How to buy an apartment. Where to start


How to buy an apartment. Where to start

How to buy an apart­ment? How to improve liv­ing con­di­tions. Peo­ple buy prop­er­ty for many rea­sons. Every­one has their own, the most weighty and impor­tant.
Some invest the accu­mu­lat­ed sums in improv­ing their liv­ing con­di­tions, the sec­ond — car­ry out an exchange in order to receive an addi­tion­al pay­ment, the third — to part with grown-up chil­dren, and so on. Once again, there are many rea­sons for buy­ing an apart­ment.
More­over, absolute­ly every­one is count­ing on a win-win deal that will help them improve their liv­ing con­di­tions.
There are a huge num­ber of objects pre­sent­ed in var­i­ous print and online pub­li­ca­tions. This cre­ates the illu­sion of abun­dance. But how to choose from all this vari­ety the option that is right for you?


  • First, let’s take a look at your needs.
  • How to improve liv­ing con­di­tions
  • time or mon­ey

First, let’s take a look at your needs.

“Improve liv­ing con­di­tions.” Under these sim­ple words, every­one under­stands some­thing of their own.

  • Some­one needs to increase the liv­ing space, as chil­dren grow up in the fam­i­ly. And tight­ness, in this case, is a source of chron­ic stress for all fam­i­ly mem­bers.
  • Oth­ers have enough space in the apart­ment, but they are tired of the shab­by Khrushchev build­ing with a view of the indus­tri­al zone.
  • Still oth­ers are no longer able to con­tin­ue liv­ing on a “smart” pen­sion, and there­fore are ready to give up the “extra” square meters in the name of improv­ing their finan­cial con­di­tion.
  • Fourth, they hope to prof­itably invest in real estate and cre­ate an addi­tion­al cash source for them­selves from rent­ing it out.

There­fore, tak­ing into account the pri­or­i­ties known only to you, and based on your needs and real finan­cial pos­si­bil­i­ties, it is nec­es­sary to find a rea­son­able solu­tion.

How to improve living conditions

Tip one: try to deter­mine what is most impor­tant for you when solv­ing the hous­ing issue — the num­ber of square meters of hous­ing or their qual­i­ty. And what role in the “scale of val­ues” can the loca­tion of the select­ed apart­ment play?
Today, when com­par­ing prices per square meter of hous­ing, there is no abstract con­cept of a 1‑room apart­ment in St. Peters­burg. The price is influ­enced by many objec­tive and sub­jec­tive fac­tors, depend­ing on which you can pur­chase a dif­fer­ent amount of “liv­ing space” for the same amount.
More­over, this applies not only to the qual­i­ty of the struc­ture (type and con­di­tion of the house), but also to the qual­i­ty of life, which direct­ly depends on the envi­ron­ment (social homo­gene­ity of the set­tle­ment, the infra­struc­ture of the area and its liv­abil­i­ty).

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For exam­ple. “Tresh­ka” in a res­i­den­tial area will most like­ly be cheap­er, “kopeck piece” in a new “brick” next to the metro. Or a new “stu­dio” in the his­toric cen­ter of the city — in a mod­ern elite build­ing after recon­struc­tion.
Obvi­ous­ly, with the same mon­e­tary amount, the choice still remains ear­ly. Every­thing will depend on your motives for chang­ing your place of res­i­dence or invest­ing in real estate.

time or money

Start­ing to search for an object, weigh your prob­lems: how urgent­ly do you need to solve the hous­ing prob­lem.
Tip two: you need to under­stand that up to 90% of the options offered are either set­tle­ments or options with a counter pur­chase. Thus, a very long chain of trans­ac­tions can stretch behind the hous­ing you have cho­sen, sig­nif­i­cant­ly hin­der­ing the achieve­ment of your goal.
Of course, only direct sales options can be con­sid­ered in advance, but they are (due to short­ages) more expen­sive, and they are sold much faster. So there is no time to think.

As a rule, in any sit­u­a­tion, sev­er­al solu­tions can be found. There­fore, it is bet­ter to weigh all the pros and cons in your search for the best option in advance, even before you start view­ing spe­cif­ic apart­ments.
You can car­ry out the analy­sis your­self and your­self, but still, it is bet­ter to involve a spe­cial­ist. He will be able to show you the advan­tages of one or anoth­er option with num­bers in his hands. In addi­tion, he will be able to enlight­en you on the sub­ject of addi­tion­al, com­plete­ly unex­pect­ed for you, real estate mar­ket oppor­tu­ni­ties.
It is pos­si­ble that instead of an apart­ment on the sec­ondary real estate mar­ket, in the end, invest­ing in new con­struc­tion is more suit­able for you.

In addi­tion to the fact that, depend­ing on the readi­ness of the object, you will be able to prop­er­ly allo­cate your funds, new build­ings have high­er con­sumer prop­er­ties than hous­es of mass series of the Sovi­et era.
In addi­tion, to help buy­ers who do not have all the amount nec­es­sary for the pur­chase, mech­a­nisms can come to solve hous­ing prob­lems, such as mort­gages.
A real pro­fes­sion­al, who is faced with sim­i­lar prob­lems every day, will be able to sug­gest you a com­plete­ly “non-stan­dard” solu­tion on how to improve liv­ing con­di­tions.

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Once again, the main thing when buy­ing an apart­ment is to cor­rect­ly deter­mine your needs. But based on the needs and finan­cial capa­bil­i­ties, it is eas­i­er to look for ways to improve hous­ing con­di­tions.
But remem­ber: choos­ing an apart­ment your­self, using the mass media avail­able to every­one, is very dif­fi­cult.
An inex­pe­ri­enced per­son will cling to the minor, but will miss the essen­tial. And igno­rance of many nuances can lead to a waste of time.







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