How to wash a blanket in a washing machine at home


How to wash a blanket in a washing machine at home

The word “plaid” is invol­un­tar­i­ly asso­ci­at­ed with cozi­ness and com­fort. This is both an item that enlivens and dec­o­rates the inte­ri­or, and a faith­ful warm friend that warms in the cool. Like any oth­er item, a blan­ket, espe­cial­ly a tex­tile one, tends to get dirty over time. And even if it is not always notice­able, it is worth wash­ing it at least once a quar­ter, oth­er­wise dust will accu­mu­late in it, and path­o­gen­ic microor­gan­isms can also start. How to do it?


  • Can the blan­ket be washed in the wash­ing machine?
  • What should be the tem­per­a­ture of the water when wash­ing the prod­uct
  • Fea­tures of wash­ing dif­fer­ent bed­spreads
    • fleece
    • Plush
    • Woolen
    • Plaid “grass”
  • How to dry a blan­ket after wash­ing
  • Oth­er ways to wash a blan­ket at home
    • Hand­wash
    • Dry home clean­ing
  • Care instruc­tions

Can the blanket be washed in the washing machine?

The best way out is machine wash, but this is not fea­si­ble with every type of blan­ket. After all, the mate­r­i­al of man­u­fac­ture can be dif­fer­ent:

  • acrylic,
  • cash­mere,
  • fur,
  • fleece,
  • cot­ton,
  • wool.

put a blanket in the car

So, “machine inter­ven­tion” is able to sur­vive not every “plaid” prod­uct. To sug­gest what to do in this par­tic­u­lar case, the signs are called — sym­bols on the label of the thing indi­cat­ing rec­om­men­da­tions that should be care­ful­ly stud­ied.

  • Machine wash is allowed by the “pic­ture” with a basin filled with water.
  • If such an image is crossed out cross­wise, you need to choose anoth­er method.
  • The num­bers on the con­tain­er are the rec­om­mend­ed tem­per­a­ture.
  • The image of a hand in a basin indi­cates hand wash­ing.
  • The sign in the form of a cir­cle informs about dry clean­ing.

On a note! “Del­i­cate” blan­kets made of cash­mere, silk or wool can also be washed in the machine if it has a spe­cial mode called “hand wash” or “gen­tle / del­i­cate”.

How to wash a blan­ket in a wash­ing machine? The main thing is to fol­low a sim­ple rule: the soft­er the fab­ric from which the blan­ket is made, the more gen­tle the wash­ing should be.

What should be the temperature of the water when washing the product

The ide­al tem­per­a­ture for most blan­kets is 30 degrees. But, again, each species has its own “pref­er­ences”.

washing water temperature

So, acrylic blan­kets are quite unpre­ten­tious when wash­ing, but it is bet­ter to do it at a tem­per­a­ture not exceed­ing 40about. The same mode is suit­able for fur blan­kets. Poly­ester prod­ucts can be allowed to “bathe” at 60 degrees.

Read also: How to wash a down pil­low at home — the rules of man­u­al and machine wet clean­ing

Features of washing different bedspreads


A syn­thet­ic prod­uct, which is a fleece blan­ket, dic­tates its own wash­ing rules. He is cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly con­traindi­cat­ed in deter­gents con­tain­ing chlo­rine. A mild wash­ing gel is rec­om­mend­ed for wash­ing del­i­cate fab­rics.

A heav­i­ly soiled “blan­ket” should be soaked for half an hour in a warm solu­tion of a weak con­cen­tra­tion of deter­gent before being loaded into the machine. Often this is enough. The water tem­per­a­ture should not be high­er than 35 degrees.

fleece blanket

Fleece blan­kets are more suit­able for hand wash­ing. When choos­ing a machine, you should use the most gen­tle mode and add air con­di­tion­ing when rins­ing. It is not rec­om­mend­ed to wring out such a prod­uct after any type of wash­ing. Putting the blan­ket on the grate, allow the water to drain.

Impor­tant! The rules for dry­ing blan­kets are the same for almost all types. They are laid out on a hor­i­zon­tal plane, pro­tect­ed from direct sun­light and away from heat­ing appli­ances, care­ful­ly straight­en­ing all creas­es and folds.


Before you put the plush blan­ket in the wash, you need to shake it out well to remove all the small specks from the pile. Deter­gents are rec­om­mend­ed liq­uid or gel-like con­sis­ten­cy.

Before load­ing into the machine, the blan­ket should be rolled into a loose roll so that the pile is inside, then the piles after the pro­ce­dure will retain their uni­for­mi­ty and direc­tion.

plush plaid

In no case should you wring out in a cen­trifuge, and even more so, unscrew the plush cloth in order to avoid defor­ma­tion. Let the water drain nat­u­ral­ly, and then the blan­ket can be wrapped in ter­ry or heavy cot­ton to absorb any remain­ing mois­ture. In a com­plete­ly dried prod­uct, gen­tly straight­en the pile with a soft brush.


In this case, it is nec­es­sary to wash the blan­ket in slight­ly warm water. As a deter­gent, it is rec­om­mend­ed to use hair sham­poo, which per­fect­ly soft­ens woolen threads, or spe­cial liq­uid deter­gents.

It is impos­si­ble to rub a woolen blan­ket; it is more expe­di­ent to use spe­cial non-aggres­sive stain removers to remove stains.

