Why do we need educational toys for a child?


With the appear­ance of a baby in the house, it is easy for new par­ents in the hus­tle and bus­tle of every­day life, sleep­less nights to get con­fused and com­plete­ly for­get that chil­dren from birth need our help for har­mo­nious growth, devel­op­ment and knowl­edge of the world around them. Today we want to tell you about where to start and why you need to devel­op a child.

Why do parents need to use educational toys?

There are the fol­low­ing main rea­sons why the right edu­ca­tion­al toys should be in your home:

  • help in the adap­ta­tion of the child to the world around him;
  • affect the psy­cho­log­i­cal devel­op­ment of the child;
  • devel­op curios­i­ty;
  • help to iden­ti­fy the tal­ents and abil­i­ties of the child at an ear­ly stage;
  • con­tribute to the devel­op­ment of speech;
  • edu­cate inde­pen­dence skills;
  • by devel­op­ing cre­ative think­ing, per­se­ver­ance and oth­er skills in a child from an ear­ly age, you solve many prob­lems in the future: poor school per­for­mance, the child’s inabil­i­ty to inde­pen­dent­ly orga­nize leisure activ­i­ties, and, as a result, increased inter­est in gad­gets and TV, dif­fi­cul­ty in com­mu­ni­cat­ing with peers.

Agree, weighty argu­ments in favor of ear­ly devel­op­ment.

Why ZABIAYKA toys are a great choice?

Any toy can teach a child some­thing new, but not every toy is able to inter­est. Bright and rich col­ors of ZABIAYKA play sets will attract the atten­tion of the baby and at the same time teach you to dis­tin­guish col­ors, count­ing skills, help devel­op per­se­ver­ance, log­i­cal and spa­tial think­ing.

Toys that lim­it the cre­ative think­ing of the child, aimed at play­ing accord­ing to one sce­nario, harm the child. With game sets from ZABIAYKA you will not face such a prob­lem. In most play sets you will find cards with learn­ing activ­i­ties adapt­ed to the age of your child.

Help for parents

All edu­ca­tion­al toys involve the inter­ac­tion of an adult and a child. How­ev­er, the gam­ing phone from ZABIAYKA “Fun­ny Ani­mals” will be a great helper for par­ents if you need a minute or two to rest, and for a child it will be a source of knowl­edge, a teacher and a friend. The musi­cal phone will inter­est the child as a toy, help devel­op his visu­al and audi­to­ry per­cep­tion, fine motor skills, log­ic, imag­i­na­tion, and also stim­u­late men­tal activ­i­ty.

As you can see, play sets and toys from ZABIAYKA are not only able to enter­tain and dis­tract the child, but they also con­tribute to its com­pre­hen­sive devel­op­ment, because are cre­at­ed in accor­dance with the most famous author’s Montes­sori meth­ods.







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