How to get back the dislike counter on YouTube


YouTube has not yet man­aged to dis­able the dis­like counter for all users, and the crafts­men have already devel­oped a solu­tion for this prob­lem.

Recall that a cou­ple of weeks ago, the YouTube admin­is­tra­tion announced that it would soon turn off the dis­like counter under the video. The dis­like but­ton itself will remain, but only the author of the video will see the num­ber of neg­a­tive reac­tions.

Peo­ple were jus­ti­fi­ably out­raged by this deci­sion. The dis­like counter is an impor­tant infor­ma­tion ele­ment, with­out which the user can­not quick­ly deter­mine the qual­i­ty of the video. This opens up a vast field for click­bait and manip­u­la­tion of pub­lic opin­ion. In this arti­cle, we have detailed why turn­ing off the dis­like counter on Youtube is a very bad idea.

One way or anoth­er, if your dis­likes have already dis­ap­peared, you can return them using a spe­cial brows­er exten­sion, which is called — Return youtube dis­like count (“The return of the YouTube dis­like counter”). The exten­sion works with Chrome and Fire­fox browsers, as well as in the form of a user script. In the future, the devel­op­ers plan to adapt the plu­g­in for oth­er browsers, includ­ing Opera.

Even if your dis­like counter has­n’t turned off yet, it’s only a mat­ter of time. It does­n’t look like the YouTube admin­is­tra­tion plans to change its mind. There­fore, we strong­ly rec­om­mend keep­ing this use­ful exten­sion in mind.







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