How to water plants in the summer in the country


The gar­den­er’s har­vest depends on many con­di­tions. One of them is a suf­fi­cient amount of water in plants. Sel­cor, chair­man of the All-Russ­ian orga­ni­za­tion “Gar­den­ers of Rus­sia” Andrey Tumanov, told 5‑ how to prop­er­ly water a gar­den plot.

What water should be used for irrigation

When water­ing, pay atten­tion to the water that the gar­den­er is going to use. It should be sat­u­rat­ed with oxy­gen and warm enough. There­fore, the expert does not advise water­ing plants with water from wells and wells, which was just raised from the ground.

“The best water heat­ed in the sun. To do this, gar­den­ers put bar­rels, pour water. This bar­rel will stand in the sun and that’s it, water it the next day. This is the best water or from some dec­o­ra­tive pond. In gen­er­al, there is such a con­cept: if frogs croak in the water, then this water is good for irri­ga­tion. So use it, ”advis­es the expert.

Par­tic­u­lar atten­tion should be paid to tem­per­a­ture. Com­fort­able water for irri­ga­tion should warm up to 15–25 degrees. If it is too cold or too warm, then this leads to stress in the plants.

It also hap­pens that there is no pos­si­bil­i­ty of using heat­ed and set­tled water, and soon you need to leave back to the city. Accord­ing to the expert, in this case, it is worth choos­ing the less­er of two evils and water­ing the gar­den direct­ly from the water sup­ply, well or well. In this case, it is bet­ter to use atom­iz­ers so that the water flow is divid­ed into drops, and they have time to heat up a lit­tle and be sat­u­rat­ed with oxy­gen.

When to water plants in the garden

The answer to the ques­tion about the fre­quen­cy of irri­ga­tion and the vol­ume of water resources used for this is indi­vid­ual in each case. It depends on your site, local cli­mat­ic con­di­tions, soil and the require­ments of spe­cif­ic crops.

Two gen­er­al rules can be dis­tin­guished:

  1. it must be reg­u­lar and time­ly;
  2. for air access, the earth must be loos­ened before water­ing, pre­vent­ing the for­ma­tion of a crust.

Water the plants in the area should be in the ear­ly morn­ing or late evening, when there is no bright sun. At this time, the evap­o­ra­tion of water will be min­i­mal, it will be bet­ter absorbed into the soil. At the same time, drops under the influ­ence of rays will not turn into burn­ing lens­es.

What are the watering requirements of different crops

Each plant has its own require­ments for the fre­quen­cy and abun­dance of water­ing, which must be stud­ied indi­vid­u­al­ly and observed. The same approach to dif­fer­ent crops can have a bad effect on their con­di­tion and yield. / R. Schoe­nen­berg

There are four groups of plants accord­ing to their abil­i­ty to absorb water:

  • quick­ly con­sume water, need frac­tion­al and fre­quent water­ing (cucum­bers, radish­es, spinach, cel­ery, cab­bage, let­tuce);
  • eco­nom­i­cal con­sump­tion with a devel­oped root sys­tem, do not require fre­quent water­ing (car­rots, toma­toes, mel­ons);
  • eco­nom­i­cal con­sump­tion with an unde­vel­oped root sys­tem, abun­dant water­ing is required dur­ing the first half of growth (onions, gar­lic);
  • quick­ly absorb water and spend inten­sive­ly (beets).

It should be borne in mind that the green­house has its own char­ac­ter­is­tics of water­ing. For exam­ple, because of the increased tem­per­a­ture, green­house plants need more water. It can also be some­what warmer than for street water­ing. This is due to the high­er air tem­per­a­ture inside the green­house. Final­ly, exces­sive water­ing can lead to con­den­sa­tion, so do not for­get about ven­ti­la­tion.

Do I need to add top dressing when watering

Accord­ing to the expert, some­times you can com­bine top dress­ing with reg­u­lar water­ing. The use of fer­til­iz­ers allows you to increase crop yields, which is extreme­ly impor­tant in the pres­ence of a mod­est sum­mer cot­tage.

The advan­tage of intro­duc­ing addi­tion­al ele­ments into the soil in a dis­solved form is their faster absorp­tion by the roots of plants. How­ev­er, all fer­til­iz­ers have cer­tain rules for use.

“First you read the instruc­tions and then feed accord­ing to this instruc­tion, it is aver­aged for all soils. There­fore, after read­ing the instruc­tions, you will nev­er harm either the plant or your­self. And don’t do it like this: first they brought it in, then some­thing burned down, and then only they climbed to read the instruc­tions. This is not the way to do it.”says the expert.

The issue of com­pli­ance with the rules when using fer­til­iz­ers is quite acute. Prop­er appli­ca­tion of nutri­ents to the soil will not only bring a good har­vest, but also elim­i­nate the like­li­hood of unnec­es­sary expens­es for the gar­den­er and a threat to nature.







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