Assumption Fast — 2022: how to eat right from August 14 to 27


Ortho­dox Chris­tians will hold the Dor­mi­tion Fast on August 14–27. How to eat right dur­ing fast­ing, so as not to harm your health, 5‑ was answered by endocri­nol­o­gist and nutri­tion­ist Tatyana Fil­ip­po­va.

Dur­ing any fast, the believ­er tra­di­tion­al­ly abstains from food of ani­mal ori­gin.

“The pres­ence of any dis­eases, chron­ic dis­eases, exac­er­ba­tion of some dis­eases, preg­nant women and chil­dren, all these cat­e­gories of cit­i­zens, the elder­ly, includ­ing, they are, as it were, exempt­ed from fast­ing,” the expert explained.

How­ev­er, there are those who see fast­ing as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to lose weight.

“Fast­ing is not a diet, it is not some kind of dietary restric­tions or the exclu­sion of some foods. It’s more of a spir­i­tu­al thing though. There­fore, it is nec­es­sary to focus on it, ”said Fil­ip­po­va.

The nutri­tion­ist recalled that even after the end of the fast, one should not imme­di­ate­ly rush to those foods that were “for­bid­den”. Leav­ing the post should be grad­ual.

“The main thing is not so much the entrance as the exit from it (post — Ed.). Because a sharp return to a nor­mal diet after severe restric­tions, of course, can con­tribute to a neg­a­tive effect on the body, ”said the nutri­tion­ist.

The expert rec­om­mends adding the usu­al food to your diet in small por­tions. A smooth exit from the post will allow you not to gain weight and get all the plea­sure from the prod­ucts.

Dormition Fast Food Calendar 2022

Recall that there are var­i­ous restric­tions on the menu dur­ing the Dor­mi­tion Fast.

Accord­ing to the monas­tic char­ter, on Mon­day, Wednes­day and Fri­day, the char­ter pre­scribed dry eat­ing, that is, you can eat only food of plant ori­gin, which was not amenable to heat treat­ment:

  • uncooked food;
  • fresh, dried or soaked veg­eta­bles;
  • fruit.

On Tues­day and Thurs­day, boiled food with­out veg­etable oil is allowed.

On Sat­ur­days and Sun­days, you can cook dish­es with veg­etable oil. Also on these days, wine is allowed in small quan­ti­ties.

It is worth empha­siz­ing that the gas­tro­nom­ic restric­tions for the laity are not so strict. Before you start fast­ing, you should take a bless­ing from a priest or con­fes­sor.







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