How to make money on a personal brand — the opinion of a marketer


More and more peo­ple today are think­ing about devel­op­ing a per­son­al brand. After all, when a name works for you, you do not need to depend on the wel­fare of the com­pa­ny, and the risk of los­ing a job because of some­one else’s opin­ion is sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduced. But what is a per­son­al brand? Is it real­ly pos­si­ble to make mon­ey on it? All these ques­tions of were answered by mar­ket­ing spe­cial­ist and blog­ger Katya Kos.

What is a personal brand and why you need it

The con­cept of a per­son­al brand appeared in 1937, long before the birth of the Inter­net and social net­works. At that time, he meant by him­self an indi­vid­ual posi­tion­ing in soci­ety. And Napoleon Hill wrote this def­i­n­i­tion in his book Think and Grow Rich. In the 80s, the term acquired the out­lines famil­iar to mod­ern neti­zens. Since then, a per­son­al brand has meant the image of a per­son in the minds of oth­ers and the val­ues ​​​​pro­mot­ed by him.

The essence of a per­son­al brand is to increase the recog­ni­tion of a per­son in order to cre­ate a rep­u­ta­tion and mon­e­tize it. The lat­ter, as you know, is pos­si­ble if a per­son has a good rep­u­ta­tion in soci­ety.

How to monetize a personal brand


This per­son­al brand­ing for­mat is suit­able for psy­chol­o­gists, coach­es, doc­tors, busi­ness ana­lysts, mar­keters, artists, teach­ers, and more. The more and bet­ter you con­sult, the high­er the chances of becom­ing known through word of mouth.


Peo­ple with a strong per­son­al brand are often seen as role mod­els. If such a per­son adver­tis­es a prod­uct, then, most like­ly, sev­en out of ten peo­ple who see the adver­tise­ment will buy the prod­uct on the tip of an idol. That is why brands often con­sid­er blog­gers and media per­son­al­i­ties to pro­mote their own prod­ucts.

Hosting an event

Many experts today spend a lot of mon­ey to orga­nize a meet­ing with fans or speak at an offline event. The costs are often recouped by the tick­ets sold and the spon­sors of the event, and as a bonus, the rep­u­ta­tion of the speak­er is increased. If you have a strong per­son­al brand, orga­nize your own event in coop­er­a­tion with the plat­form or sim­ply reg­is­ter as a speak­er on a forum that suits your pro­fes­sion­al inter­ests.


When you notice that you are increas­ing­ly being asked for advice or even offered to teach what you under­stand for a fee — do not waste time, earn mon­ey! Cre­ate your own edu­ca­tion­al prod­uct, such as online cours­es or webi­na­rs. In 2022, they are in trend and bring good earn­ings.


Fans can fol­low not only your pro­fes­sion­al achieve­ments. If you are into cos­met­ics, read a lot of books or watch movies, share your pas­sions with the audi­ence. Peo­ple are attract­ed to per­son­al­i­ty, so your per­son­al opin­ion will be tak­en with great inter­est.







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