Perseid Stream 2022: how to make a wish on the night of August 12–13


In ear­ly August, Rus­sians will be able to see in the night sky the bright­est star­fall of the sum­mer — the Per­seid stream.

What is the Perseid Stream

The Per­sei­ds are a mete­or show­er that annu­al­ly pass­es close to Earth from the direc­tion of the con­stel­la­tion Perseus — hence the name. The stream is formed as a result of the pas­sage of the plan­et through a plume of dust par­ti­cles released by Comet Swift-Tut­tle.

Par­ti­cles the size of a grain of sand burn up in the Earth­’s atmos­phere, form­ing the effect of star rain. Glow­ing lines — mete­ors — rush across the sky at incred­i­ble speed. And some espe­cial­ly bright “guests” are called fire­balls. That is, the Per­sei­ds are not shoot­ing stars, but cos­mic dust, although such a def­i­n­i­tion is com­mon in the pub­lic mind.

For an observ­er in cen­tral Rus­sia around mid­night, the con­stel­la­tion Perseus is locat­ed in the north­east­ern part of the sky. Perseus begins his jour­ney from the north­east­ern hori­zon in the evening and by morn­ing ris­es very high, almost to the zenith, so that “shoot­ing stars” become vis­i­ble through­out the sky.

When the bright star show reach­es its peak, mete­ors sweep across the night sky lit­er­al­ly every minute, draw­ing out the dark­ness with bright stripes. About 60 mete­ors per hour pass through the Per­seid stream.

When and where to watch the Perseid shower 2022

The Per­seid mete­or show­er pass­es close to Earth each year from July 17 to August 26 and is typ­i­cal­ly most active from August 5 to 20.

In 2022, the Per­seid mete­or show­er will be best viewed from Earth on the night of August 12–13. You can look out for bright flash­es in the sky right after sun­set and until dawn. About a hun­dred shoot­ing stars will sparkle in the sky every hour.

The cli­max of the cos­mic event is expect­ed on August 12 at 23:00 — this is the best time to see the max­i­mum num­ber of mete­ors — up to 110 per hour. This hap­pens once a year.

In 2022, the Per­seid mete­or show­er coin­cides with the full moon, so the mete­or show­er will be most clear­ly vis­i­ble at dawn. It will be clear­ly vis­i­ble to all inhab­i­tants of the north­ern hemi­sphere of the plan­et.

A lit­tle tip for astron­o­my lovers: to find a mete­or show­er in the night sky, it is best to focus on the con­stel­la­tion of Cas­siopeia.

Of course, you won’t be able to see shoot­ing stars in a metrop­o­lis by the light of lanterns. It is best to enjoy a beau­ti­ful nat­ur­al phe­nom­e­non out­side the city. It is not nec­es­sary to trav­el far, the main thing is to min­i­mize the sources of arti­fi­cial light­ing. It is advis­able to climb a hill, for exam­ple, a hill, as the view from the low­land will be worse.

No spe­cial tech­nique is need­ed for this, the Per­seid stream is beau­ti­ful in that it can be seen with the naked eye. The main thing is that there are no clouds.

How to make a wish on a shooting star

Astrologers remind: the night of August 12–13, 2022 is the time of mir­a­cles and ful­fill­ment of desires. Every year dur­ing this peri­od, the activ­i­ty of mete­or show­ers increas­es. The peak is the Per­seid mete­or show­er.

Accord­ing to lead­ing experts, this time is ide­al not only for roman­tic dates, but also for the ful­fill­ment of inner­most desires. To do this, it turns out, is quite easy. The main thing is to know at what exact moment to ask the Uni­verse for help and sup­port.

The “instruc­tion” for the cor­rect mak­ing of wish­es con­sists of only a few, but very impor­tant points:

  • To begin with, it is impor­tant to care­ful­ly com­pre­hend the desire, to make sure that it is true, and not imposed by soci­ety or close cir­cle. It is strict­ly for­bid­den to talk about a dream to any­one! After all, this is a per­son­al mat­ter.
  • It is impor­tant to write down the desire on a piece of paper. At the same time, it is nec­es­sary to for­mu­late briefly, bypass­ing all sorts of details. You for­mu­late the ulti­mate goal, for exam­ple, to buy a car, and how you will get funds, where you will find a suit­able car, who will help you arrange every­thing is not your con­cern, because all of the above will be resolved and devel­op in the best pos­si­ble way.
  • Find a spot where you can watch the Per­seid stream. A bal­cony or a win­dow sill by the win­dow will not work — you will have to go out into nature or at least go to the park — where you can freely observe the star­ry sky and falling mete­ors. For secu­ri­ty rea­sons, it’s best to do this with some­one you trust.
  • “Catch­ing a star” in the sky, say the writ­ten desire quick­ly and clear­ly. As soon as the light from the mete­or goes out, the uni­verse will respond. After­wards, don’t for­get to be grate­ful. Sin­cere and kind words or even deeds will help you ful­fill your dream much faster.

Astrologers warn: after the com­ple­tion of the rit­u­al, you should not expect a mir­a­cle every day. Every­thing will hap­pen when need­ed. At the same time, exces­sive irri­tabil­i­ty and obses­sion will only aggra­vate the sit­u­a­tion and delay the hap­py moment.







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