How to care for your monitor


The mon­i­tor is an inte­gral part of a desk­top com­put­er. This device must be han­dled with care and care. Con­sid­er how to ensure prop­er care of the prod­uct in order to max­i­mize its ser­vice life.

Screen cleaning

When you use your mon­i­tor, you may notice dust, dirt, and fin­ger­prints on the mon­i­tor that can ruin your enjoy­ment of the prod­uct. To clean the screen, var­i­ous tools are used that are easy to find in com­put­er stores:

  • wet wipes;
  • aerosols;
  • lint-free wipes;
  • gels and foams;
  • microfiber cloths.

Do not use alco­hol-based prod­ucts, win­dow or dish­wash­ing liq­uid. They can dis­solve the anti-glare film on the mon­i­tor. It is not rec­om­mend­ed to wipe the screen with wet san­i­tary nap­kins and sponges with soapy water. They are able to leave stains on the mon­i­tor, which will be dif­fi­cult to remove even with the use of spe­cial tools.

Device cleaning rules

Buy­ing a mon­i­tor and keep­ing it clean is easy. To remove con­t­a­m­i­nants from the prod­uct with­out harm­ing either him or your­self, you should use the fol­low­ing rec­om­men­da­tions:

  1. Unplug the mon­i­tor before clean­ing. This makes it eas­i­er to see dust and traces of dirt. In addi­tion, if you per­form pro­ce­dures with the mon­i­tor turned on, there is a risk of elec­tric shock.
  2. When clean­ing the device, you do not need to spray spe­cial prod­ucts on its body. It is enough to put them on a nap­kin suit­able for the mon­i­tor and use it to car­ry out the nec­es­sary activ­i­ties.
  3. Stub­born dirt should be removed care­ful­ly from the device. In no case is it allowed to press on the screen and use for­eign objects.
  4. Wait for the mon­i­tor to dry com­plete­ly, only then con­nect it to the net­work. This way you can avoid dam­age to the device from mois­ture.

It is not worth wip­ing the mon­i­tor too often, it is enough to do it as it gets dirty. It is opti­mal to car­ry out clean­ing pro­ce­dures 2 times a month.

Monitor Usage Guidelines

To reduce the num­ber of wip­ing and ensure care­ful han­dling of the device, you must fol­low sim­ple rules:

  1. Do not place food or drinks near the screen.
  2. Do not wipe splash­es with your hands. It is worth using the means intend­ed for this. It is bet­ter to clean the dirt imme­di­ate­ly, because after hard­en­ing it is more dif­fi­cult to remove.
  3. Avoid touch­ing the mon­i­tor with your fin­gers.
  4. Use a spe­cial pro­tec­tive film for prod­ucts with touch screens.
  5. Do not place the mon­i­tor near a wall or heat source, oth­er­wise it will over­heat.
  6. Peri­od­i­cal­ly remove dust from the prod­uct. It can cause harm to the health of users, and also accu­mu­late sta­t­ic cur­rent. Under some cir­cum­stances, this can dis­able the equip­ment.

Care­ful care of your mon­i­tor con­tributes to com­fort­able use and extends the life of your mon­i­tor. Using the rec­om­men­da­tions, you can eas­i­ly keep the prod­uct clean and ensure its safe­ty.







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