How to get rid of sweating


In the sum­mer sea­son, sweat­ing is espe­cial­ly uncom­fort­able, and in some cas­es may indi­cate health prob­lems. In an inter­view with 5‑, cos­me­tol­o­gist and plas­tic sur­geon Olga Ovaneso­va told how to prop­er­ly care for your body.

How to prevent and mask sweating

As a rule, sweat­ing caus­es a lot of trou­ble in the armpits, the doc­tor says. Despite the glob­al body-pos­i­tive trend, aes­thet­i­cal­ly, sweat marks on clothes make a repul­sive impres­sion and, more­over, are accom­pa­nied by a spe­cif­ic smell.

An unpleas­ant smell is formed as a result of the vital activ­i­ty of microbes that enter the sweat, the expert explains. In this regard, it is very impor­tant to main­tain hygiene reg­u­lar­ly: wash, shave, use deodor­ants and antiper­spi­rants. Mois­tur­iz­ing creams and cool­ing lotions can also be includ­ed in skin care prod­ucts.

“In such cas­es, peo­ple try to wipe the body with alco­hol. Instead of injur­ing the skin, it is enough to treat prob­lem areas with chlorhex­i­dine and sim­ply wash more often. It is not nec­es­sary even with soap, so as not to dam­age the lipid mem­brane and the body’s own man­tle, ”said the cos­me­tol­o­gist.

It is also rec­om­mend­ed to wear clothes made from nat­ur­al fab­rics, giv­ing pref­er­ence to light col­ors that reflect the sun’s rays. Cloth­ing with intri­cate prints and pat­terns will help to visu­al­ly dis­guise traces of sweat.

If you are going to a busi­ness lunch, then do not order spicy foods and caf­feinat­ed drinks, as these prod­ucts can acti­vate the adren­al glands — and pro­voke sweat­ing.

Causes of sweating

Sweat­ing is a nat­ur­al phys­i­o­log­i­cal process that allows you to reg­u­late the nec­es­sary body tem­per­a­ture. Sweat­ing is usu­al­ly caused by heat, exer­cise, or food. How­ev­er, there are cas­es when sweat is released espe­cial­ly inten­sive­ly, which may indi­cate dis­or­ders and indi­vid­ual genet­ic char­ac­ter­is­tics of the organ­ism.

Exces­sive sweat­ing occurs when:

  • Dia­betes;
  • Oncol­o­gy;
  • obe­si­ty;
  • Chron­ic infec­tions like tuber­cu­lo­sis and malar­ia;
  • heart dis­ease;
  • neu­ro­log­i­cal dis­eases;
  • Viral infec­tions.

What to do with hyperhidrosis

Increased sweat­ing, or hyper­hidro­sis, is more like­ly to both­er men, the doc­tor notes. Spe­cial­ists dis­tin­guish between gen­er­al­ized and local­ized hyper­hidro­sis. In the first case, sweat­ing is man­i­fest­ed over the entire sur­face of the body, espe­cial­ly in the places of accu­mu­la­tion of glands — the armpits. In the sec­ond case, sweat appears on the palms, armpits, feet, fore­head, above the upper lip.

“Hyper­hidro­sis devel­ops when an infec­tion enters the skin. In the com­mon peo­ple, it is called “bitch’s udder”, because the armpits sag with it. If ear­li­er it arose due to the fact that bac­te­ria formed boils on an unwashed body, now it is a “dis­ease of a clean body”. Due to the con­stant use of antiper­spi­rants, the pores become clogged and the dis­ease devel­ops, ”explained Ovaneso­va.

To per­ma­nent­ly get rid of sweat­ing and asso­ci­at­ed inflam­ma­to­ry dis­eases, bot­u­linum tox­in injec­tions are used. Since bot­u­linum tox­in blocks the mus­cles respon­si­ble for con­trac­tion, sweat­ing sim­ply stops. Injec­tions of this drug into the armpits and in the groin are quite painful, the expert warns. True, the effect of the pro­ce­dure can last six months or even a year.







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