Why is it necessary to sanitize apartments from the Odessa cleaning company “Clean Time”?


Why is it necessary to sanitize apartments from the Odessa cleaning company “Clean Time”?

Each per­son loves com­fort, and the house is the place where it is ful­ly avail­able to real­ize this most impor­tant fac­tor of every­day life. But one day you woke up, felt an unpleas­ant itch on your skin and noticed red­ness, or you came to the kitchen at night and found the “meal” of cock­roach­es. Unpleas­ant sit­u­a­tions, right? But there is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to solve this prob­lem once and for all thanks to the ser­vice san­i­ti­za­tion of apart­ments from the Odessa clean­ing com­pa­ny “Clean Time”.

Expe­ri­enced spe­cial­ists and pow­er­ful equip­ment will elim­i­nate unin­vit­ed guests in a short time, return­ing the room to a clean and tidy appear­ance.


  • Why are pests dan­ger­ous?
  • Dan­ger­ous dis­eases car­ried by par­a­sites
  • Pro­fes­sion­al ser­vice or “grand­moth­er’s” meth­ods: what to choose?

Why are pests dangerous?

Let’s remem­ber school his­to­ry lessons, when the teacher talked about the hor­rors of the Mid­dle Ages and the spread of the plague in Europe. Rats and mice were called the main car­ri­ers of a dead­ly dis­ease, but mod­ern sci­en­tists have ques­tioned this fact and proved that it was the fleas that bit the rodents and the peo­ple in whose homes they coex­ist­ed that became the lead­ers of the car­ri­ers of the path­o­gen­ic infec­tion. Undoubt­ed­ly, now par­a­sites do not trans­port such dan­ger­ous microor­gan­isms on them­selves, but still there is a dan­ger to humans.

Due to their habi­tat (garbage cans, ware­hous­es, land­fills), rats on their fur can bring a num­ber of trou­bles to a per­son­’s home. In this case, it is not nec­es­sary to enter into close con­tact — it is enough to inhale ani­mal secre­tions with air or eat some­thing from the food that the mouse has touched to harm your health.

Dangerous diseases carried by parasites

Yersin­io­sis or pseudo­tu­ber­cu­lo­sis.






There­fore, imme­di­ate­ly after the detec­tion of pests, you should con­tact the spe­cial­ists — this is the Clean Time clean­ing com­pa­ny (Odessa and Odessa region). It is not rec­om­mend­ed to engage in the elim­i­na­tion of path­o­gen­ic organ­isms on your own, as there is a risk of poi­son­ing with chem­i­cals if they are used incor­rect­ly.

Read also: How to get rid of fruit flies in the kitchen

Professional service or “grandmother’s” methods: what to choose?

Now you will say: there are a num­ber of folk reme­dies that real­ly help to cope with par­a­sites. Of course, there are sev­er­al seem­ing­ly ade­quate rec­om­men­da­tions, but in fact all of them do not elim­i­nate the prob­lem, but only mask it or do not bring results at all. It is much bet­ter to trust pro­fes­sion­als who will elim­i­nate unin­vit­ed guests and put things in order in the room.

Clean­ers of our com­pa­ny pre­fer pow­er­ful wash­ing machines and high­ly effec­tive chem­i­cals that do not harm humans and the envi­ron­ment, but at the same time pro­vide an effec­tive method of pest con­trol. Der­a­ti­za­tion, dis­in­fes­ta­tion, dis­in­fec­tion and anti-viral treat­ment — our clean­ers will cope with these manip­u­la­tions 100 per­cent effec­tive­ly: see for your­self! Rather, call +38(096)457–07-07 and order clean­li­ness from region­al clean­ing lead­ers.







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