6 best hams — Rating 2022

But the choice on the ham mar­ket is wide — how to find a mod­el that will be as con­ve­nient and easy to use as pos­si­ble? Exper­tol­ogy has made it easy for you to choose by find­ing the most suc­cess­ful devices among oth­ers.

How to choose a ham

Even such a sim­ple device is impor­tant to choose the right one depend­ing on your desires and needs. When search­ing, we rec­om­mend pay­ing atten­tion to the fol­low­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics of mod­els.

  1. The form. You can find on sale hams of square or round sec­tion. The choice of form depends only on what form of ham you pre­fer. It does not affect the taste or ease of cook­ing.
  2. Vol­ume. Mea­sured in liters, the actu­al load in kilo­grams varies depend­ing on the den­si­ty of the meat or minced meat. We rec­om­mend that you esti­mate the approx­i­mate con­sump­tion of ham / sausage in your fam­i­ly and take the mod­el “by size”. The stan­dard vol­ume is con­sid­ered to be up to 1.5 liters of the fin­ished prod­uct.
  3. Hous­ing mate­r­i­al. The most ver­sa­tile will be stain­less steel, from which most mod­els are made. It allows you to cook not only on water, but also in the oven. It will also give you the oppor­tu­ni­ty not to wor­ry about quick spoilage or the release of harm­ful sub­stances into the fin­ished prod­uct. There are also plas­tic mod­els — they are more con­ve­nient, but not suit­able for every­one.
  4. Dimen­sions. Most stan­dard ham mak­ers have dimen­sions of 11x11x17 cen­time­ters. But it is bet­ter to select a mod­el in such a way that it fits com­plete­ly into the intend­ed cook­ing uten­sils (pot or mul­ti­cook­er bowl).

By the way, we rec­om­mend using a ham mak­er for cook­ing in a slow cook­er — it’s much eas­i­er than try­ing to with­stand a tem­per­a­ture of 75–85 ° C in a stan­dard pan or oven. But if you wish, you can cook deli­cious ham on any­thing, the main thing is not to over­heat the meat, oth­er­wise you will get a pressed chopped cut­let instead of a del­i­ca­cy.

Rating of the best hams

TESCOMA Presto 420866 with thermometer

Rat­ing: 4.9


A very con­ve­nient ham mak­er with a good press and a rel­a­tive­ly high cost (up to 3,000 rubles). It gives out up to 1.4 kilo­grams of deli­cious del­i­ca­cies. Allows you not to wor­ry about the juici­ness of the fin­ished dish: the prod­uct com­part­ment has no holes, so there is no need to use foil or a bak­ing sleeve. Excess liq­uid will accu­mu­late above the press, and after cook­ing it can be drained. At the same time, the dish will remain juicy and tasty.

The ham is made of food-grade plas­tic. This lim­its its use only to pots and mul­ti­cook­ers, but it sig­nif­i­cant­ly sim­pli­fies main­te­nance and work with it. The lid con­tains a pow­er­ful press. There is no need to pull tight springs on the device — just close it, and a thick spring with a plas­tic plat­form will begin to put pres­sure on the meat itself. The ham mak­er gives out up to 1.4 kilo­grams of the prod­uct. If you need to fill only half the vol­ume, there is a spe­cial noz­zle for the press in the box.

The set includes a remov­able stain­less steel exter­nal ther­mome­ter, which indi­cates the ide­al tem­per­a­ture for cook­ing (from 75 to 85 ° C). It’s nice that it can be removed and used for some­thing else.


  • Ther­mome­ter includ­ed — easy to mon­i­tor the tem­per­a­ture of the water around the device.
  • Con­ve­nient design with a spring in the lid — no need to assem­ble the mod­el for a long time.
  • A pow­er­ful spring on the press — the ham will turn out dense.


  • High price.
  • Plas­tic case — can­not be used in the oven.

See also: 6 best elec­tric grills accord­ing to cus­tomer reviews

Biowin 3 kg

Rat­ing: 4.8

BIOWIN 3 KG.webp

A huge ham mak­er for those who like to cook often and a lot and also eat sausages, pates, hams and much more. It has dimen­sions of 15.7x15.7x18.5 cen­time­ters, so it will not fit in any dish­es. The out­put is up to 3 kilo­grams of the fin­ished prod­uct, which will pro­vide a large fam­i­ly for sev­er­al days.

The ham press is sep­a­rat­ed from the lid and is made in the form of a met­al plate with holes. It is super­im­posed on the raw mate­r­i­al, after which a spring is installed on top and closed with a lid. The design has a hole in the cen­ter for a ther­mome­ter, which allows you to probe the tem­per­a­ture of the cooked prod­uct.

The con­tain­er for raw mate­ri­als has no holes, so there is no need for spe­cial bak­ing bags. The excess liq­uid is squeezed out by the press, and then it is easy to drain it through the hole in the lid.


  • Con­ve­nient design of the press — the pres­sure is even­ly dis­trib­uted over the meat.
  • Large vol­ume of fin­ished prod­uct.


  • Ther­mome­ter not includ­ed.


Rat­ing: 4.7


The ham mak­er, which got into the rat­ing for a suc­cess­ful com­bi­na­tion of con­ve­nience, price and qual­i­ty. Clas­sic uni­ver­sal mod­el with a spring press. At the out­put, you can get up to 1.4 kilo­grams of fra­grant ham. Red­mond cook­ware is slight­ly low­er and thick­er than the oth­ers — its height is only 16.5 cen­time­ters, and its width is 13 cen­time­ters. This makes it ide­al for plac­ing in the mul­ti­cook­er bowl — it will not touch its walls.

