How to choose a sofa that will last for years


How to choose a sofa that will last for years

The sofa set dom­i­nates the liv­ing room, and in small­er apart­ments it also replaces the bed. How to choose the option that meets your require­ments and lasts as long as pos­si­ble


  • Sofa — what to con­sid­er
    • How many peo­ple will use it?
    • Will the sofa be used for casu­al sit­ting only or for dai­ly naps?
    • Do you have small chil­dren in your fam­i­ly?
    • Will pets have access to the seat?
    • With or with­out stor­age space?
  • Which design to choose
  • uphol­stery mate­r­i­al
  • How to choose a sofa for every­day sleep

Sofa — what to consider

Look­ing for a new sofa? Take a meter in hand and mea­sure how much space you actu­al­ly have for a new thing. It is nec­es­sary to leave enough free space around it for smooth move­ment. When mea­sur­ing, also take into account the fact that there will prob­a­bly be a cof­fee table next to the sofa — so that you can fit there with­out feel­ing cramped in the room. What else do you need to think about before pur­chas­ing it?

How many people will use it?

Count 60–80 cm per per­son.

Will the sofa be used for casual sitting only or for daily naps?

The require­ments for mate­ri­als and the fold­ing mech­a­nism are com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent here.

Do you have small children in your family?

Choose durable con­struc­tion and uphol­stery that is easy to clean.

Will pets have access to the seat?

Choose durable uphol­stery that is resis­tant even to claws.

With or without storage space?

Espe­cial­ly for small spaces, buy with stor­age space.

Which design to choose

Ser­vice life large­ly depends on the design. You have the choice of sol­id wood, met­al, chip­board, plas­tic or a com­bi­na­tion of sev­er­al mate­ri­als. The most durable, but also the most expen­sive seats are con­struct­ed from high-qual­i­ty sol­id wood, such as beech. Spruce, pine and chip­board are cheap­er, but also less durable. Dura­bil­i­ty is also ensured by the met­al struc­tures of the fold­ing seats. Bet­ter to avoid plas­tic in the skele­ton.

Read also: Pil­lows are sim­ple and inge­nious decor ideas.

upholstery material

How to rec­og­nize a qual­i­ty thing that does not shrink? Focus on the mate­ri­als used. Avoid foam pads and tex­tile crumbs, which quick­ly lose their shape. The best choice is sand­wich core, which con­sists of sev­er­al types of foam, each of which has dif­fer­ent prop­er­ties and can dis­trib­ute weight well. Anoth­er option is a seat with a spring core com­bined with foam rub­ber, which is not so easy to sit down. In this case, it is bet­ter not to try to save!

The coat­ing mate­r­i­al affects the ser­vice life as well as the dif­fi­cul­ty of main­te­nance. For coat­ings, you will find the val­ue giv­en in Mar­tin­dale cycles, where 1 cycle means 1 rev­o­lu­tion of the cylin­der, which pass­es under high pres­sure. Usu­al­ly it is 20–40 thou­sand cycles. The high­er the num­ber, the more abra­sive the mate­r­i­al — the strongest have up to 150,000 Mar­tin­dale cycles.

ADVICE: For a fam­i­ly with chil­dren or four-legged pets, con­sid­er pur­chas­ing a Teflon-coat­ed sofa that is water-repel­lent and easy to care for. The remov­able cov­er, which is easy to machine wash, is great too.

How to choose a sofa for everyday sleep

In small apart­ments, there is a trend towards mul­ti­func­tion­al fur­ni­ture. There­fore, sofa beds are very pop­u­lar for every­day sleep. What should such a seat cor­re­spond to? Make sure you choose one that you can place com­fort­ably after unfold­ing. The length should ide­al­ly be 200 cm, like a clas­sic bed. The open­ing width of 160 cm is suf­fi­cient for two peo­ple, while 180 cm pro­vides a more com­fort­able sleep.

You will lay out a sofa for every­day sleep very often. There­fore, the choice of fold­ing mech­a­nism is crit­i­cal. Sev­er­al types are avail­able, from a draw­er through a fold­ing sys­tem with a split mat­tress to the so-called click-clack exten­sion. The eas­i­est manip­u­la­tion is def­i­nite­ly the click-clack, which you unfold in two motions as the sup­port becomes the load­ing pad. The fold-out sys­tem with a firm mat­tress, pro­vid­ing the great­est com­fort, is most con­ve­nient for dai­ly sleep. The price of this mech­a­nism is also sig­nif­i­cant­ly high­er.







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