TOP 3 skin care hacks


A woman always wants to look well-groomed, with­out flaws on her face. Der­ma­tol­o­gist Tatyana Bal­li­ra­no told 5‑ about skin care hacks.

The expert iden­ti­fied three uni­ver­sal ways to care for the skin. They are equal­ly suit­able for both men and women. It won’t be hard to stick to them.

Skin care

Home­made masks or prod­ucts from the store will help to make the skin bet­ter. Pho­to: / Ralph Ker­pa

Regard­less of nat­ur­al data, any skin needs prop­er care.

“Cleanse, tone, nour­ish. There should be good means for cleans­ing the skin, we clean the pores, once a week we use gom­mages, enzyme peels, it’s good to remove the top lay­er of the skin very well, clean the pores, ” said the expert.

The der­ma­tol­o­gist remind­ed me that you need to choose the right prod­uct for your par­tic­u­lar skin. Skin types include nor­mal, oily, dry, sen­si­tive or com­bi­na­tion. Serums, creams and masks will help to nour­ish it. The lat­ter can be both pur­chased and made at home.

Self massage

Self-mas­sage improves skin con­di­tion. Pho­to: / Win­fried Schäfer

Prop­er skin care involves self-mas­sage. There are a wide vari­ety of meth­ods. But there is also the most uni­ver­sal way of self-mas­sage.

“We do every­thing along the mas­sage lines: be sure to touch the back of the neck, drain the ears — we have a lot of active points here,” explained the der­ma­tol­o­gist.

Accord­ing to Tatiana Bal­li­ra­no, after 35–40 years, spe­cial skin care tech­niques can­not be ruled out. These include injec­tions, hard­ware tech­niques and salon pro­ce­dures. How­ev­er, doing every­thing in a row is also not worth it. All this is indi­vid­ual and pre­scribed by a spe­cial­ist. The expert urged not to for­get to use sun­screen through­out the year. Also, do not abuse heavy tonal prod­ucts, as they clog pores and increase the risk of inflam­ma­tion. Instead, it is bet­ter to pur­chase BB‑, CC-creams, they are light, high-qual­i­ty, they will just improve the qual­i­ty of the skin.

Proper nutrition

Skin health also depends on human nutri­tion. Pho­to: / Michaela Beg­steiger

The Chi­nese believe that the skin reflects the inter­nal health of the body. In addi­tion, the prod­ucts they con­sume con­tribute to the appear­ance of a per­son. For bet­ter skin con­di­tion, Tatyana Bal­li­ra­no rec­om­mends switch­ing to prop­er nutri­tion.

“Now let’s not for­get about for­ti­fied foods, veg­eta­bles, fruits. We try to process less ther­mal­ly, ”- said the expert.

The der­ma­tol­o­gist advis­es to under­go a com­plete exam­i­na­tion. It is espe­cial­ly impor­tant to do this in the spring to see what your body lacks. In case of a defi­cien­cy of any vit­a­min, start con­sum­ing more nat­ur­al prod­ucts or dietary sup­ple­ments.







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