Why do we need fragrances for the home and how to choose them?


If we can­not con­trol the smells in the street or in the office, then the hous­es must become the mas­ter of aro­mas. With their help, we cre­ate a spe­cial atmos­phere, har­mo­ny between the char­ac­ter and design of our inte­ri­or. But how to choose a fra­grance for your home? If every­thing is clear with ordi­nary per­fume: they came to the store, put it on a blot­ter, lis­tened. If you like, test­ed on the wrist. But the home fra­grance can­not be applied to the skin, and in the bot­tle it sounds too bright, because there is a con­cen­trat­ed liq­uid inside. In addi­tion, it is not clear how it will be com­bined with the smells in the apart­ment. We share a reminder on choos­ing a fra­grance for the home.

  • Ask your­self the ques­tion — which group of notes do you like best? Aquat­ic, spicy, con­fec­tionery? When you set a vec­tor, it will be eas­i­er to choose a fla­vor, and the nose will not have time to get tired of test­ing.
  • Trust your first feel­ing. You come to the store, lis­ten to the fra­grance and under­stand that you only want it and no oth­er. The nov­el The Count of Monte Cristo per­fect­ly describes this feel­ing: “Did this or that fra­grance do some­thing for me? No. He’s just nice. I have noth­ing more to say if asked.”
  • Relive the scents of the past. The smells that give us plea­sure are asso­ci­at­ed with strong pos­i­tive emo­tions from child­hood or a recent vivid impres­sion. The fra­grance, like a pho­to­graph that sud­den­ly caught my eye, returns to a state expe­ri­enced many years ago. Try to remem­ber what smell you asso­ciate with the feel­ing of absolute peace and hap­pi­ness. Per­haps the best win­ter was at my grand­moth­er’s dacha, where the aro­mas of fresh­ly baked bread and spicy cit­rus soared. The Library of Aro­mas brand is known for a wide col­lec­tion of dif­fusers and sprays for the home with such emo­tion­al aro­mas. Smells from child­hood “Cher­ry Lol­lipop” and “Bub­blegum” will bring back touch­ing mem­o­ries and give a sense of secu­ri­ty.
  • Choose a spe­cial scent for the bed­room. There may be a sin­gle smell through­out the house, but a dif­fer­ent one for the bed­room. The Fra­grance Library has relax­ing notes of Mint Cloud and Lilac. For oth­er occa­sions — hot “Mal­dives” or spicy “Mulled Wine”. It all depends on your plans.
  • Conif­er­ous and cit­rus aro­mas that stim­u­late the brain — “Tan­ger­ine peel” and “Spruce twig” — ask for conif­er­ous and cit­rus aro­mas in the work­ing area of ​​​​the apart­ment. And for the kitchen, it is bet­ter to choose “edi­ble” notes — “Focac­cia with rose­mary”, “Lemon meringue”. It is bet­ter to dec­o­rate the liv­ing room with neu­tral notes — “Puri­ty” and “Pow­der” will do.
  • A way for the lazy and cun­ning. If you have a favorite per­fume from the Fra­grance Library, it makes things eas­i­er. Many per­fumes are dupli­cat­ed in the form of dif­fusers and sprays. Imag­ine that you have applied a per­fume sim­i­lar to your home fra­grance to your neck. For exam­ple, “Grass”. At a busi­ness meet­ing, a date, any­where out­side the home, you will feel calmer and more con­fi­dent.

Choose the for­mats that are con­ve­nient for you:

  • Dif­fuser 125 ml — enough for a long time.
  • Dif­fuser 50 ml — so that the aro­ma does not have time to get bored.
  • Room spray — to instant­ly refresh the fra­grance or apply to bed linen and cur­tains.

Cre­at­ing a relax­ing and healthy atmos­phere is also tak­ing care of your­self.







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