Which dentists should not go to


High-qual­i­ty den­tal treat­ment will be effec­tive only if it is car­ried out by a com­pe­tent spe­cial­ist. How to choose an attend­ing physi­cian, and why it is dan­ger­ous to be treat­ed by a dubi­ous doc­tor, said den­tist Iri­na Rubl­e­va in an inter­view with 5‑tv.ru.

What is dangerous to be treated by an unverified dentist

Vis­it­ing an unver­i­fied doc­tor is very dan­ger­ous, includ­ing because it is not known what tech­nolo­gies the doc­tor uses. For exam­ple, young pro­fes­sion­als often exper­i­ment. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, in this case, it ends bad­ly.

The doc­tor told what dis­eases are caused by improp­er brush­ing of teeth

Young doc­tors usu­al­ly use mod­ern tech­nolo­gies in the treat­ment of patients. How­ev­er, incom­pe­tent pro­fes­sion­als who pre­fer to use inno­v­a­tive tools for oth­er pur­pos­es can only cause harm. As a result, com­pli­ca­tions of exist­ing dis­eases will appear.

How to avoid treatment by incompetent dentists

On social net­works, doc­tors often pub­lish oth­er peo­ple’s pho­tos, the den­tist warns. And when patients choose an attend­ing physi­cian based on a pic­ture, they are more like­ly to run into an ama­teur or incom­pe­tent doc­tor. Ide­al images may hide gum inflam­ma­tion or tooth loss.

If you are a non-pro­fes­sion­al, you will not be able to under­stand from the pic­ture whether this is a good job or not. Because under this work, which is white and beau­ti­ful on the out­side, there can be many gaps that will lead to inflam­ma­tion of the gums and fur­ther loss of the tooth.”, the den­tist warned.

How to find a good dentist

The spe­cial­ist advis­es look­ing at reviews about the doc­tor and the clin­ic you are going to vis­it. Pay atten­tion to how long the med­ical insti­tu­tion has been oper­at­ing, to the length of ser­vice of doc­tors. It is also impor­tant to know what tech­nolo­gies a spe­cial­ist uses when receiv­ing patients, where and how he stud­ied, what sem­i­nars he attends, what mate­ri­als he works with.

I believe that the gold­en age of a den­tist is from 25 to 50 years old, when he has already learned some­thing.”, — said Iri­na Rubl­e­va.

The spe­cial­ist notes that over­ly elder­ly doc­tors should be treat­ed with cau­tion. Spe­cial­ists with years of expe­ri­ence may expe­ri­ence vision, back or joint prob­lems, the den­tist warns. There­fore, it is more dif­fi­cult for them to per­form micro­ma­nip­u­la­tion inside the patien­t’s oral cav­i­ty.







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