Why do you need salt in the dishwasher?


When you buy a dish­wash­er, the focus is on deter­gent. How­ev­er, in addi­tion to it, it is also worth think­ing about pur­chas­ing a rinse aid and regen­er­at­ing salt. It is about the lat­ter that we want to talk about in our today’s arti­cle.

What does PMM salt look like?

The com­po­si­tion of salt for dish­wash­ers is quite sim­ple: it is main­ly sodi­um chlo­ride. You might think that this is ordi­nary table salt, but it is not. The gran­ules of regen­er­at­ing salt are much larg­er and can­not be used for cook­ing.

What is the dif­fer­ence between PMM salt and reg­u­lar salt?

We have already said that their dif­fer­ence is in appear­ance. Despite the fact that their chem­i­cal com­po­si­tion is almost the same, there are sig­nif­i­cant dif­fer­ences in it. Ordi­nary table salt con­tains trace ele­ments that will set­tle on the heat­ing ele­ment and oth­er parts of the dish­wash­er dur­ing the wash­ing process. In addi­tion, table salt often con­tains unwant­ed debris, as it under­goes less thor­ough clean­ing.

What effect does regen­er­at­ing salt have on PMM?

If your home has hard water, then the use of salt will be nec­es­sary not only to improve the qual­i­ty of wash­ing, but also to extend the life of your appli­ances. And that’s why. As a result of wash­ing dish­es with water with increased hard­ness, limescale grad­u­al­ly forms in the PMM, which set­tles on all parts. Over time, scale can lead to equip­ment fail­ure and, in par­tic­u­lar, its heat­ing ele­ment and ion exchang­er. Salt has a soft­en­ing effect on water, as a result of which the equip­ment will last much longer, and the dish­es will please you with clean­li­ness.

You can eas­i­ly deter­mine the lev­el of water hard­ness by pur­chas­ing spe­cial test strips or oth­er express tests.

Plaque and streaks on dish­es after wash­ing in PMM? Add salt!

Anoth­er advan­tage of water soft­en­ing is not only faster and bet­ter removal of grease and dirt, but also sparkling dish­es with­out streaks and plaque, which, after heat­ing and dry­ing water with increased hard­ness, set­tles on all sur­faces in the form of liq­uid salts. In order to get rid of plaque and streaks, you need to add salt and rinse aid to the PMM! We talked about rinse aids in more detail in our oth­er arti­cle, which can be found by the title: “Why do I need rinse aid in a dish­wash­er?”

How to use salt prop­er­ly

We have already deter­mined that any dish­wash­er needs salt. Cur­rent­ly, deter­gent man­u­fac­tur­ers offer com­bi­na­tion prod­ucts that already con­tain emol­lients, and if soft tap water is avail­able, salt and rinse aid can be omit­ted. These tablets include the pro­fes­sion­al line for PMM ALAPURESA, which can be pur­chased at rea­son­able prices on the Wild­ber­ries web­site.

How­ev­er, a small amount of emol­lients in tablets does not elim­i­nate the need to pur­chase regen­er­at­ing salt if you have hard tap water!

The ques­tion of where to pour salt should not cause dif­fi­cul­ties. In all dish­wash­ers, the salt com­part­ment is locat­ed at the bot­tom of the dish­wash­er under the low­er dish tray. To pour regen­er­at­ing salt into it, you need to use a fun­nel, which will help to avoid get­ting gran­ules into the wash­ing cham­ber.

You can get acquaint­ed with the range of pro­fes­sion­al prod­ucts for clean­li­ness and com­fort in the house below by click­ing on any prod­uct:







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