If the skin of the hands will heal itself in just 72 hours, why do you need cosmetics?


Sum­mer is the time when the skin of the hands is espe­cial­ly stressed. Work­ing in the coun­try, in the gar­den or with house­plants, fre­quent walks, weath­er­ing — all this often caus­es peel­ing or itch­ing of the skin. And, it hap­pens that small wounds, cuts, abra­sions.

It seems that the skin of the hands is quick­ly restored and all these are just tem­po­rary defects that will quick­ly dis­ap­pear. But in fact, this is not so: with con­stant injury, patho­log­i­cal changes are trig­gered in the skin: pig­men­ta­tion, non-heal­ing scars appear, the over­all skin tone decreas­es and its wrin­kling increas­es.

You can use a mois­tur­iz­er, and if the skin is not very dry, then you can just wait — after all, every­thing will heal by itself in a cou­ple of days!

  • We open the sum­mer sea­son. How to save the skin of the hands? Three secrets from a der­ma­tol­o­gist

But it is not so!

If the dam­aged skin of the hands is not touched, then yes, it will heal itself, in about 72 hours. But in this case, there is a high risk of patho­log­i­cal changes in the skin: spots, sores, moles, scars.

If a per­son uses prod­ucts that cre­ate a film that does not let air through (inex­pen­sive mass-mar­ket creams), he aggra­vates this sit­u­a­tion.

Means that have in their com­po­si­tion com­po­nents such as petro­le­um jel­ly cre­ate a pro­tec­tive lay­er around the skin that allows air to pass through and does not inter­fere with gas exchange. In this case, the skin will heal itself, under the “pro­tec­tion” of this lay­er, with­out aggra­vat­ing the sit­u­a­tion. But vase­line will not help the skin in any way, and there is still a risk of patho­log­i­cal changes — if such micro­trau­mas are fre­quent.

But there is anoth­er option — funds, which include phys­i­o­log­i­cal lipids. These are low mol­e­c­u­lar weight oils that sink into the skin and start regen­er­a­tion process­es there. They cre­ate a pro­tec­tive bar­ri­er, accel­er­ate skin regen­er­a­tion, nor­mal­ize water, lipid, fat bal­ance — we prac­ti­cal­ly exclude pathol­o­gy, accel­er­ate heal­ing process­es and improve skin prop­er­ties.

It is these physiological lipids that we use in the cosmetics of our brand!

  • A line of hand scrubs from the pre­mi­um brand ZAMOTIN MANUFACTURA

And now atten­tion! Dif­fer­ence:

If the “self” process takes 72 hours of con­tin­u­ous itch­ing, and sys­tem­at­ic banal weath­er­ing or dehy­dra­tion leads to epi­der­mal hyper­pla­sia, which sug­gests that cytokines pro­duced by the skin when the stra­tum corneum is dam­aged can ini­ti­ate patho­log­i­cal process­es.

An imper­me­able film that does not allow water to evap­o­rate (cheap creams), blocks the response of epi­der­mal cells to dam­age and guar­an­tees struc­tur­al dam­age to the skin.

Means with a breath­able film have a bar­ri­er effect, give the skin time to recov­er, reduc­ing the risk of patholo­gies.

Phys­i­o­log­i­cal lipids com­plete­ly take over the func­tions of the bar­ri­er medi­um, active­ly par­tic­i­pate in tis­sue regen­er­a­tion, almost com­plete­ly exclud­ing the process­es of struc­tur­al dis­or­ders.

This is what you feel as the “nour­ish­ment” of the skin. It becomes soft and vel­vety to the touch, elas­tic and even. This is exact­ly what a bio­log­i­cal­ly com­pe­tent­ly restored bal­ance with­in the epi­der­mis is.

  • Why is it impor­tant to take care of your hands every day?







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