What absolutely can not be done in the morning: TOP 3 tips


For the health of the body, not only sleep, which takes up almost a third of our life, is impor­tant, but also the process of get­ting out of it. What habits should be aban­doned, we tell in the mate­r­i­al 5‑tv.ru.

Don’t set the alarm

Con­vinc­ing your­self that “five more min­utes” will help you get enough sleep is self-decep­tion. It is worth learn­ing to get up imme­di­ate­ly after the alarm goes off and not move it for­ward every five min­utes.

One of the rea­sons for a heavy rise in the morn­ing may be ignor­ing the rules of “sleep hygiene”. The best advice for main­tain­ing the health of the body is not to eat before bed, not to sit up in gad­gets and in front of the TV.

Don’t pick up your smartphone as soon as you wake up

In the era of the devel­op­ment of social net­works, the habit of pick­ing up the phone imme­di­ate­ly after wak­ing up has become one of the most com­mon and harm­ful. Accord­ing to experts, this can have a bad effect on the state of the ner­vous sys­tem, and the risk of anx­i­ety also increas­es.

You can’t jump out of bed

There are peo­ple who get up imme­di­ate­ly after wak­ing up, but they do it very abrupt­ly. Lying in bed for a while and get­ting up slow­ly is not only a pleas­ant, but also a healthy way to start a new day. Oth­er­wise, a sharp tran­si­tion to a state of wake­ful­ness can be fraught with the onset of ner­vous­ness.

Don’t sacrifice breakfast

Many peo­ple are not used to break­fast at all, they pre­fer to just drink a cup of cof­fee, although this drink can irri­tate the stom­ach lin­ing.

In gen­er­al, you should start your morn­ing with a glass of water, as this helps stim­u­late the pro­duc­tion of gas­tric enzymes and intesti­nal motil­i­ty, as well as reduce the acid­i­ty of gas­tric juice.

In addi­tion, do not neglect the cor­rect and bal­anced break­fast. After all, thanks to a hearty and healthy break­fast, a per­son feels full longer, as a result, appetite decreas­es and weight decreas­es.







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