Disposable diapers: why are they needed and how to choose high-quality ones


Dis­pos­able dia­pers are spe­cial hygiene prod­ucts that absorb bio­log­i­cal secre­tions and help keep sur­faces clean and dry. The advan­tage of such dia­pers is that they are thrown away imme­di­ate­ly after use, they do not need to be washed or ironed.

Types of absorbent diapers

  • For kids. The cas­es of their use are quite exten­sive: when chang­ing a dia­per, when going to the clin­ic, in hot weath­er to pre­vent dia­per rash, as a replace­ment for dia­pers when the baby is sleep­ing or rest­ing, etc. Dia­pers per­fect­ly absorb mois­ture, pre­vent­ing liq­uid from get­ting out.
  • For adults. They are used for “lying” patients who expe­ri­ence incon­ti­nence prob­lems. They will also be able to pro­vide com­fort for women in labor while in the post­par­tum ward or when exam­ined by an obste­tri­cian.
  • For ani­mals. Dia­pers are use­ful, for exam­ple, when you are train­ing a pup­py to the toi­let, when you are car­ing for a sick or elder­ly ani­mal, if you need to pro­tect the car seat when trans­port­ing an ani­mal, etc.

High-qual­i­ty dis­pos­able dia­per — what is it?

A dis­pos­able dia­per usu­al­ly con­sists of three lay­ers.

  1. The bot­tom lay­er is a poly­eth­yl­ene film. It has an anti-slip coat­ing and pre­vents liq­uid from leak­ing to the sur­face.
  2. The mid­dle lay­er is an absorbent filler. Often these are cel­lu­lose fibers that per­fect­ly absorb mois­ture and do not allow it to stand out when pressed.
  3. The top lay­er is a non-woven mate­r­i­al. It is soft and pleas­ant to the body, does not cause irri­ta­tion on the skin of the baby. Serves for fast car­ry­ing out of liq­uid inside.

Dia­pers come in dif­fer­ent sizes and dif­fer­ent pack­ag­ing. Stan­dard dia­per sizes are 40x60, 60x60, 90x60 and 90x170 cm, depend­ing on indi­vid­ual needs. They are usu­al­ly pack­aged in 1, 5, 10 or 30 pieces per pack.

It is also impor­tant to pay atten­tion to the degree of absorp­tion. For chil­dren and adults, this fig­ure varies. The min­i­mum absorben­cy is 350 ml and the max­i­mum is 2100 ml. It is bet­ter to choose dia­pers with medi­um absorben­cy.

Benefits of disposable diapers

  • The upper sur­face of the dia­per does not cause aller­gies and irri­ta­tion, it is very soft and pleas­ant to the touch. It also has anti-slip prop­er­ties.
  • The dia­per has a high liq­uid absorp­tion rate. It retains a large amount of mois­ture for a long time and even when ful­ly filled it pro­vides dry­ness and com­fort.
  • Dis­pos­able dia­pers have high strength, it is quite dif­fi­cult to break them.
  • Dia­pers do not need to be washed, cleaned and ironed, they save time and effort.
  • In the man­u­fac­ture of dia­pers, only envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly mate­ri­als are used, which are absolute­ly harm­less to humans and ani­mals. They do not have an unpleas­ant odor or vents, will not harm the skin and are not sus­cep­ti­ble to the for­ma­tion of fun­gi or mold.
  • Dis­pos­able dia­pers also con­tain the smell of secre­tions and bow­el move­ments, pre­vent­ing it from spread­ing around the house.

In order not to make a mis­take with the choice of dis­pos­able dia­pers, we rec­om­mend that you pur­chase uni­ver­sal dis­pos­able dia­pers. They are suit­able for both new­borns and adults, as well as for ani­mals.

In the Wild­ber­ries online store, dis­pos­able absorbent dia­pers from VOTONYA LLC are pre­sent­ed. They have a soft and hypoal­ler­genic out­er lay­er that will not irri­tate the skin and pro­vide com­fort. Dia­pers quick­ly absorb mois­ture, leav­ing the sur­face dry, and also per­fect­ly retain unpleas­ant odors.

Dis­pos­able absorbent dia­pers are an indis­pens­able hygiene prod­uct that will for­ev­er leave the prob­lem of leak­age in the past!







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