Well-maintained car: what tool to choose for cleaning discs


Car rims are exposed to seri­ous impact dur­ing oper­a­tion: bitu­men, reagents, dirt, gaso­line residues and dust from abra­sion of brake pads. What will help to clean them most effec­tive­ly? The answer to this ques­tion was “The best pro­gram.”

Prop­er and time­ly care of car discs is nec­es­sary to avoid defor­ma­tion of the paint­work, rust, met­al destruc­tion and threats when dri­ving due to a vio­la­tion of the tech­ni­cal con­di­tion of the wheels.

You can solve this prob­lem with the help of spe­cial tools. At a car wash, such a ser­vice will cost 500 rubles or more. You can save the fam­i­ly bud­get on car­ing for discs if you process them your­self.

What are car disc cleaners?

Shops offer a choice of two types of com­pounds for car wheel care:

  • alka­line;
  • acid.

Both the first and the sec­ond are pre­sent­ed in a cheap and expen­sive ver­sion, which in the­o­ry implies dif­fer­ent effi­cien­cy. Let’s find out if this is true.

Also, expe­ri­enced motorists claim that any bath­room clean­er will do just fine with dirt and rust on rims. Let’s test this “old-fash­ioned” method, tak­ing cheap house­hold chem­i­cals for 200 rubles.

Which car disc cleaner to choose

To iden­ti­fy a favorite among the select­ed com­po­si­tions, you need to con­duct a series of exper­i­ments. They pre­pared sev­er­al rims for them, which con­tain a suf­fi­cient amount of dirt, traces of bitu­men and rust.

After apply­ing the prod­uct, you need to wait a bit (the exact time is indi­cat­ed on the pack­age for each case) and then rinse the disc. So what did the checks reveal?

  1. Alka­line com­pounds did a good job with rust and light dirt, but could not dis­solve the bitu­men.
  2. Acidic wash off light dirt. Their effect on rust is less effec­tive. At the same time, they com­plete­ly dis­solved the bitu­men, and a cheap tool coped with this task no worse than an expen­sive one.

Self ser­vice sta­tion: how to get rid of scratch­es and chips on the car body

Now we take anoth­er car disk and work it out with house­hold chem­i­cals. Let’s see which rem­e­dy will be more effec­tive — folk or pro­fes­sion­al. After some wait­ing, it turned out that the “grand­fa­ther” method did not work at all. With the help of bath­room com­po­si­tions, you can wash some light dirt, abra­sive dust, but com­plex ones are beyond their pow­er.

As a result, it turns out that there is sim­ply no uni­ver­sal tool for clean­ing car disks. To remove traces of bitu­men, you will need an acid com­po­si­tion. And for rust — alka­line. More­over, it is not at all nec­es­sary to buy an expen­sive solu­tion. Cheap chem­i­cals will do just as well. In addi­tion, it is not so aggres­sive, it will not cor­rode the paint and rub­ber of the car.







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