prod­ucts. at one time the device grinds up to 250 gr. grains or spices, in por­tions — from 2 to 12, which is a lot with a motor pow­er of 110 watts. Con­tain­ers from the cof­fee grinder are eas­i­ly removed and installed back.

In gen­er­al, the Rom­mels­bach­er EKM 200 device has 9 degrees of grain grind­ing. Ques­tions from users arise to the small­est — ide­al­ly fine grind­ing still does not work. Some crafts­men have fig­ured out how to fix the defect — they dis­as­sem­ble the device and man­u­al­ly set the desired size. How­ev­er, these actions will lead to the loss of war­ran­ty after pur­chase, this must be tak­en into account. The device itself is quite weighty — 2 kg, which is part­ly why it does not move around the table dur­ing oper­a­tion. Rom­mels­bach­er EKM 200 also has a cord rewind func­tion.


  • 9 degrees of grind­ing;
  • com­pact appear­ance and sta­ble design;
  • cord twist­ing;
  • rel­a­tive­ly qui­et mod­el.


  • requires man­u­al fine-tun­ing through dis­as­sem­bly of the device.

Caso Barista Flavor

Rat­ing: 4.7

Caso Barista Flavor

In the price-qual­i­ty ratio, the Caso Barista Fla­vor cof­fee grinder takes an hon­or­able third place. The chop­ping com­po­nent is a rotary knife dri­ven by a 150 W motor, also in pulsed mode. The pro­duc­tiv­i­ty of the device is 1 kg of grains per hour, the speed of rota­tion of the knife is up to 3000 rev­o­lu­tions in 60 sec­onds. This per­for­mance allows you to grind grains with dif­fer­ent degrees of fine­ness (15 modes), includ­ing to the finest pow­der. The top com­part­ment holds up to 300 gr. grains, receiv­ing — up to 150 gr. pow­der.

The cord of the device with a length of 80 cm basi­cal­ly does not raise ques­tions, it is quite enough for con­ve­nient oper­a­tion of the cof­fee machine, a nice bonus is the wind­ing of the wire. The mill­stones are made of stain­less steel and are easy to clean, as are the whole grain and ground grain con­tain­ers. The body of the cof­fee grinder is rel­a­tive­ly light — only 740 gr., The legs are rub­ber­ized, so that the device does not ride on the coun­ter­top. On the pan­el next to the grind­ing degree reg­u­la­tor there is an indi­ca­tor for turn­ing on the machine, and the sys­tem also pro­vides pro­tec­tion against acci­den­tal acti­va­tion and auto­mat­ic shut­down in case of over­heat­ing.


  • 15 grind­ing modes, includ­ing the finest;
  • Light­weight yet durable con­struc­tion
  • Pow­er indi­ca­tor and thought­ful secu­ri­ty sys­tem;
  • Large bean con­tain­er;
  • Good per­for­mance.


  • Insignif­i­cant spillage of grains past the con­tain­er when it is loose­ly installed.

Cunill Brazil

Rat­ing: 4.6

Cunill Brazil

This is exact­ly the mod­el that was men­tioned as the upper lim­it of the norm for home house­hold cof­fee grinders. Con­sid­er­ing its pow­er — 280 W, the capac­i­ty of the com­part­ment for raw mate­ri­als — 1000 g, the per­mis­si­ble time of con­tin­u­ous oper­a­tion — 30 min­utes, the pro­duc­tiv­i­ty — 11 kg / h and the cost, Cunill Brasil can even be con­sid­ered rather semi-pro­fes­sion­al equip­ment. It was decid­ed with great reserve to include it in the review of house­hold cof­fee grinders only as a com­pro­mise for those cas­es when it comes to mak­ing cof­fee for a real­ly large fam­i­ly of sev­er­al gen­er­a­tions, or for a medi­um-sized com­mu­ni­ty.

The dimen­sions of the device are 21x45x36 cm. The cof­fee grinder con­tains a dis­penser and a tam­per, it has an effec­tive over­heat­ing pro­tec­tion sys­tem. The dis­penser is her­met­i­cal­ly sealed so that the aro­ma of cof­fee is not lost for a long time.

Cunill Brasil is char­ac­ter­ized by spe­cial ergonom­ics — it is notice­able that the engi­neers have thought through every­thing to the small­est detail. The han­dle is very com­fort­able, the cof­fee tank is eas­i­ly and quick­ly fixed, the dis­penser lever can be mount­ed both on the left and on the right.

The case is made of plas­tic, which caus­es crit­i­cism from some users. But the cof­fee bean tank is made of unbreak­able mate­r­i­al. The cof­fee con­tain­er can be washed in the dish­wash­er.

Also, some buy­ers are dis­sat­is­fied with the high noise lev­el of this mod­el, but giv­en its empha­sis on pro­fes­sion­al use, the claim can be con­sid­ered not entire­ly jus­ti­fied. The same goes for nit-pick­ing the form fac­tor of mill­stones. In Cunill Brasil, they are flat, not con­i­cal, but in the pur­suit of uni­form grind­ing, flat burrs out­per­form con­i­cal burrs.


