How to choose a schoolbag for a child — basic rules


Choos­ing a port­fo­lio is one of the impor­tant tasks of a par­ent before Sep­tem­ber 1st. The child will put the most nec­es­sary things in it: school sup­plies, text­books and note­books. 5 tells what to con­sid­er when buy­ing this thing.


The best option for a first grad­er is a school bag. It is a bag with a rigid body and an ortho­pe­dic back. It is usu­al­ly dif­fi­cult to con­fuse with some­thing — it looks a lit­tle bulky and awk­ward on the backs of first graders, but by its design it is safe for pos­ture and quite roomy. It will fit A4 fold­ers, con­tain­ers with break­fast, a change of clothes for phys­i­cal edu­ca­tion, text­books and all sorts of sta­tionery. It is the knap­sack that is most often rec­om­mend­ed by ortho­pe­dists. It can also be equipped with bright ele­ments and reflec­tive inserts, thanks to which the child remains in the sight of oth­ers, and espe­cial­ly dri­vers.


A fash­ion­able back­pack is more suit­able for an old­er child than a bright and bulky satchel. It can be worn by both pri­ma­ry and sec­ondary school stu­dents. The main thing is that it is equipped with reflec­tive inserts and has dura­bil­i­ty. For ease of clean­ing, the back­pack should be made of light­weight and at the same time durable fab­rics with a water-repel­lent coat­ing. Most often nylon. The back­pack should have wide straps with locks that do not squeeze the shoul­ders and do not fall off.


Sovi­et school­child­ren most often walked with brief­cas­es. Visu­al­ly, they resem­bled satchels, but with­out shoul­der straps.

Teacher Yevge­ny Yam­burg on the abo­li­tion of the Uni­fied State Exam­i­na­tion, study­ing through Tik­Tok, school shoot­ings and bul­ly­ing

Their chil­dren have to car­ry in hand. From the out­side, they look styl­ish, but car­ry­ing heavy hand lug­gage is not always con­ve­nient. Due to the uneven dis­tri­b­u­tion of the load, the child’s pos­ture may dete­ri­o­rate and sco­l­io­sis may devel­op.


In mid­dle and high school, teens are start­ing to car­ry trendy hand­bags more often, which can come in a wide vari­ety of shapes and col­ors. They can be equipped with a han­dle or shoul­der strap, have a rigid frame or resem­ble a bag. As with a brief­case, car­ry­ing a bag can also lead to back prob­lems. For this rea­son, it is not rec­om­mend­ed to buy bags for pri­ma­ry school stu­dents.

Teacher Yevge­ny Yam­burg on the abo­li­tion of the Uni­fied State Exam­i­na­tion, study­ing through Tik­Tok, school shoot­ings and bul­ly­ing

First of all, a school bag should be light and com­fort­able. It is best to choose it togeth­er with the child, so that he him­self can say whether the details rub, whether it is hard and, final­ly, he likes this acqui­si­tion visu­al­ly. Because schools don’t place as high a stan­dard on brief­cas­es as they do on cloth­ing, you can cre­ate a sense of antic­i­pa­tion for a first grad­er with a brief­case acces­so­ry. Let it be bright, with prints, fun­ny pic­tures, stick­ers, stripes or rhine­stones — depend­ing on the taste of the child.

When buy­ing a school bag, you should pay atten­tion to:

  • Weight (a back­pack with­out lug­gage should not exceed 1.5 kilo­grams, ide­al­ly 1 kg);
  • Size (back wall length: 3–3.6 cm; front wall height: 2.2–2.6 cm; width: 6–10 cm);
  • Straps (the width of the strap on the shoul­der should be at least 3.5–4 cm, and below — at least 2–2.5 cm. The total length of the strap is 60–70 cm);
  • Rigid­i­ty (shape-resis­tant back­pack with dense inserts in the back area);
  • Capac­i­ty (two com­part­ments with a pock­et or insert: the main one is for books and note­books, the small­er one is for a pen­cil case, a con­tain­er with food);
  • Safe­ty (pres­ence of reflec­tive ele­ments, easy-to-oper­ate zip­per or mag­net­ic fas­ten­er, light­ness and strength of the mate­r­i­al, rub­ber­ized bot­tom and water­proof inserts);
  • Design (a beau­ti­ful satchel will evoke pos­i­tive emo­tions and pre­pare you men­tal­ly for school).

Also, make sure that the label states that “School­bag” is intend­ed for chil­dren aged 10+.







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