How to protect your skin from the harsh sun


In sum­mer, the issue of pro­tect­ing the skin becomes much more rel­e­vant due to increased sun activ­i­ty. Plas­tic sur­geon and cos­me­tol­o­gist Olga Ovaneso­va told 5‑ how to choose a rem­e­dy for skin pro­tec­tion in the sum­mer.

A sun­screen must meet the cri­te­ria that make it a tru­ly great option for use in the sum­mer.

Accord­ing to the expert, the SPF pro­tec­tion (or Sun Pro­tec­tion Fac­tor) of such a cream must exceed 50. The high­er the val­ue of the indi­ca­tor, the more effec­tive the anti-ultra­vi­o­let agent.

You also need to pay atten­tion to how the prod­uct stays on the skin.

“So that it is bet­ter not to be washed off with water if we are on the beach or, on the con­trary, to be washed off if we are not. To addi­tion­al­ly do not apply any means to remove sun­screen “the expert advis­es.

A good sun pro­tec­tion prod­uct should not stain clothes or cre­ate a sticky film.

It is worth pay­ing atten­tion to vol­ume. Pur­chas­ing small packs will result in one of two things: under-using or run­ning out of cream quick­ly. In the sec­ond case, it is high­ly like­ly that a per­son sim­ply will not buy a new one and will for­get about secu­ri­ty.

And, of course, the cost of such a tool should be accept­able, but tak­ing into account the list­ed require­ments.

A good sun­screen will help not only pre­vent sun­burn, but also oth­er unde­sir­able con­se­quences: malig­nant changes, pho­toag­ing, aller­gic der­mati­tis.

How does different skin react to UV light?

Accord­ing to the expert, there are sev­er­al skin pho­to­types that react dif­fer­ent­ly to ultra­vi­o­let light. This reac­tion is medi­at­ed by melanocytes, spe­cial­ized skin cells that pro­duce melanin.

Why food in the fresh air seems to be tasti­er — the answer of a nutri­tion­ist

Peo­ple of the first and sec­ond pho­to­type (blond and red-haired) sim­ply become red in the sun, they are more like­ly to expe­ri­ence swelling or even a first-degree burn (red­ness, rush of blood to the ves­sels to the sur­face for heat trans­fer) than sun­burn.

“Ori­en­tal peo­ple or African Amer­i­cans are the fifth, sixth pho­to­types. They quick­ly sun­bathe very quick­ly, they eas­i­ly endure all this. ”says the expert.

All oth­er peo­ple belong to the third and fourth pho­to­type. Some time they can be in the sun. Such a per­son is able to tan, but not too quick­ly and does not burn imme­di­ate­ly.







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