Why do you need a base for makeup and how to apply it correctly?


Recent­ly, the make­up base has become not just an addi­tion­al tool for cre­at­ing the per­fect make-up, but a neces­si­ty. Primers have gained incred­i­ble pop­u­lar­i­ty among pro­fes­sion­als in their field and, accord­ing­ly, among girls who mon­i­tor the con­di­tion of their skin. This is due to the ver­sa­til­i­ty and ver­sa­til­i­ty of the tool.

Make­up base con­tributes to:

  • Uni­form dis­tri­b­u­tion of tonal foun­da­tion;
  • Increas­ing the per­sis­tence of sub­se­quent funds;
  • Increas­ing the sat­u­ra­tion of col­ors in make­up;
  • Improv­ing the appear­ance and con­di­tion of the skin;
  • Pre­vents mix­ing shades of cos­met­ics;
  • I even out the com­plex­ion and relief of the epi­der­mis;
  • Mat­ti­fy­ing the skin and elim­i­nat­ing oily sheen;
  • Cor­rec­tion of skin dull­ness and hydra­tion;
  • Pro­tec­tion from the harm­ful effects of UV rays.

In accor­dance with the needs, skin type, exist­ing defects and imper­fec­tions of the face, girls choose the most suit­able types of primers that help to make beau­ti­ful make­up with­out much effort.

JOMTAM make­up base has all of the above prop­er­ties and we have an unsur­passed and devot­ed love of cus­tomers, and will also please you with its low price!

How to apply makeup base?

The make-up base must be applied in sev­er­al stages, which ensure that the cos­met­ics lie flat, do not roll and gath­er on the face, and do not cre­ate the feel­ing of a mask or arti­fi­cial film.

Stage 1 — cleans­ing. First you need to wash your­self using spe­cial means. Then wipe the skin with a cot­ton pad dipped in ton­ic or micel­lar water. It is rec­om­mend­ed to use a ton­ic with a mat­ting effect.

Stage 2 — apply­ing the base. Care­ful­ly apply a primer, prefer­ably white, beige or pink, with gen­tle move­ments, which is the basis for sub­se­quent make­up.

Stage 3 — col­or base. At this stage, use a wide brush or use a fin­ger­tip to apply col­ored primers point­wise. It is done when nec­es­sary to hide minor skin imper­fec­tions.

Stage 4 — shad­ing. The applied col­or primers must be care­ful­ly shad­ed. You can do this with the same brush or with a spe­cial blend­ing sponge.

Stage 5 — foun­da­tion. Gen­tly apply foun­da­tion or BB cream with a brush. You can also apply con­ceal­er or cor­rec­tor on top as need­ed. All prod­ucts are gen­tly blend­ed over the face, cre­at­ing a smooth tran­si­tion to the neck area.

Stage 6 — use of pow­der. With a brush or a spe­cial­ly designed sponge, apply pow­der to the face. The ide­al option is to use white loose pow­der with min­er­als.

On this, the prepa­ra­tion of the face for fur­ther make­up is con­sid­ered com­plete. You can use blush or bronz­er depend­ing on your skin tone. This is fol­lowed by eye and lip make­up, as well as eye­brow cor­rec­tion.

Rules for choosing a base for makeup

The choice of foun­da­tion for make-up direct­ly depends on the type of skin, since each of them has its own care needs. In some cas­es, a primer can replace foun­da­tion, BB cream, and some­times even con­ceal­er.

For oily skin, a mat­ti­fy­ing primer is suit­able to hide shine and enlarged pores. It also pro­tects against the effects of the sun bet­ter and pro­longs the dura­bil­i­ty of make­up. No less suit­able is an illu­mi­nat­ing make-up base with a blur effect. Using a primer for oily skin can com­plete­ly replace foun­da­tion.

For dry skin type, choos­ing a foun­da­tion for make­up is the most dif­fi­cult. In this case, a primer with moth­er-of-pearl and creamy tex­ture is suit­able. It gives the face a slight shim­mer effect, while mois­tur­iz­ing the skin.

For nor­mal skin, almost any make­up base is suit­able. Depend­ing on the pur­pose of the make-up, you can choose a primer with a radi­ant or mat­te fin­ish.

Matte or pearlescent?

Many girls are won­der­ing: with which fin­ish is it bet­ter to choose a primer? Of course, first of all, you should focus on the type of skin, and sec­ond­ly, pay atten­tion to the pur­pose of make­up. Using a mat­ti­fy­ing make­up base helps achieve the per­fect every­day look. Many are accus­tomed to the fact that smooth mat­te skin is the key to any beau­ti­ful make-up. How­ev­er, a lit­tle soft shine won’t hurt even in day­time make­up.

A radi­ant make-up base is more suit­able for girls with dry skin, and also looks great under an evening make-up. How­ev­er, a lit­tle shine in the face will not hurt even with every­day make­up, as it sig­nif­i­cant­ly refresh­es the skin. When apply­ing a primer with moth­er of pearl, it is impor­tant not to over­do it so that there is a slight mys­te­ri­ous glow on the face, but no more. This foun­da­tion can even be used instead of a high­lighter.







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