Volumetric 3D STICKERS on the phone: why are they needed and what are the main differences from the usual ones?


Vol­u­met­ric 3D stick­ers are stick­ers made of epoxy resin with a self-adhe­sive film. The image with the fin­ished self-adhe­sive film is filled with resin and dried up to 48 hours, depend­ing on the size of each stick­er. Each stick­er is filled in man­u­al­ly and with high-qual­i­ty mate­ri­als, which makes the stick­er absolute­ly safe.

The dif­fer­ence between ordi­nary stick­ers and resin stick­ers is that the war­ran­ty peri­od of resin stick­ers is very long, on aver­age they last more than 20 years. Such stick­ers can be stuck on the phone, com­put­er, lap­top and any flat sur­face. They are pleas­ant to the touch, can pro­tect your gad­get from chips and scratch­es when dropped. These stick­ers look very styl­ish and fash­ion­able.

Advan­tages of resin stick­ers:

- has a trans­par­ent base

- always elas­tic, do not dry out and do not turn yel­low

- does not change the col­or of the print

- high resis­tance to atmos­pher­ic phe­nom­e­na and chem­i­cal influ­ences

- high resis­tance to mechan­i­cal dam­age

The pro­duc­tion process of vol­u­met­ric stick­ers con­sists of the fol­low­ing main stages:

- Print­ing the basis of the stick­er. The print­ing method can be the most diverse: off­set, flex­o­graph­ic, gravure, let­ter­press, dig­i­tal or silkscreen. The method of print­ing is deter­mined by a com­plex of the fol­low­ing fac­tors: the tim­ing of the order, the type of base mate­r­i­al, eco­nom­ic indi­ca­tors and the cir­cu­la­tion of vol­u­met­ric stick­ers.

- Cut­ting the stick­er along the con­tour, as a rule, this oper­a­tion is per­formed using the fol­low­ing types of equip­ment: plot­ter, cru­cible press, laser.

- Pour­ing the base of a three-dimen­sion­al stick­er, such an oper­a­tion is based on the cast­ing and sur­face prop­er­ties of the pour­ing liq­uid. Due to its good cast­ing prop­er­ties, epoxy resin fills all the voids and dis­con­ti­nu­ities of the prod­uct, and sur­face ten­sion forces cause the resin to hard­en in the form of a con­vex sur­face.

Final­ly I want to share my per­son­al expe­ri­ence and my obser­va­tions. These high qual­i­ty resin stick­ers are absolute­ly harm­less for both adults and chil­dren. By the way, chil­dren and teenagers get stick­ers with a bang! Great as a gift.







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