How to choose the right TV size


Tele­vi­sions are so wide­spread today that they are per­ceived as an ele­ment of fur­ni­ture. Mean­while, the spread of their sizes and char­ac­ter­is­tics is so great that it sim­ply baf­fles a per­son. Very often, when buy­ing home elec­tron­ics, it is the choice of a TV that becomes the most dif­fi­cult. If in the com­ing days of Black Fri­day and New Year’s dis­counts you are plan­ning to buy a new TV, but you can not decide on the size, the fol­low­ing tips will help you.

Small diagonal (24–38 inches)

Small 20, 24 or 28-inch TVs are com­pa­ra­ble in size to mod­ern mon­i­tors. Like mon­i­tors, such TVs are quite com­pact and light­weight, and there­fore are well suit­ed for place­ment on fur­ni­ture — on a table, shelf or in a cab­i­net niche. They are often bought for the role of a “aux­il­iary” TV, placed some­where in the kitchen.

Larg­er mod­els, from 28 to 38 inch­es, can already play the role of the main TV for a small apart­ment. The main advan­tages are the same — com­pact­ness and low weight. They are often cho­sen by users who are forced to rent an apart­ment, and there­fore are peri­od­i­cal­ly forced to move.

By the way, the price in this case also plays an impor­tant role. A good 32-inch TV can cost $250-$350, which isn’t that much.

Pay atten­tion to an impor­tant point. If you buy a TV with a small diag­o­nal, you def­i­nite­ly do not need to over­pay for high def­i­n­i­tion. At these sizes, you will hard­ly notice the dif­fer­ence between 4K and 1080p. There­fore, do not waste mon­ey on unnec­es­sary num­bers.

Medium diagonal (40–55 inches)

There was a time when a 40-inch TV seemed huge. Today, such a diag­o­nal is con­sid­ered the low­er lim­it of the mean.

Start­ing from these diag­o­nals, you should think about res­o­lu­tion. On mid-range 4K TVs, Ultra HD con­tent looks very good. Also, don’t buy a small­er than aver­age TV if you’re going to use it for con­sole gam­ing. As the reviews show, a com­fort­able game starts from about 40 inch­es.

Please note that TVs of this size are not always pos­si­ble to place on fur­ni­ture, so think in advance how and where you will install it. Might be worth con­sid­er­ing wall mount­ing options.

The cost of most aver­age TVs ranges from $500 to $1000.

Large diagonal (55, 65, 75 inches and above)

A TV of this size is well suit­ed for watch­ing shows in groups or fam­i­lies. Sports fans are also chas­ing large diag­o­nals. Watch­ing foot­ball match­es is real­ly much more con­ve­nient on the big screen.

Sup­port for high res­o­lu­tion with such a diag­o­nal becomes not a “fea­ture”, but a neces­si­ty, oth­er­wise the pic­ture will look too blur­ry.

Of course, such a TV requires a lot of free space. Be pre­pared to clear an entire wall for him. You often don’t move with such a TV, so you should buy it only if you are secure­ly and thor­ough­ly set­tled in your own home.

By the way, you do not need to over­pay for high-qual­i­ty sound. No mat­ter how high-qual­i­ty the built-in speak­ers are, a sep­a­rate plug-in audio sys­tem will still sound bet­ter. There­fore, when choos­ing a large TV, focus on the appear­ance and screen.

The cost of such TVs can be dif­fer­ent. As a rule, their price starts from $1000 and ris­es to tens of thou­sands of dol­lars. But you can also find bud­get 55-inch mod­els start­ing at $500.

More doesn’t mean better

In gen­er­al, remem­ber that a large TV is not always bet­ter than a small one. The large screen shows an enlarged image. And in order for this image not to be blur­ry, there must be a lot of pix­els on the screen. The con­nec­tion is obvi­ous: the larg­er the diag­o­nal, the high­er the res­o­lu­tion should be.

But do not for­get about the source of the image. Ancient low-res video will look ugly even on a super-expen­sive 8K TV. There­fore, when buy­ing a TV, be sure to con­sid­er what exact­ly you will watch on it.







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