5 Viber features that will make your life easier


At the begin­ning of this year, Viber was once again rec­og­nized as the most pop­u­lar appli­ca­tion in Ukraine accord­ing to an inde­pen­dent study by Kan­tar. It is installed on 97.9% of all smart­phones in 2020. Every month, Ukrain­ian users send each oth­er more than 11 mil­lion mes­sages and make about 4 mil­lion calls.

Despite the pop­u­lar­i­ty of the app, it turns out that not all users are aware of some rather inter­est­ing fea­tures of the plat­form. In addi­tion to com­mu­ni­cat­ing through text, voice and video mes­sages, the appli­ca­tion has many oth­er fea­tures that can help you not only stay in touch with fam­i­ly and friends, but will also be use­ful in every­day life. We have com­piled for you 5 Viber fea­tures that you may not know about, but that you will most like­ly like and will be use­ful in every­day life.

Group audio and video calls

In order for all users of the appli­ca­tion to keep in touch with each oth­er dur­ing the pan­dem­ic, Viber has increased the num­ber of pos­si­ble par­tic­i­pants in group audio calls and intro­duced group video calls, where up to 20 peo­ple can com­mu­ni­cate at the same time. The func­tions are absolute­ly free for both the mobile ver­sion of the appli­ca­tion and the com­put­er. They both work and help you keep in touch with friends and fam­i­ly, as well as quick­ly com­plete work tasks in par­al­lel with oth­er users. Group calls will be use­ful for both stu­dents and teach­ers in the new school year, as they allow you to orga­nize the learn­ing process, pro­vide com­mu­ni­ca­tion between stu­dents, teach­ers and par­ents, as well as eas­i­ly coor­di­nate activ­i­ties after calls and meet­ings.

viber for computer

In addi­tion to the mobile ver­sion, Viber also has a desk­top ver­sion. The appli­ca­tion allows you to make high-qual­i­ty video and audio calls, com­mu­ni­cate with oth­er users, regard­less of whether they use the desk­top ver­sion or the mobile Viber appli­ca­tion. Viber for desk­top is sup­port­ed on both Win­dows and Mac. To syn­chro­nize all data with a PC, you need to scan the QR code on your smart­phone and agree to the syn­chro­niza­tion. If you wish, you can choose not to do this and con­tin­ue using Viber.

GIF editor

Anoth­er new fea­ture that came out in 2020 is the GIF edi­tor. In any chat and in the “My notes” sec­tion, Viber users can record a short video in GIF mode by click­ing on the cam­era but­ton at the bot­tom of the chat. It is also pos­si­ble to cre­ate an end­less GIF file from a ready-made video: to do this, you need to select your favorite video in the appli­ca­tion gallery, which is locat­ed at the bot­tom of any chat and My Notes, and switch to edi­tor mode using the pen­cil but­ton. In edi­tor mode, you can choose the for­mat in which your video will be played in the future: as a movie or GIF. How the file will be shown (in the boomerang, reverse, slow down or speed up by 2 or 4 times) is select­ed by the user. It is pos­si­ble to styl­ize a GIF with the help of mul­ti-col­ored inscrip­tions, doo­dles and stick­ers. The fea­ture is ful­ly avail­able on iOS, while its basic ver­sion is avail­able on Android. Lat­er it will be ful­ly avail­able on all plat­forms.

My notes

In the con­stant flow of infor­ma­tion, it is easy to for­get some­thing impor­tant. To solve this prob­lem per­ma­nent­ly, Viber launched the My Notes fea­ture. In a sep­a­rate per­son­al chat, it is easy to save text mes­sages from oth­er users, links, audio, video and media files, as well as cre­ate to-do lists and mark com­plet­ed tasks. Notes are synced across all user devices by default and are easy to use in every­day life. They are the per­fect tool to keep all school assign­ments and tasks in one place for both teach­ers and stu­dents in the new school year. Soon there will also be note reminders so that you don’t for­get about the main thing and impor­tant dates.

Chatbot “Forget-Me-Not”

Viber also launched anoth­er fea­ture with which you can man­age tasks — the For­get-Me-Not chat bot. Like “My Notes”, the bot helps users remem­ber impor­tant things, but it works on a dif­fer­ent prin­ci­ple. It allows you to set reminders for events, tasks, or dates, orga­nize them into cat­e­gories, and add com­ments. Bot “For­get-me-not” is avail­able in both Ukrain­ian and Russ­ian and is the per­fect tool for reminders of dead­lines and the like.

Going for­ward, the lead­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion app will have oth­er new fea­tures and updates to help users improve their Viber expe­ri­ence. To use them all, make sure you have the lat­est ver­sion of the plat­form.

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