proper lighting for your home


Light­ing an apart­ment is an impor­tant stage of every ren­o­va­tion. It depends on him how we will feel com­fort­able and cozy at home. In addi­tion, with the help of light­ing fix­tures, it will be pos­si­ble to cre­ate the desired inte­ri­or, hide its flaws and focus on the mer­its!

Features of lighting the hallway, as well as the kitchen

The entrance hall is the first room we enter from the street. If you want to imme­di­ate­ly set your­self and your guests in a pos­i­tive mood, give pref­er­ence to warm light in the cor­ri­dor. Be sure to take care of good light­ing of the area near the mir­ror. It is impor­tant that the light does not fall on the face.

If the room is small, then you can visu­al­ly increase the area with the help of wall light­ing. It is very impor­tant that the illu­mi­na­tion of the mir­ror does not dis­tort the image. To do this, you need to place side lights at face lev­el.

The kitchen is a place where every house­wife cre­ates culi­nary mas­ter­pieces. It is very impor­tant here to prop­er­ly orga­nize each zone. By posi­tion­ing the lamps at a cer­tain lev­el, it will be pos­si­ble to reg­u­late the inten­si­ty of light. When con­sid­er­ing the light­ing of this room, fol­low these tips:

  • spot­lights locat­ed above the cab­i­nets will pro­vide a soft­er and more pleas­ant glow;
  • the main lamp should be placed above the din­ing table. More­over, if the table­top is rec­tan­gu­lar, give pref­er­ence to lamps with a lin­ear arrange­ment;
  • mobile lamps with mul­ti-col­ored lamp­shades will help cre­ate an orig­i­nal inte­ri­or and improve the qual­i­ty of light;
  • be sure to pay spe­cial atten­tion to the work sur­face, sink and stove. These zones should have addi­tion­al local light sources.

By fol­low­ing these sim­ple rec­om­men­da­tions, you can zone the room and cre­ate the most com­fort­able con­di­tions.

Requirements for lighting in the nursery reception room and bedroom

If you want to show a non-stan­dard approach and orig­i­nal­i­ty, then there is no bet­ter place than the liv­ing room. This room can right­ly be called the “face” of hous­ing. It is here that we receive guests, hold cel­e­bra­tions and just relax. Up to 7 light­ing fix­tures are allowed in this room. Replace out­dat­ed floor lamps and chan­de­liers with mobile floor lamps and orig­i­nal sconces, which will help cre­ate an unusu­al inte­ri­or. It will be pos­si­ble to cor­rect­ly place accents with the help of spot­lights. Small rooms can be visu­al­ly enlarged by high­light­ing the line of walls and floors.

When plan­ning nurs­ery light­ing, fol­low these guide­lines:

  • for this room, bright mat­te lamps are best suit­ed, they pro­vide dif­fused sub­dued light, which is the safest for the child’s eye­sight;
  • Desk light­ing is best entrust­ed to a spe­cial neon desk lamp. It is impor­tant that the entire sur­face is even­ly illu­mi­nat­ed;
  • a sconce locat­ed above the bed (prefer­ably with adjustable pow­er) can be used while read­ing books and as a night light;
  • if the child has a com­put­er, take care of light­ing the wall behind the desk.

The light in the bed­room should be soft and sooth­ing, for this you should use sev­er­al local light­ing fix­tures. Floor lamps will cre­ate a roman­tic atmos­phere, and night lamps will look best on bed­side tables.

Today, the dis­tri­b­u­tion of light is a real art! And a huge selec­tion of light­ing fix­tures will allow you to choose the per­fect options.







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