Wardrobe systems to order — features, benefits


Wardrobe systems to order — features, benefits

Such an ele­ment of the inte­ri­or of an apart­ment as a dress­ing room is an inte­gral part of any Euro­pean home, and recent­ly dress­ing rooms are gain­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty in our coun­try. This is not sur­pris­ing, because the pres­ence in the house of a good and com­fort­able dress­ing room allows you to com­pe­tent­ly and effi­cient­ly use the avail­able space for stor­ing your things. Bulky wardrobes have been replaced by walk-in clos­ets. They fit per­fect­ly into the inte­ri­or. They con­ve­nient­ly store the nec­es­sary things on the shelves and hang­ers. Dress­ing rooms are divid­ed into wom­en’s and men’s, com­bined. They are made from pan­els, frame, mesh, cab­i­net.


  • Walk-in clos­et
  • What to con­sid­er when order­ing a wardrobe sys­tem
  • Wardrobe design involves pay­ing atten­tion

Walk-in closet

Wardrobes are bought ready-made, or ordered in a sin­gle copy. Accord­ing to the pro­por­tions of the allot­ted area, a deep, nar­row, wide, or round­ed dress­ing room is dis­tin­guished. The dress­ing room is filled with shelves, draw­ers, mez­za­nines, chests of draw­ers, bas­kets, and oth­er details. Wardrobe doors are placed on rails like wardrobes. Bed­ding and clothes for the sea­son are placed on closed and open shelves. They will be con­ve­nient to use in the future.

In addi­tion, wardrobes to order have such advan­tages as:

  1. Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty. In the man­u­fac­ture of dress­ing rooms, the dimen­sions of the room, its fea­tures, as well as the wish­es of the client are tak­en into account. This allows cus­tomers to get a dress­ing room, in accor­dance with all their needs and require­ments.
  2. Space sav­ing. Wardrobe rooms are quite com­pact and small in size, but at the same time they are very roomy, which allows you to store all the nec­es­sary things in one place and not take up extra space with cab­i­nets and wardrobes.
  3. Con­ve­nience. The pres­ence of a dress­ing room allows you to arrange and sort all the nec­es­sary things in such a way that you always have quick access to them, with­out think­ing about where this or that thing lies.
  4. Orga­ni­za­tion of opti­mal stor­age of things by type, sea­son.
  5. Pro­duc­tive use of the wall area, much more clothes and shoes fit here.
  6. Easy view­ing of clothes, achieved by the absence of blind par­ti­tions.
  7. Excel­lent ven­ti­la­tion thanks to bas­kets, mesh shelves.
  8. Easy instal­la­tion, adap­ta­tion to any place.
  9. Wardrobe sys­tems with­stand heavy loads, thanks to high-qual­i­ty steel in the com­po­si­tion of their ele­ments.
  10. Pos­si­bil­i­ty of mod­ern­iza­tion and under­staffing of the sys­tem, easy dis­as­sem­bly.
Read also: How to buy an apart­ment. Where to start

The PAX wardrobe sys­tem to order is con­ve­nient and is devel­oped based on the clien­t’s requests and the char­ac­ter­is­tics of the room.

What to consider when ordering a wardrobe system

There are also a num­ber of nuances and aspects that should be con­sid­ered when order­ing a wardrobe sys­tem.

  1. Before order­ing a wardrobe sys­tem from a spe­cial­ized com­pa­ny, you need to decide what will be stored in the wardrobe room, what things it is intend­ed for, the future equip­ment of the wardrobe depends on this. For dif­fer­ent things, dif­fer­ent designs and details are used. For exam­ple, if the main part of the wardrobe is out­er­wear, then the wardrobe sys­tem will be dom­i­nat­ed by areas intend­ed for stor­ing this type of cloth­ing, but if most of the wardrobe is small, small things, then the device will have more draw­ers and shelves.
  2. When order­ing a wardrobe sys­tem, it is worth con­sid­er­ing what room it will be in, its size and device depend on it. It is rec­om­mend­ed to put dress­ing rooms in large, spa­cious rooms, but it can also be placed in small rooms, in which case it is rec­om­mend­ed to choose doors with slid­ing mech­a­nisms.
  3. When plan­ning and design­ing a dress­ing room, you should think about adding var­i­ous stor­age sys­tems and aux­il­iary ele­ments to it, in which you can lat­er store var­i­ous acces­sories, such as umbrel­las, jew­el­ry, etc.

Wardrobe design involves paying attention

• dimen­sions;
• fin­ish­ing mate­ri­als;
• num­ber of branch­es;
• inter­nal fill­ing;
• addi­tion­al ele­ments.

Today, the instal­la­tion of dress­ing rooms has become a real­i­ty even for apart­ments with a small area. Fur­ni­ture com­pa­nies pro­duce com­fort­able and prac­ti­cal wardrobes. The dress­ing room is a place that does not allow your things to wrin­kle, cake, get lost, every­thing is always here and every­thing is in its place. This is a com­plete­ly new way of keep­ing things in per­fect order.

Read also: How to wash win­dows, show­case, glass door with­out leav­ing marks and streaks

Order­ing wardrobes is easy. In spe­cial­ized firms, expe­ri­enced employ­ees will help you choose the design of the dress­ing room. The mea­sur­er will come and mea­sure all the dimen­sions of the stor­age space. The design project will be devel­oped tak­ing into account the pro­pos­als of the cus­tomer. Dress­ing rooms will be pro­duced accord­ing to the draw­ing agreed with the client.

The fin­ished stor­age sys­tem is deliv­ered to the spec­i­fied address and mount­ed. The price of a dress­ing room is deter­mined by the mate­r­i­al used, the com­plex­i­ty of pro­duc­tion and para­me­ters. Installing wardrobes requires cer­tain skills and pro­fes­sion­al­ism.







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