A set of samplers of mineral cosmetics: what, why and why?


Buy­ing cos­met­ics is always fun! Checked: choos­ing beau­ti­ful blush­es, radi­ant high­lighters, and find­ing the most unique shades of shad­ows will increase endor­phins. But even in such a pleas­ant process, you have to “break” your head … How to choose the very “own” shade? Order an already famil­iar and proven prod­uct or try some­thing new? What cos­met­ics from an unfa­mil­iar brand will I def­i­nite­ly like?

Sam­ple packs from Kristall Min­er­als will answer these ques­tions! In this arti­cle, we will explain why they deserve your atten­tion.

What you need: 2 sets with uni­ver­sal shades for each girl

Prob­a­bly every girl has a whole set of cos­met­ics that did not suit her. There is a “yel­low” tone, and a “brick” bronz­er, and a sculp­tor that leaves gray stripes.

In order not to replen­ish the ranks of unsuc­cess­ful pur­chas­es with new jars, pay atten­tion to sam­ple packs. Kristall Min­er­als has released 2 sets, which are iden­ti­cal in com­po­si­tion, but dif­fer­ent shades of prod­ucts: dark­er and more sat­u­rat­ed in the Beige set for warm Jas­mine, and less bright, light shades in Light Biege for the beau­ti­ful Snow Whites.

Each set includes all the prod­ucts for dai­ly make­up: 2 shades of foun­da­tion (to hit the mark), con­ceal­er, blush, bronz­er and high­lighter.

Such a set will cov­er all the needs for a full-fledged cos­met­ic bag. And the vol­ume of prod­ucts is enough to con­duct a real test dri­ve of min­er­al cos­met­ics and fall in love! By the way, all shades of the prod­ucts are per­ma­nent best­sellers of the brand!

100% nat­ur­al: absolute­ly pure ingre­di­ents

If you have sen­si­tive or prob­lem­at­ic skin, you know how dif­fi­cult it is to choose col­or cos­met­ics: there is always a risk of red­ness, aggra­va­tion of acne or aller­gies.

We made sure that with Kristall Min­er­als you for­get about it.

Min­er­al make­up is the safest type of col­or cos­met­ics. It does not con­tain alco­hol, arti­fi­cial col­ors, parabens and talc — these com­po­nents most often cause aller­gies and exac­er­bate skin prob­lems.

Kristall Min­er­als prod­ucts con­tain only puri­fied ground min­er­als and inor­gan­ic pig­ments. Such cos­met­ics not only mask imper­fec­tions, but also help fight skin imper­fec­tions. For exam­ple, our min­er­al foun­da­tions and con­ceal­ers con­tain zinc oxide, which not only evens out skin tone, mask­ing imper­fec­tions, but also has anti-inflam­ma­to­ry prop­er­ties — it gen­tly dries pim­ples.

Just WOW for such a price — 800 rubles per set!

The price issue is an edge in many pur­chas­es: no one wants to spend 1,500–2,000 rubles on a prod­uct that may not be as cool as in adver­tis­ing.

In this mat­ter, the vic­to­ry is again on the side of the sam­ple pack. After all, when you get a whole set of funds for the cost of one full-size one, it’s not at all scary if some­thing doesn’t fit.

The Biege and Light Biege sets are not only a well-thought-out and prof­itable pur­chase, but also a great chance to get acquaint­ed with new cos­met­ics! We hope this arti­cle has helped you under­stand all the ben­e­fits of Kristall Min­er­als sam­ple packs!







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