5 reasons to buy dried lemons


1 reason

It’s com­fort­able! Very com­fort­ably. You can take bot­tled water with you, but it’s not very easy to drink it, and if you add a slice of dried lemon, it’s anoth­er mat­ter right away, and even more use­ful. Vit­a­min C, after all. You can take such a “dry­ing” to work, add it to tea, and not hang around with fresh lemon.

2 reason

It is prof­itable and eco­nom­i­cal. At dif­fer­ent times of the year, lemons cost dif­fer­ent­ly. You can buy for 70 rubles per kilo­gram, or you can buy for 200 rubles. And there was a time when a kilo­gram of lemons reached up to 500 rubles. Remem­ber?! So I buy 70 rubles each and dry a lot of lemons at once.

3 reason

There are always dried lemons in the house, always. You don’t have to think that now you could add a lemon to the fish or drink some tea with lemon (and there is lit­tle or no lemon at all), oth­er­wise it has dete­ri­o­rat­ed … Dried ones do not dete­ri­o­rate for a long time.

4 reason

Who likes to make dif­fer­ent vit­a­min mix­es with lemon or sea­son­ing mix. Dried ones are more con­ve­nient. You can store the mix­ture sim­ply in the clos­et, and it does not dete­ri­o­rate, unlike if you add fresh ones. You have to store it in the refrig­er­a­tor and eat the mix­ture cold (which is not very good) or wait until it warms up, which is incon­ve­nient.

5th reason

These lemons also serve as a beau­ti­ful decor in the kitchen and as a fla­vor­ing for cab­i­nets. Dried lemons in jars look great.







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