Why do you need a facial tonic and which one is right for your skin?


Clean, healthy and well-groomed skin always looks attrac­tive, even if you do not use dec­o­ra­tive cos­met­ics or put on very light make­up. The absence of red­ness, inflam­ma­tion, black­heads, an even and beau­ti­ful com­plex­ion is the key to your self-con­fi­dence, so the skin needs reg­u­lar and com­pe­tent care. What does it include?

The clas­sic approach involves at least 3 stages — cleans­ing, ton­ing and mois­tur­iz­ing / nutri­tion. True, in prac­tice, often many peo­ple use in their dai­ly care only wash­ing with foam or gel, and then apply a cream, skip­ping this skin ton­ing. Why should­n’t this be done?

The use of ton­ic is impor­tant for sev­er­al rea­sons:

Com­pletes the cleans­ing phase, restores the nat­ur­al pH after wash­ing and pre­pares the skin for the appli­ca­tion of cream or serum

well refresh­es the skin

Helps to get rid of oily sheen, unclogs pores and reduces black­heads

Helps fight inflam­ma­tion, red­ness and irri­ta­tion of the skin

Ton­ics from the com­pa­ny SIBERINA cre­at­ed on the basis of nat­ur­al hydro­lates with the addi­tion of oils, extracts, vit­a­mins and ben­e­fi­cial acids. They do not dry and irri­tate the skin, pro­vid­ing com­plete dai­ly care.

Each ton­ic is pack­aged in a small dark glass bot­tle — it pro­tects the prod­uct from expo­sure to sun­light and retains its prop­er­ties longer. Thanks to the com­pact for­mat of the ton­ic, you can take your favorite prod­uct with you on a trip. Ton­ic can be applied direct­ly to the skin (the bot­tle is equipped with a spray dis­penser), or you can use a cot­ton pad.

The line of ton­ics from SIBERINA presents dif­fer­ent types — among them you will def­i­nite­ly find the one that is right for your skin /

Face ton­ic “Com­plex 3 in 1” effec­tive­ly tones, mois­tur­izes and restores the pH of the skin. The ton­ic is based on gly­col­ic acid, which has a reju­ve­nat­ing effect and renews the cells of the epi­der­mis. Rose­mary hydrosol and juniper extract tight­en pores, nor­mal­ize the func­tion­ing of the seba­ceous glands and elim­i­nate oily sheen. Orange essen­tial oil evens out the tone of the face, refresh­es, soothes the skin and gives the ton­ic a light cit­rus aro­ma.

Ton­ic for the face and area around the eyes “Reju­ve­nat­ing” helps to nour­ish and mois­tur­ize the skin, it restores the water-lipid bal­ance and retains mois­ture in the cells. As part of the ton­ic “queen” of female beau­ty — hyaluron­ic acid.

Please note that the ton­ic can also be used for del­i­cate, thin skin around the eyes, because. in addi­tion to hyaluron­ic acid, it also con­tains corn­flower hydro­late — it qual­i­ta­tive­ly relieves skin irri­ta­tion, reduces dark cir­cles under the eyes and signs of fatigue. Rose hydro­lat nour­ish­es and refresh­es the skin, while pome­gran­ate extract has a reju­ve­nat­ing effect.

Face ton­ic “Anti-inflam­ma­to­ry” Suit­able for prob­lem­at­ic skin prone to inflam­ma­tion, irri­ta­tion, pim­ples and black­heads.

The prod­uct effec­tive­ly soothes the skin and reduces the lev­el of oili­ness of the skin thanks to laven­der hydro­late. The ton­ic also con­tains tea tree hydro­late and clove essen­tial oil — they act as anti­sep­tics, help in the fight against rash­es, inflam­ma­tion, and acne.

Evening com­plex­ion ton­ic based on rose hydrosol gen­tly cleans­es, mois­tur­izes the skin and tight­ens pores. Chamomile and neroli hydrosols have an anti-inflam­ma­to­ry effect, soothe the skin, elim­i­nate oily sheen and nar­row pores. Essen­tial lit­tle euca­lyp­tus gen­tly whitens the skin, mak­ing the com­plex­ion more even.

Face ton­ic “Mat­i­fy­ing” Per­fect for oily prone skin. The ton­ic con­tains birch hydro­late, which has an antimi­cro­bial effect, and St. John’s wort hydro­late, which per­fect­ly tones the skin and makes it more toned.

Grape­fruit essen­tial oil per­fect­ly cleans­es and tight­ens pores, reduces oily sheen. Extracts of sage and net­tle cleanse the skin of tox­ins and make the com­plex­ion more healthy.

Face ton­ic “Refresh­ing hypoal­ler­genic” suit­able for all skin types, effec­tive­ly soothes and mois­tur­izes. The ton­ic is based on chamomile hydrosol, which gen­tly cleans­es and soft­ens the skin. Rose essen­tial oil helps to fight fine wrin­kles, makes the skin more elas­tic. Cal­en­du­la extract relieves inflam­ma­tion and red­ness.

Face ton­ic “Anti-stress care” mois­tur­izes the skin, effec­tive­ly com­bats dry­ness and flak­ing. As part of the ton­ic, aloe vera gel, chamomile essen­tial oil and blue retinol, which has a reju­ve­nat­ing effect, restores dam­aged skin areas.

Facial ton­ic “Nar­row­ing the pores” not only helps to reduce enlarged pores, but also active­ly mois­tur­izes and refresh­es the skin, fights inflam­ma­tion and relieves red­ness. Hydrosols of rose, jas­mine, mint and grape­fruit in the com­po­si­tion are respon­si­ble for such a com­plex effect.

Choose your ton­ic for dai­ly care in our cat­a­log. SIBERINA nat­ur­al ton­ics will pro­vide soft, del­i­cate skin care, give it fresh­ness and radi­ance!







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