All about jewelry made of natural stones. How and why to clean stones?


Nat­ur­al stones are not just a beau­ti­ful trin­ket. Each stone has its own char­ac­ter, strength and ener­gy.

All min­er­als, crys­tals and rocks have heal­ing and mag­i­cal prop­er­ties. They affect the “human” sys­tem: they heal, har­mo­nize, align, pro­tect, pro­tect … In the process of this work, the stone takes on the own­er’s neg­a­tive ener­gy or that comes from out­side and even­tu­al­ly becomes ener­get­i­cal­ly “dirty”. The stone itself is hard, and it can be unpleas­ant for a per­son to wear it. Some­times the stones take on so much neg­a­tiv­i­ty that they can break, the dec­o­ra­tion is torn from scratch or is lost with­out a trace.

There­fore, the stones must be peri­od­i­cal­ly cleaned and charged. You can feel when it’s time to clean the stone or do it peri­od­i­cal­ly if you wear them all the time.

Today I want to tell you about clean­ing stones. There are many dif­fer­ent ways: clean with water, crys­tals, smoke, herbs, and so on. Every­one choos­es what he likes. I like to clean stones with dry salt. Salt is an excel­lent cleanser of neg­a­tiv­i­ty.

How to clean stones with salt? To give your peb­bles a good clean, place them in a con­tain­er of salt so that it cov­ers them. It is bet­ter to express the inten­tion aloud or to your­self: “I am clear­ing the stones of neg­a­tiv­i­ty, of neg­a­tive, heavy, dirty ener­gies” (think up some­thing of your own). Leave them overnight or overnight.

But be care­ful, some “soft” min­er­als, such as flu­o­rite, sodalite, mala­chite, can be scratched by salt. In this case, you can put a hand­ker­chief or paper on the salt and put your peb­bles on top. This way works too!

After clean­ing, the peb­bles can be charged, but more on that anoth­er time.

Take care of your peb­bles and let them delight you.

Anna, founder of the Song Of Nature brand.







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