The pediatrician told what a first-aid kit should consist of for the summer


Sum­mer is the time for hol­i­days and fun. But falls and ill­ness­es await the baby both in the city and in the coun­try. Pedi­a­tri­cian Ilya Bog­danov told the radio “Peters­burg”, which should con­sist of an ide­al chil­dren’s first aid kit for the sum­mer.

Sum­mer vaca­tion can be accom­pa­nied by var­i­ous ail­ments. In case the heir trav­els to the vil­lage to vis­it his grand­moth­er or on a road trip, experts rec­om­mend col­lect­ing a first-aid kit for chil­dren. Put in it should be both uni­ver­sal drugs and the med­i­cines nec­es­sary for a par­tic­u­lar child.

“Anti­his­t­a­mine, antipyret­ic. Anti­sep­tic, ban­dage, band-aid, nose drops, ear drops,” said the pedi­a­tri­cian.

Bog­danov stressed that par­ents should be extreme­ly care­ful with the child and not belit­tle any child’s com­plaints relat­ed to his health.

“When a child has some gas­troin­testi­nal man­i­fes­ta­tions, the first thing we do is return the flu­id that he los­es. For this, there are cer­tain solu­tions sold in a phar­ma­cy, ”- explained the pedi­a­tri­cian.

It is nec­es­sary to give the child med­i­cine to drink every 10–15 min­utes. If after that he does not get bet­ter, it’s time to call a doc­tor. You can iden­ti­fy a dan­ger­ous dis­ease in a child by how often the baby uri­nates.

“He drinks, even a lit­tle, but he uri­nates. At least once every six hours, the child should uri­nate in this sit­u­a­tion. But some­times it hap­pens that six and eight hours and 12, we under­stand, he los­es so much that he can­not ade­quate­ly pro­vide his water func­tion to the body, ”- explained Bog­danov.

Accord­ing to the doc­tor, in addi­tion to drugs tak­en against the back­ground of a chron­ic dis­ease, med­i­cines should be put in the first-aid kit in case of an exac­er­ba­tion. All this should be tak­en with you on long trips: whether it is a trip by pri­vate car or a train ride to the vil­lage.







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