What are ceramides and why does your skin need them?


Every girl dreams of smooth and healthy skin, because this is the key to self-con­fi­dence. Clean skin with­out inflam­ma­tion does not require a lot of cos­met­ics and tonal prod­ucts, it looks radi­ant on its own.

The con­di­tion of the skin is influ­enced by many fac­tors: lifestyle, walks in the fresh air or lack there­of, nutri­tion, weath­er con­di­tions and, of course, dai­ly care. It includes 3 main stages, the sequence and reg­u­lar­i­ty of which is impor­tant to observe for max­i­mum results: cleans­ing, ton­ing and mois­tur­iz­ing.

If you fol­low all the rules, but the skin leaves much to be desired — it dries, flakes, looks lethar­gic and dull — per­haps the care is cho­sen incor­rect­ly. If you rec­og­nize your skin in the descrip­tion above, try it. cos­met­ics with ceramides from SIBERINA.

What are ceramides?

These are lipids, which, like “bricks”, form the basis of the skin’s nat­ur­al lipid bar­ri­er. It pro­vides pro­tec­tion from exter­nal influ­ences and helps retain mois­ture in the cells. When it is bro­ken, the skin becomes dehy­drat­ed, dull, irri­tat­ed, sen­si­tive, more vul­ner­a­ble to exter­nal influ­ences and prone to ear­ly aging. This is where cos­met­ics with ceramides come in handy.

Do not for­get that in order to achieve a vis­i­ble result, care must be com­pre­hen­sive — one cream will not be enough.

In our series with ceramides, there are prod­ucts for both basic and addi­tion­al care, today we will talk about the first group — this is the base that is used every day.

Choos­ing SIBERINA prod­ucts with ceramides for dai­ly care, you can be sure of the nat­ur­al com­po­si­tion, high-qual­i­ty recipe and ben­e­fi­cial prop­er­ties of each prod­uct.


Mois­tur­iz­ing and soft­en­ing facial wash with ceramides for dry and sen­si­tive skin with rose hydrosol has a del­i­cate flo­ral aro­ma and gives the skin a healthy and fresh look. D‑panthenol in the com­po­si­tion heals, soft­ens and smoothes, gives a feel­ing of pleas­ant hydra­tion. Horse­tail extract improves oxy­gen and lipid metab­o­lism, allow­ing skin cells to renew them­selves in a time­ly man­ner.

Does drink­ing water dry out your skin? Try water­less cleans­ing with mois­tur­iz­ing and soft­en­ing milk wash with ceramides for dry and sen­si­tive skin. It has a del­i­cate creamy tex­ture and allows you to gen­tly cleanse the skin of dirt, dust and make-up residues even with­out the use of water. Does not dry or tight­en the skin, pro­vides the nec­es­sary mois­tur­iz­ing effect. As part of olive and jojo­ba oils, they nour­ish the skin, increase firm­ness and elas­tic­i­ty. Vit­a­min F with fat­ty acids elim­i­nates skin flak­ing, bis­abolol and D‑panthenol soothe and heal.

Do you use dec­o­ra­tive cos­met­ics? Then you will need mois­tur­iz­ing and soft­en­ing micel­lar water with ceramides for dry and sen­si­tive skin. It soothes the skin, gen­tly removes the rem­nants of impu­ri­ties and make­up. The for­mu­la with micelles — spe­cial mol­e­cules — acts instant­ly, leav­ing no feel­ing of tight­ness, dry­ness or irri­ta­tion. The com­po­si­tion con­tains rose hydro­late, aloe vera gel and D‑panthenol — they mois­tur­ize, relieve irri­ta­tion, give soft­ness, vel­vety to the skin, improve com­plex­ion.


Mois­tur­iz­ing and soft­en­ing facial ton­er with ceramides for dry and sen­si­tive skin helps to com­plete the cleans­ing pro­ce­dure and pre­pare the skin for the appli­ca­tion of the cream. It refresh­es the skin, relieves irri­ta­tion and has a light flo­ral scent thanks to the rose hydro­late in the com­po­si­tion. Horse­tail extracts and D‑panthenol soft­en the skin and accel­er­ate cell metab­o­lism.

Hydra­tion and nutri­tion

Mois­tur­iz­ing and soft­en­ing face cream with ceramides for dry and sen­si­tive skin — the last, third step in care. Vit­a­min F in the com­po­si­tion of the cream with fat­ty acids helps restore the skin’s lipid bar­ri­er, get rid of peel­ing and dry­ness. Vit­a­min E acts as an antiox­i­dant and slows down the aging process. The light tex­ture of the cream and fast absorp­tion allows it to be used as both a day and night cream.

Choose cos­met­ics with ceramides in our cat­a­log, do not for­get about reg­u­lar­i­ty and a sys­tem­at­ic approach, and your skin will def­i­nite­ly appre­ci­ate such care!







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