Zoning of the children’s room. How and why is it?


When plan­ning a room for a child, every par­ent wants every­thing to be not only com­fort­able and beau­ti­ful, but also right. So that the child can play active games here and can imme­di­ate­ly con­cen­trate for class­es and calm edu­ca­tion­al games, and lat­er for study. Prop­er plan­ning of the nurs­ery will help to bring up in the child impor­tant qual­i­ties in the future: orga­ni­za­tion, clean­li­ness, inde­pen­dence.

Which zones are nec­es­sary for your child is deter­mined only by you, but here are the three main zones that you should deter­mine:

· Rest zone. This zone should be as calm as pos­si­ble and not crowd­ed with objects. Its cen­ter is the bed (sofa).

· Game Zone. At a cer­tain age, this zone will be the largest and lead­ing in the child. It should be com­fort­able and inter­est­ing here. Its cen­ter can be a “dry” pool or a sports area. There can be bright accents in the form of a car­pet or a pat­tern on the wall.

· Work zone. For both preschool­ers and old­er chil­dren, this is a nec­es­sary and impor­tant area. Its cen­ter is a com­fort­able desk. First for class­es and cre­ativ­i­ty, and lat­er for lessons. Com­ple­ment­ed by shelves for stor­ing books and nec­es­sary items. Here you need to make sure that there is enough light­ing and the col­ors around should be calm and not dis­tract­ing.

Depend­ing on the age of the child, the allo­ca­tion of zones may dif­fer. There­fore, over time, some­thing will have to be rebuilt, replaced and rearranged. Try to take this into account ini­tial­ly so as not to over­haul the room every 2–3 years.

So for chil­dren under 3–5 years old, col­or dif­fer­en­ti­a­tion of zones is suf­fi­cient. And the recre­ation area should be made dark­ened (away from the light). To make it eas­i­er for the baby to fall asleep. And of course, the safe­ty of the child is para­mount here. Soft cor­ners, the avail­abil­i­ty of toys and the inac­ces­si­bil­i­ty of dan­ger­ous.

· For chil­dren from 4 to 7 years old, the play area will be the most impor­tant. Here you can add items for active games. Swedish wall, uneven bars, gym­nas­tic rings. The work­ing area can tem­porar­i­ly become a cre­ative area, where there will be avail­able paints, pen­cils, puz­zles, etc. around.

· From 7 to 12 years old, the work area becomes the lead­ing and impor­tant area. The school peri­od is the busiest. It is bet­ter to arrange the desk so that the play area (if the toys are still stored in the room) is not in the child’s line of sight while he is per­form­ing edu­ca­tion­al tasks. For this age, par­ti­tions may already be required to sep­a­rate zones. Here it is worth choos­ing accord­ing to the pos­si­bil­i­ties and dimen­sions of your room. It can be cur­tains, screens or shelves, which will imme­di­ate­ly serve as a place for stor­age.







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