Read also: How to remove sun­flower oil from clothes — 11 ways

woolen plaid

It is bet­ter to wash a wool blan­ket by hand, but if the brand of the machine allows you to set the wash­ing mode to the most del­i­cate and gen­tle plus gen­tle rins­ing, then you can apply this method.

Plaid “grass”

The weed blan­ket can also be washed in the wash­ing machine on the rec­om­mend­ed gen­tle cycles and 30-degree water tem­per­a­ture. A reli­able option would be to pack the prod­uct in a spe­cial bag, then you can avoid unpleas­ant sur­pris­es.

It is bet­ter to wash with a liq­uid deter­gent: it is eas­i­er to wash it out of long “herbs”. For clean­ing stains, it is strict­ly for­bid­den to use stain removers with chlo­rine in the base. They can ruin both the col­or of the blan­ket and its struc­ture.

weed plaid

Spin­ning is also not rec­om­mend­ed, oth­er­wise the pile will lose its fluffi­ness, and the plaid itself, stretched, will lose its shape.

How to dry a blanket after washing

The blan­ket will remain just as cozy and fluffy after wash­ing, if it is also dried prop­er­ly.

It is con­traindi­cat­ed for these prod­ucts to dry on the usu­al clothes­line in order to avoid warp­ing, stretch­ing, defor­ma­tion. Only hor­i­zon­tal dry­ing is suit­able.

  • The prod­uct is laid out on a fab­ric that absorbs mois­ture well. Large ter­ry tow­els work well.
  • After some time, you should replace the wet tow­el with a dry one, and turn the cov­er over to the oth­er side. This will have to be done more than once until the blan­ket is com­plete­ly dry.
  • The room where the blan­ket dries should be well ven­ti­lat­ed, not damp and not cold.

dryer for blankets

And you should also remem­ber a few immutable rules from the series “You can not” dry:

  • in the wash­er, using the dry­ing mode;
  • in a place bright­ly lit by the sun;
  • in close prox­im­i­ty to heat­ing appli­ances, and even more so — on bat­ter­ies;
  • with a hair dry­er;
  • roll up and fold the still damp blan­ket.

Clothes­lines have already been men­tioned.

Other ways to wash a blanket at home


Blan­kets made of dif­fer­ent mate­ri­als also have their own hand-wash­ing fea­tures. Wash­ing a fleece blan­ket is rec­om­mend­ed in warm water (about 35about) laun­dry soap. If there are no stains on the prod­uct, it is enough to soak it for 10 min­utes and then rinse well. Semi-woolen prod­ucts are washed in the same way.

Read also: How and how to wash mem­brane clothes

washing blanket by hand

Faux plush bed­spreads are washed in warm water with the addi­tion of a del­i­cate wash­ing liq­uid. The blan­ket is soaked in the bath for about half an hour. Then the first water is drained with­out tak­ing out the blan­ket, and a con­cen­trat­ed soap solu­tion is added to the con­tain­er. The plaid is care­ful­ly, with­out sud­den move­ments, crum­pled in this solu­tion. No less care­ful rins­ing takes place in sev­er­al stages, with repeat­ed changes of water of the same tem­per­a­ture.

Impor­tant! Nat­ur­al wool bed­spreads do not like “bathing”. It’s best to take them to the dry clean­ers.

For a “grass” blan­ket, bare­ly warm or even cold water is suit­able, in which the prod­uct is soaked. Par­tic­u­lar­ly con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed places are care­ful­ly, with­out using force, so as not to deprive the blan­ket of fluffi­ness, washed with soapy water, com­plet­ing the process by thor­ough­ly rins­ing.

Dry home cleaning

If it is not pos­si­ble to wash the blan­ket, you can use the dry wash method, which con­sists of sev­er­al steps.

  • The blan­ket must be thor­ough­ly shak­en out to remove small specks and dust.
  • Clean places with stains and dirt, using spe­cial prod­ucts from the cat­e­go­ry of house­hold chem­i­cals. Some stains, in par­tic­u­lar from grease, can be cleaned with an ammo­nia solu­tion.
  • In con­clu­sion, ven­ti­late the blan­ket in the fresh air so that extra­ne­ous odors go away and the fab­ric is sat­u­rat­ed with oxy­gen.

stack of blankets

Care instructions

Car­ing for blan­kets made of dif­fer­ent mate­ri­als by and large con­sists in prop­er wash­ing and dry­ing. Many points regard­ing tem­per­a­ture, wash­ing modes and deter­gents are cov­ered above.

liquid detergent

But some­thing should be men­tioned.

  • It is more con­ve­nient to roll up large and volu­mi­nous blan­kets for wash­ing in a type­writer.
  • The use of fab­ric soft­en­er is rec­om­mend­ed, which will give the blan­ket / bed­spread more soft­ness and pleas­ant­ness.
  • For some types of fab­rics, the spin mode may be used. What mode to do it? You should not set high speeds. Fair­ly aver­age. A slight­ly damp blan­ket can be dried, but it will remain soft and not deform.

blanket after haircut

Favorite cozy home fur­nish­ings will serve for a long time and reg­u­lar­ly, please the eye with bright col­ors, if you take care of them con­stant­ly and, most impor­tant­ly, cor­rect­ly.







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