The bot­tom of the ham can be set in three posi­tions, depend­ing on the amount of raw mate­ri­als. The mod­el has four springs, due to which the com­pres­sion occurs more even­ly and with­out dis­tor­tions. It is con­ve­nient that they can be hooked to the bot­tom of the case, and not just to the holes in the walls — this will pro­vide a bet­ter press­ing of the prod­uct. Also, this fea­ture will allow you to not ful­ly load the ham and still achieve a dense prod­uct at the exit.

The case, springs and cov­er are processed very high qual­i­ty — there are no uneven and sharp edges that you can acci­den­tal­ly cut your­self on. The cost of the mod­el can reach up to 1900 rubles, but the ease of use pays for the price.


  • Four springs — the pres­sure is more uni­form.
  • Reduced height — more con­ve­nient to place in a slow cook­er.
  • You can change the degree of pres­sure on the prod­uct.

Endever Skyline HM-004

Rat­ing: 4.7


A sim­ple and high-qual­i­ty ham is not with­out flaws. Anoth­er clas­sic mod­el with springs, which is suit­able for cook­ing in any way. After one cycle, you can get up to 1.4 kilo­grams of deli­cious ham from it. The walls are strong and quite thick, which cap­ti­vates. The dimen­sions are stan­dard — 11x11x17 cen­time­ters.

The bot­tom cov­er clas­si­cal­ly has three pro­vi­sions. The top is fixed by three tight springs, which play the role of a press. It is incon­ve­nient that, due to their loca­tion, it is dif­fi­cult to lay the dish on its side — it will require more space in the pan. Also, three springs can uneven­ly press the ham, espe­cial­ly if there is not enough raw mate­r­i­al — there is not enough “pow­er”.

The kit comes with a handy book with ham recipes for every taste — a total of 30 options. It will be a good help for those who have not used ham mak­ers before. In the reviews, buy­ers note that the mod­el is assem­bled sound­ly — there is no raw met­al or gaps. It’s worth the mon­ey and will last a long time.


  • Great recipe book includ­ed.
  • Thick and good qual­i­ty mate­r­i­al.


  • Three springs — it is incon­ve­nient to press the ham, there are dis­tor­tions.
  • If the fill­ing is incom­plete, the springs do not press the ham prop­er­ly.

Also Read: 6 Best Ice Mak­ers

Smile S 302

Rat­ing: 4.6

SMILE S 302-1.webp

This ham is the cheap­est of the for­eign mod­els in our rat­ing. Its pur­chase will cost you only 900 rubles — almost like 2–3 kilo­grams of a decent store-bought ham. Nat­u­ral­ly, such a low price affect­ed the thick­ness of the mate­ri­als — stain­less steel and springs are quite thin and look frag­ile. There­fore, we do not rec­om­mend over­load­ing the ham mak­er with prod­ucts — it can wrin­kle or burst.

The ham mak­er is rel­a­tive­ly small — from it you can get only 1.1 kilo­grams of fin­ished ham at a time. The bot­tom has three posi­tions as stan­dard. The square shape and four pres­sure springs on the lid ensure excel­lent prod­uct com­paction. But it will be prob­lem­at­ic to place the device in a slow cook­er or a small saucepan — it will not lie flat on the bot­tom.

In the reviews, buy­ers note that the shape makes the ham more con­ve­nient for slic­ing. Yes, it looks bet­ter on sand­wich­es. But there is also a draw­back — the met­al is poor­ly processed, which is why the edges turned out to be sharp.


  • Low price.
  • Square sec­tion — ham is more con­ve­nient when prepar­ing sand­wich­es.


  • Sharp edges of the body and cov­er — you can acci­den­tal­ly cut your­self.
  • It is incon­ve­nient to place when cook­ing — it does not lie exact­ly on the bot­tom.


Rat­ing: 4.5


Domes­tic cheap ham, not of high qual­i­ty. Suit­able for you if you want to try cook­ing ham and are afraid to pay big mon­ey for bet­ter mod­els. The mod­el is ide­al for teach­ing “ham cook­ing”: a DVD with a detailed descrip­tion of the process is includ­ed. Even inex­pe­ri­enced users will cope.

The belobok is firm­ly assem­bled from food grade stain­less steel. The dimen­sions of the mod­el (13x13x16.5 cm) make it easy to place it in a five-liter mul­ti­cook­er. The bot­tom has three posi­tions, the top cov­er is fixed by three tight (some­times too tight) springs. At the out­put, you can get up to 1 kilo­gram of the fin­ished prod­uct.

Not with­out sev­er­al short­com­ings. The met­al is poor­ly processed — the edges of the lid and the tips of the springs can cut the skin if they are care­less­ly touched. In addi­tion, the walls and lid are quite thin, which affects dura­bil­i­ty. In the reviews, users write that after some time the “stain­less steel” of Belobok begins to rust lit­tle by lit­tle.


  • DVD instruc­tion includ­ed.


  • Low qual­i­ty stain­less steel — cor­rodes with use.
  • Poor met­al pro­cess­ing — you can cut your­self.

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Total votes: fourrat­ing: 5

Atten­tion! This rat­ing is sub­jec­tive, is not an adver­tise­ment and does not serve as a pur­chase guide. Before buy­ing, you need to con­sult with a spe­cial­ist.







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