Security algorithm: why do we need a “glowing” backpack?


Late autumn, long win­ter ahead. The days are get­ting short­er and the nights are get­ting longer. Not all stu­dents have been trans­ferred to remote work. Pri­ma­ry school stu­dents still go to school every morn­ing.

autumn, winter is coming...

Yes, the streets of large cities with a pop­u­la­tion of one mil­lion peo­ple are well lit. There are also road mark­ings — “zebra”, and reg­u­lat­ed inter­sec­tions, and traf­fic lights, and under­ground and over­head over­pass­es, and much more, pro­vid­ed for the safe move­ment of chil­dren. How­ev­er, not all of Rus­sia has moved to Moscow yet. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, dark streets, dan­ger­ous unlit inter­sec­tions, non-auto­mat­ed rail­way cross­ings and cross­ings — all these are “dec­o­ra­tions” and indis­pens­able attrib­ut­es of the real life of our peo­ple in small towns and small towns. In these con­di­tions, it is very impor­tant for par­ents to take care of their chil­dren and put in the side pock­et of a school back­pack, for exam­ple, a lumi­nous water bot­tle. For exam­ple, BRIGHT!. Maybe even two…

A back­pack that radi­ates BRIGHT! light: either white, or blue, or green, or yel­low, or red, — guar­an­teed to be noticed by vehi­cle dri­vers from a dis­tance of a kilo­me­ter or even more.

glow options

Such increased vis­i­bil­i­ty is espe­cial­ly rel­e­vant dur­ing rain or snow­fall, in fog, on sharp turns and descents / ascents of night, wind­ing streets and roads.

Safe­ty is extreme­ly impor­tant!

PS The “glow­ing” back­pack can be “assem­bled” using both YARKO! bot­tles and YARKO! flash­lights. The weight of the lumi­nous “con­struc­tion” assem­bled with­out fill­ing (plas­tic con­tain­er + bot­tle flash­light) — no more than 50–60 g. It goes very well with a chil­dren’s back­pack!

bottles and lanterns BRIGHT!







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