How will the summer solstice 2022 affect the lives of different zodiac signs


The sum­mer sol­stice is under­stood as the moment when the Sun, in its move­ment along the eclip­tic, pass­es its north­ern­most point and in our lat­i­tudes ris­es as close to the zenith as pos­si­ble. This is the longest day of the year and the short­est night. Pro­fes­sion­al astrologer and psy­chol­o­gist Kse­nia Shakho­va told 5‑ what the sum­mer sol­stice will bring to dif­fer­ent signs of the zodi­ac.

In 2022, such an impor­tant day falls on June 21 at 12:13 pm. The expert clar­i­fies that at this moment the Sun will already be in the zodi­ac sign of Can­cer. This deter­mines the pecu­liar­i­ty of this time.

“I would like to note that on the eve of the sum­mer sol­stice, the lumi­nary pass­es through the zodi­ac zone of the twins. And twins are about com­mu­ni­ca­tion, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, rela­tion­ship build­ing and all kinds of medi­a­tion that helps peo­ple con­nect and con­nect with each oth­er.”the astrologer empha­sizes.

Let us con­sid­er more close­ly the influ­ence of this peri­od on all signs of the zodi­ac.

“For Aries, Libra and Capri­corn, the sol­stice tra­di­tion­al­ly empha­sizes exter­nal ten­sion, that is, the space will remind you of the unre­solved and empha­size some new tasks that will need to be dealt with, new chal­lenges”- said Kse­nia Shakho­va.

Accord­ing to the expert, these three signs will most acute­ly feel the prob­lem areas, the accom­pa­ni­ment of a cer­tain ele­ment of inter­nal ten­sion. But dur­ing this peri­od, Aries, Libra and Capri­corn can over­come them­selves and reach the goal, gath­er­ing their will and efforts, work­ing more dili­gent­ly on a spe­cif­ic task.

Also in the sea­son of Can­cer, these signs will be most involved in what is hap­pen­ing, says the astrologer, per­haps some­where even more vul­ner­a­ble. For exam­ple, in per­son­al life and in gen­er­al in lead­ing indus­tries — rela­tion­ships, part­ner­ships, home and work.

There is a pos­si­bil­i­ty of a not very suc­cess­ful sit­u­a­tion for those born under the signs of Leo, Sagit­tar­ius and Aquar­ius. Rea­son — Can­cer is not friends with them direct­ly. They should pro­tect them­selves from ill­ness, dan­ger and extreme sports.

“Of course, this is not the worst peri­od of the year, but nev­er­the­less, immu­ni­ty may not be in the strongest posi­tion. Your own health and safe­ty will be para­mount for these signs. There­fore, I rec­om­mend reliev­ing psy­cho-emo­tion­al and phys­i­cal stress, for exam­ple, bathing, mas­sage helps some­one, active sports help some­one, but it is advis­able to take a vaca­tion and take care of your­self, your health “- advis­es expert Shakho­va.

Pisces and Scor­pios will feel com­fort­able dur­ing the peri­od of Can­cer from the moment of the sum­mer sol­stice. The zone of this water sign is clear and close to them, they them­selves rep­re­sent the water ele­ment. Here it is advis­able to turn to your true nature: do not exag­ger­ate any sit­u­a­tions, do not wind your­self up, relax and get the max­i­mum plea­sure and ben­e­fit from life.

Astro fore­cast for all zodi­ac signs for the week from June 20 to 26

Accord­ing to the astrologer, for Tau­rus and for those born under the sign of Vir­go, a hap­py peri­od begins to make a trip and renew their lives, exchange expe­ri­ence and knowl­edge with oth­er peo­ple, get some incen­tive for intel­lec­tu­al activ­i­ty and sci­en­tif­ic dis­cov­er­ies.

“I rec­om­mend Gem­i­ni dur­ing this peri­od to focus on per­son­al resources, on the mate­r­i­al side of life, because the sol­stice and the peri­od of Can­cer acti­vate the finance zone. Here it is pos­si­ble either to update your own wal­let, to pur­chase some inter­est­ing thing, acces­so­ry, or to think over effec­tive ways to earn mon­ey.- said Kse­nia Shakho­va.

The expert empha­sizes that in gen­er­al this is a good time to take your income seri­ous­ly. You can also estab­lish busi­ness rela­tion­ships for the pur­pose of finan­cial pro­mo­tion.

“At the sol­stice, the most impor­tant thing is that each sign of the zodi­ac can ful­fill their dreams in order for them to become a real­i­ty. Fill them with the ener­gy of good­ness, good luck and get togeth­er as much as pos­si­ble, focus on what is impor­tant.- summed up the astrologer.

You also need to remem­ber that the peri­od of Can­cer is, first of all, an empha­sis on home, on fam­i­ly, on patri­o­tism, on rela­tion­ships with­in the cir­cle famil­iar to you. There­fore, it is worth estab­lish­ing con­tacts with oth­er peo­ple and rely­ing on val­ues ​​that are impor­tant and sig­nif­i­cant for a per­son.







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