Which house is right for you. Which house is better to choose


Which house is right for you. Which house is better to choose

Regard­less of what you need a house for — for a sum­mer res­i­dence or as the main hous­ing, you must first decide what you want from your new home in the first place — ele­gance, unusu­al­ness, com­fort, the oppor­tu­ni­ty to relax in nature …
Depend­ing on your tastes and pref­er­ences, you need to choose, exam­in­ing a vari­ety of sum­mer cot­tages and cot­tage vil­lages. Buy­ing land and a house on it, or build­ing a house on the pur­chased land is a very respon­si­ble mat­ter, and the next few years of your life will large­ly depend on it.

To begin with, deter­mine the most gen­er­al, but spe­cif­ic para­me­ters of your future home — how many floors should it have, how many rooms will you need, do you want to have a veran­da or an attic, or both at the same time?
Or maybe you dream of a pool and a sauna? Or about the Russ­ian bath? Ask your friends for advice, you can even vis­it them in their homes and see how it looks and how con­ve­nient it is. But remem­ber that you will live in your house, so your opin­ion should be the most impor­tant thing.

How­ev­er, you can shift this task to a spe­cial­ist, explain­ing to him your expec­ta­tions in advance. And five of these expec­ta­tions must first be for­mu­lat­ed! Although the ser­vices of a spe­cial­ist will still be need­ed, even if you buy a ready-made house — when buy­ing a house, some­one must eval­u­ate its qual­i­ty. Buy­ing a house in Vladimir is a very respon­si­ble step and you will need spe­cial­ists..

But this is a top­ic for anoth­er con­ver­sa­tion. The same arti­cle is intend­ed to acquaint you with the main trends in mod­ern archi­tec­tur­al con­struc­tion, because you will def­i­nite­ly want to invite guests to your house, and it will be very nice to show off a fash­ion­able house (at the same time, it may well be com­fort­able and con­ve­nient for you).

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Which house is best for you

We always adjust our home to our tastes, so many psy­chol­o­gists believe that the appear­ance of the house is large­ly a reflec­tion of the char­ac­ter of its own­er. And at home they will judge you to some extent.
There are many dif­fer­ent offers on the Russ­ian sub­ur­ban mar­ket now, you can buy land for sub­se­quent con­struc­tion, sum­mer cot­tages and plots in cot­tage vil­lages with ready-made hous­es are for sale. These hous­es are made in dif­fer­ent styles and in order to cor­rect­ly ori­en­tate, it is desir­able to have at least some idea of ​​​​these styles. So…

About styles

The most pop­u­lar among buy­ers today are coun­try hous­es and cot­tages, made in the clas­si­cal style and the style of the Alpine chalet. Of course, these styles are some­what adapt­ed to mod­ern real­i­ties, but the main fea­tures char­ac­ter­is­tic of these styles have remained.

  • Hous­es built in the clas­si­cal style are char­ac­ter­ized by clear lines, clear shapes, and a com­fort­able lay­out. Such hous­es are best suit­ed for the con­cept of “fam­i­ly nest” or “my house is my cas­tle.”
    Such hous­es, as a rule, look impres­sive, seri­ous and thor­ough. They fit well into the land­scape. The mate­r­i­al for such hous­es is stone and wood — tra­di­tion­al mate­ri­als for build­ing hous­es.
    Today’s clas­si­cal-style hous­es are not as ambi­tious as the hous­es of the nobil­i­ty of the 19th cen­tu­ry, they most often no longer have columns and stuc­co, but spa­cious rooms, arched large win­dows and nat­ur­al mate­ri­als still find a lot of admir­ers.
  • Some vari­a­tion of the clas­sic style is the alpine chalet style. The Alpine Chalet is a two-sto­ry cot­tage in which the liv­ing quar­ters are locat­ed on the sec­ond floor.
    The res­i­den­tial floor of a “real” chalet should be made of wood, and the low­er ser­vice floor should be made of stone, but mod­ern chalets, as a rule, are built of tim­ber, and the low­er floor is only lined with stone. The roof of chalet-style hous­es is slop­ing, there is an attic under the roof, it is very desir­able to have a veran­da, which can be sep­a­rat­ed from the main room by a glass wall. In the liv­ing room, the chalet style is evi­denced by a fire­place and inte­ri­or dec­o­ra­tion with nat­ur­al mate­ri­als. Accord­ing to psy­chol­o­gists, the chalet style is best suit­ed for cheer­ful and friend­ly peo­ple who pro­mote a healthy lifestyle.
  • In addi­tion to these famil­iar styles, there are also quite exot­ic, but quick­ly becom­ing fash­ion­able.
    For exam­ple, the loft style is rec­og­niz­able by the house, most of all resem­bling a box with huge win­dows and high ceil­ings.
  • Art Nou­veau style is dis­tin­guished by com­plex archi­tec­tur­al forms, com­plex lay­out of the premis­es and the sur­round­ing land­scape.
  • The enter­tain­ment house will impress you with an abun­dance of unusu­al ele­ments, such as glass floors, win­ter gar­dens and water­falls.
  • And the house in a min­i­mal­ist style is dis­tin­guished by the absence of any dec­o­ra­tions in prin­ci­ple and light nat­ur­al mate­ri­als.
Read also: Clean­ing cop­per coins at home: an overview of meth­ods

I hope our arti­cle made you think about which house is bet­ter for you to choose.







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