  • qual­i­ty assem­bly;
  • over­heat pro­tec­tion;
  • long allow­able time of con­tin­u­ous oper­a­tion;
  • impec­ca­ble grind­ing uni­for­mi­ty;
  • wide func­tion­al­i­ty;
  • high per­for­mance;


  • noisy;
  • high price;
  • plas­tic case;
  • flat mill­stones;

Rating of the best manual burr grinders

And as a “cher­ry on the cake” con­sid­er two mod­els of man­u­al burr cof­fee grinders. Our experts have select­ed these items accord­ing to a sim­ple prin­ci­ple: the best among the expen­sive ones and the best among the cheap ones. The favorites were Sil­am­pos Stel­lar and Vitesse VS-1680.

Silampos Stellar

Rat­ing: 4.9

Silampos Stellar

Already in the very name of this mod­el of a man­u­al cof­fee grinder, its “star­dom” (Stel­lar) is laid down, which, how­ev­er, is quite deserved. Every­thing here is top notch. The thick-walled (0.7 mm) case, like all oth­er exter­nal parts, is made of the so-called med­ical or sur­gi­cal steel with a high con­tent of chromi­um and nick­el (18 and 10%, respec­tive­ly). Such an alloy is char­ac­ter­ized by excep­tion­al strength, a van­ish­ing­ly small num­ber of micro­p­ores, com­plete resis­tance to cor­ro­sion and dete­ri­o­ra­tion under the influ­ence of the vast major­i­ty of aggres­sive chem­i­cals.

The cof­fee grinder weighs 0.62 kg, its height is 18 cm. Due to the mir­ror pol­ished sur­face, Sil­am­pos Stel­lar stands out bright­ly in the inte­ri­or of the kitchen, even against the back­ground of any oth­er met­al sur­faces. The degree of grind­ing is reg­u­lat­ed by a spe­cial screw.

Equipped inside with a spe­cial met­al disc Impact Disc at the bot­tom as much as 6.5 mm thick. The man­u­fac­tur­er’s war­ran­ty on the body and bot­tom is an unprece­dent­ed 25 years for house­hold appli­ances!

The cof­fee grinder can be washed in dish­wash­ers of any type, but with­out the use of abra­sives. The set includes a spe­cial cof­fee spoon made of the same mir­ror-pol­ished met­al.


  • high ergonom­ics;
  • beau­ti­ful appear­ance;
  • pre­mi­um class;
  • decades of war­ran­ty;


  • exor­bi­tant price.

Vitesse VS-1680

Rat­ing: 4.8

Vitesse VS-1680

The cof­fee grinder of the Russ­ian trade­mark Vitesse VS-1680 is made in Chi­na. It weighs 917 g and has an attrac­tive clas­sic design with a pre­dom­i­nance of nat­ur­al wood in the body mate­ri­als.

The work­ing mech­a­nism is made of ceram­ic-met­al ele­ments. The degree of grind­ing is eas­i­ly adjustable from the finest to the coars­est. The ground cof­fee is poured into a retractable wood­en mini-box at the bot­tom.

Many buy­ers note that in order for the grind­ing reg­u­la­tor to work ade­quate­ly, it is nec­es­sary to slight­ly riv­et the han­dle and lubri­cate all parts of the reg­u­la­tor. This is far from the only case when a cof­fee grinder needs such man­u­al tun­ing to achieve the desired degree of grind­ing. But these tem­po­rary incon­ve­niences are com­pen­sat­ed by the afford­able price and the sub­se­quent long work with­out unpleas­ant sur­pris­es.

Some users note that the receiv­ing slot in the mill­stone is too nar­row, they say, not every grain will go into it, but such reviews are extreme­ly rare.


  • clas­sic design;
  • uni­form grind­ing;
  • dura­bil­i­ty;
  • qual­i­ty mate­ri­als;


  • nar­row receiv­ing gap in the mill­stone;
  • requires refine­ment.

See also: 8 best sand­wich mak­ers

Gutenberg “Terra Antica”

Rat­ing: 4.7

Gutenberg "Terra antique"

The body of the Guten­berg “Ter­ra Anti­ca” man­u­al cof­fee grinder is made of hevea wood, inside of which a met­al l‑shaped mill­stone is hid­den. With its help, a fra­grant cof­fee pow­der of per­fect grind­ing is obtained, more even­ly than in many elec­tric mod­els. In Guten­berg “Ter­ra Anti­ca”, by the way, the mech­a­nism of rota­tion and fas­ten­ing of the mill­stones is quite strong — they do not break (at least there are no reviews with this draw­back), unlike iden­ti­cal inex­pen­sive cof­fee grinders.


  • inter­est­ing design;
  • reli­able inter­nal mech­a­nism;
  • uni­form grind­ing of grains.


  • not defined.

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Atten­tion! This rat­ing is sub­jec­tive, is not an adver­tise­ment and does not serve as a pur­chase guide. Before buy­ing, you need to con­sult with a spe­cial­ist.







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