Why are stickers popular and why are they needed?


Cre­ative design, bright col­ors draw atten­tion to goods, ser­vices, increase brand aware­ness. There are many types of stick­ers. Every­one will be able to find stick­ers to their taste and inter­est.

The South Kore­an series The Squid Game from Net­flix has gained immense pop­u­lar­i­ty around the world in just a few days after the release. On YouTube, you can find many remakes of this series, in con­tact, insta­gram and twit­ter have already come up with new memes, and stores have cre­at­ed themed t‑shirts and sweat­shirts.

In our assort­ment you will find stick­ers depict­ing the main char­ac­ters of the Squid Game. They are: Hwang Jun-ho, who, in search of his broth­er, becomes one of the guards and then a VIP game wait­er; And the par­tic­i­pants of the game them­selves: Kang Se Baek (par­tic­i­pant num­bered No. 067); Song Ki Hoon (No. 456) and his broth­er Jo Sang Woo (No. 218); Jang Duk Soo (No. 101), the cre­ator of the whole game — Oh Il Nam (No. 001) and one of the bright­est char­ac­ters — Abdul Ali (Play­er No. 199). The main char­ac­ters are depict­ed in car­toon style.

Our sec­ond stick­ers are “Youth”. These are stick­ers with trendy draw­ings and quotes among young peo­ple. Knives, hearts, skele­tons and flow­ers are depict­ed here. Every teenag­er at least once saw these sym­bols of the Yunost brand on sweat­shirts and t‑shirts among their peers. Many even take them for sketch­es for tat­toos.

Our stick­ers are pre­sent­ed in medi­um size. They con­tain high-qual­i­ty glue, which will allow the stick­er to last for a very long time. They will look orig­i­nal on a lap­top, phone case or note­book.

Let’s take a clos­er look at why stick­ers are pop­u­lar there?

They can be used as sim­ple dec­o­ra­tions for any thing, as well as an effec­tive way for adver­tis­ing.

You have prob­a­bly often seen how a lap­top or phone is dec­o­rat­ed with var­i­ous stick­ers. In fact, there are a lot of things that stick­ers are suit­able for. It can be a note­book for your notes, and a desk­top, and a clos­et, and even a car!

As adver­tise­ments, you can also see them in shop win­dows, in pub­lic trans­port and bench­es in parks.

Their unequiv­o­cal plus is that they exist in a huge vari­ety. Every­one can find stick­ers to their taste. If you have a daugh­ter who real­ly wants to dec­o­rate her school pen­cil case with stick­ers in the form of princess­es, then find­ing them will be very easy. More­over, a huge selec­tion will be pre­sent­ed: there will be Rapun­zel, Cin­derel­la, Snow White and many oth­er rep­re­sen­ta­tives of fairy tales and car­toons. And if you are a rock­er and are look­ing for stick­ers for your gui­tar, then you will def­i­nite­ly find them in the form of elec­tric gui­tars, skulls, famous rep­re­sen­ta­tives of rock cul­ture, etc.

They can dec­o­rate and hide any­thing. Scratched your mom’s favorite fur­ni­ture? Stick a beau­ti­ful or fun­ny stick­er on the scratch. Does the clos­et look too ordi­nary? Paste stick­ers all over its sur­face.

The first to under­stand the beau­ty of these cute “knick-knacks” were motorists. They past­ed their cars with dif­fer­ent images and logos. This was picked up by skaters, cyclists who glued their boards and frames. Punks past­ed their stick­ers on city walls, sub­way cars and chairs in bus­es. Pre­vi­ous­ly, For stick­ers were worth their weight in gold, they were col­lect­ed, exchanged and boast­ed from some­one bet­ter. .Now the stick­ers got rid of the frame­work of sub­cul­tures. They are bought and used by both adults and chil­dren.

Stick­ers catch our eye lit­er­al­ly at every step: we see them on shop win­dows, on bar coun­ters of cafes and restau­rants, on car win­dows. They are used for dis­play pur­pos­es. In addi­tion, stick­ers con­tain infor­ma­tion. There­fore, they are excel­lent adver­tis­ing. They can be stuck in places with a large con­ges­tion of peo­ple. This will pro­vide greater brand aware­ness. There are two types of stick­ers: for out­door use (glued on walls, doors, win­dows, in pub­lic trans­port) and for indoor use, where the tar­get audi­ence often appears. And when they are ready to pur­chase a prod­uct or ser­vice, the first brand they remem­ber is the one that was always in front of their eyes.

With the help of stick­ers, you can also adver­tise any events or sales. The main thing when dis­trib­ut­ing this infor­ma­tion is to place it in those places where the tar­get audi­ence will def­i­nite­ly notice them.

Stick­ers are also divid­ed into 4 types:

· Vinyl stick­ers. This type has the widest range of appli­ca­tions. Vinyl film is used for pro­duc­tion. Vinyl images are crisp and clear.

· Water stick­ers. Such prod­ucts are com­mon when cre­at­ing inte­ri­ors and apply­ing tem­po­rary tat­toos on the human body. The paper swells under the influ­ence of water and eas­i­ly moves away from the image, leav­ing it on the sur­face.

· Vol­ume stick­ers. Most often, such stick­ers are used by shops and shop­ping cen­ters. They dec­o­rate adver­tis­ing signs and ban­ners. As a rule, such adver­tis­ing struc­tures do not car­ry any impor­tant infor­ma­tion, but sim­ply attract the atten­tion of poten­tial cus­tomers.

· Self-adhe­sive stick­ers. Designed to indi­cate impor­tant infor­ma­tion about a prod­uct or ser­vice. Often self-adhe­sive stick­ers are used to dis­play impor­tant infor­ma­tion in pub­lic places.







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