Dryer for greens: where did it come from, how to use it and why.


Historical facts

The first dry­er for greens was invent­ed in the 19th cen­tu­ry. The kitchen used wire bas­kets that need­ed to be twist­ed. The bas­ket itself was fixed on the sink with rub­ber suc­tion cups.

How­ev­er, this design was imprac­ti­cal. Dur­ing the wash­ing and dry­ing process, water splashed around and fell on the cook.

The first cen­trifuge sim­i­lar to the mod­ern one was reg­is­tered in 1974. Its author was the French inven­tor Jean Mat­let.

What is needed for

The sal­ad cen­trifuge is used for dry­ing herbs, veg­eta­bles, berries and fruits. After clean­ing, the leaves must be thor­ough­ly dried. Oth­er­wise, sauces and oil will drain from them. In addi­tion, a wet sal­ad will not crunch, which will affect the taste and appear­ance of the dish.

The dry­er allows you to effec­tive­ly remove mois­ture from the sur­face of the green­ery. You can dry the sal­ad in just 30 sec­onds.

Features of our products

We offer dry­ers for green­ery Linet and cen­trifuge clover. With the help of a sim­ple kitchen acces­so­ry, you can quick­ly dry let­tuce leaves, herbs, small fruits and veg­eta­bles, berries.

The cen­trifuge is made in the form of a con­tain­er with a built-in colan­der. To dry the greens, just place it in a con­tain­er, cov­er with a lid and scroll a lit­tle. After that, the mois­ture will remain in the con­tain­er.

Our Benefits:

-The dry­er is made of safe food grade plas­tic with no tox­ic smell.
- Thanks to the col­lapsi­ble design, it is easy to main­tain, easy to clean and dry.
-When using the cen­trifuge does not require the use of force. The disc spins and moves eas­i­ly.
-Acces­so­ry effec­tive­ly removes mois­ture from the greens, leav­ing the sal­ad crispy.

The range includes both small dry­ers and a dimen­sion­al cen­trifuge for large por­tions of greens.

Happy cooking!







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