How to sleep and lose weight at the same time: Top 5 simple tips from a nutritionist


Los­ing weight in a dream — myth or real­i­ty? Real­i­ty, nutri­tion­ist Ele­na Solo­mati­na is sure, since in a dream there is an active split­ting of fats, but only if the dai­ly reg­i­men is observed and the per­son eats prop­er­ly.

Los­ing weight in a dream occurs due to the pro­duc­tion of soma­totrop­ic hor­mone. In a child’s body, this sub­stance is respon­si­ble for the growth of tis­sues dur­ing sleep, and in an adult — for mus­cle repair, and this con­tributes to weight loss. The more mus­cle tis­sue a per­son has, the more cells he has that are respon­si­ble for active fat burn­ing.

“In the rec­om­men­da­tions for qual­i­ty weight loss, in addi­tion to sim­ply main­tain­ing an active lifestyle, a full sleep is nec­es­sar­i­ly not­ed (from 23:00). If a per­son does not fill up the norm, then he pro­duces cor­ti­sol, which inhibits weight loss.— quotes Solo­mati­na “Evening Moscow”.

Accord­ing to her, this is due to the fact that peo­ple with a downed day reg­i­men need much more effort to lose weight.

“In peo­ple with more devel­oped mus­cle mass, this process will pro­ceed faster due to the fact that it has more mito­chon­dria that break down fats”said the nutri­tion­ist.

She empha­sized that in any case, in peo­ple with a full eight-hour sleep, the process of los­ing weight pro­ceeds more quick­ly. The expert also remind­ed that it would not be pos­si­ble to ful­ly lose weight only in a dream, along with this, it is nec­es­sary to main­tain phys­i­cal activ­i­ty. Solo­mati­na list­ed the fac­tors that affect the qual­i­ty of sleep, and there­fore the process of weight loss in a dream.


The less light in the room where a per­son sleeps, the bet­ter, because the lack of light stim­u­lates the pro­duc­tion of the hor­mone mela­tonin, it is he who is respon­si­ble for the qual­i­ty of sleep. There­fore, it makes sense to aban­don gad­gets and com­put­er before going to bed, as the light emit­ted by them neg­a­tive­ly affects the process of falling asleep.


If the room tem­per­a­ture is too high, then this is reflect­ed in the qual­i­ty of sleep for the worse, as well as in the process of weight loss.


Alco­holic drinks pro­mote falling asleep, which pos­i­tive­ly, but neg­a­tive­ly affect the process of awak­en­ing and reduce sleep time in gen­er­al. There­fore, to strength­en the night’s sleep, the nutri­tion­ist explains, a glass of wine is enough. Too much can neg­a­tive­ly affect health.


Solo­mati­na advis­es to always ven­ti­late the room at night: this improves the qual­i­ty of sleep. Stuffi­ness, on the con­trary, inter­feres with qual­i­ty sleep.


For more suc­cess­ful weight loss, the nutri­tion­ist gave some tips on prop­er nutri­tion. She says that din­ner should be pro­tein and overeat­ing at night is also not worth it. You can include a pro­tein shake in your diet, but you need to exclude any car­bo­hy­drate prod­ucts, since car­bo­hy­drates are ener­gy that needs to be spent. If there is an excess of it in the body, then in a dream it will be processed into body fat.

The nutri­tion­ist not­ed that one should not expect a spe­cial effect from the amount of water drunk before bed­time. This effect can only occur if colon cleans­ing sup­ple­ments are tak­en along with water. Only the effect of such meth­ods is not long-term and is fraught with morn­ing puffi­ness.

Ear­li­er, 5‑ said that a strong crav­ing for sweets often leads to unde­sir­able con­se­quences for the body. For the sake of main­tain­ing your health, you need to under­stand the caus­es of eat­ing dis­or­ders. Many peo­ple peri­od­i­cal­ly have a desire to eat sweets. In some cas­es, this is a nor­mal reac­tion of the body. But some­times such crav­ings require a doc­tor’s con­sul­ta­tion.







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