How not to get scammed at a big sale


Right now, anoth­er sea­son of big sales is flar­ing up. Tomor­row in Chi­na starts a giant sale of the Sin­gles Day, at the end of Novem­ber we are wait­ing for the tra­di­tion­al Black Fri­day and Cyber ​​Mon­day, and the whole of Decem­ber can be con­sid­ered prepa­ra­tion for the New Year.

Sales are great, but alas, not every­one wants to play by the rules. For exam­ple, on Aliex­press, a sit­u­a­tion is often encoun­tered when the sell­er first makes a large mar­gin on his prod­uct, and then sets a sym­bol­ic dis­count. Thus, against the back­drop of a glob­al sale, the goods are sold not at a reduced price, but, on the con­trary, at an inflat­ed price.

For­tu­nate­ly, there is a use­ful tool to deal with such unscrupu­lous sell­ers. It’s a brows­er exten­sion. Ali­Helper, allows you to find out every­thing you need about the sell­er in one click. The user sees the real rat­ing of the sell­er, and most impor­tant­ly, sees how the price of the prod­uct of inter­est has changed. Thus, the pre-mar­gin and over­pric­ing trick no longer works.

In gen­er­al, we rec­om­mend using the Ali­Helper exten­sion for any pur­chas­es on Aliex­press. But as part of the glob­al sale, this tool will be espe­cial­ly rel­e­vant.







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