What is a BABYSOFA children’s sofa and why does a baby need it?


Your baby is 4–5 months old. He is not yet sit­ting on his own, but he is already insis­tent­ly demand­ing to place him ver­ti­cal­ly every­where so that the world around can be seen! Well, or at least half-lying! And mom’s hands are the best of all this day! But what to do when mom is tired and wants some time to shine for her­self and just relax?

Your baby has grown up, he is 5–8 months old, he already knows how to sit down or sits on his own. Already almost com­plete­ly con­fi­dent, only occa­sion­al­ly col­laps­es on its side. Grand­moth­er said that he need­ed to put pil­lows around him so that he could sit com­fort­ably and play on his own. But it seems to you some­how out of date and uncom­fort­able — to bury a child in pil­lows! He will scat­ter them and still col­lapse.

Your baby is already quite an adult! He is 9–14 months old. He is active­ly explor­ing the world around him, grad­u­al­ly learn­ing to walk and play on his own. The floor in the chil­dren’s room is his ele­ment, there are many dif­fer­ent toys and even pic­ture books. But the win­dows in the house are open, the floor is often cool, but just a baby rug does not save you from a cold, and it’s uncom­fort­able to sit on it for a long time, there’s noth­ing to lean on.

Your lit­tle one is 1.5–2.5 years old. He already watch­es car­toons. And you can’t keep him on the couch, he always strives to sit on the floor!

Famil­iar illus­tra­tions from life?!)

Do you know what will help you and come in handy in each of these sit­u­a­tions? Chil­dren’s sofa BabySo­fa! It is spe­cial­ly designed for babies aged 4 months to 3 years and their par­ents.

The sofa is soft, bright, pleas­ant to the touch, and at the same time reli­ably sup­ports the baby from all sides and pre­vents very young explor­ers from turn­ing over. It can accom­mo­date the baby reclin­ing, if he has not yet mas­tered sit­ting down and sit­ting. Also sit­ting. And even on horse­back with­out pass­ing the legs for very adult lit­tle ones.

The sofa will become a con­ve­nient device not only in the chil­dren’s room, but also when trav­el­ing, in nature, in a coun­try house, on the beach, on the floor, on the table, on the sofa, on the bed — any­where!

You can lie, sit, eat, sleep in it, and of course it is very com­fort­able to play in it!

There are two loops in front of the sofa, you can attach hang­ing toys, books on strings, teethers and any toys that are inter­est­ing to the baby in them, and they will not get lost, which means the baby will be pas­sion­ate about the game, and mom will be able to rest a lit­tle longer than usu­al.

And our sofa is an inter­est­ing and bright toy in itself — because it is made in the form of six dif­fer­ent ani­mals. Lit­tle kids enjoy play­ing with them. Some­times feed­ing a baby from our sofa is much eas­i­er for par­ents and more excit­ing for the baby than a tra­di­tion­al high­chair.

Our sofa loves wash­ing and tol­er­ates it per­fect­ly. You can not be afraid to get it dirty at all and calm­ly feed the child in it. When the sofa is dirty, you put it entire­ly in the drum of a con­ven­tion­al wash­ing machine, select the mode no more than 30 degrees Cel­sius and spin 1000 rpm. And, wow! You will get almost dry and the same bright and new sofa as on the first day! It remains only to dry it for a cou­ple of hours, and it is ready for use.

The sofa is made of hypoal­ler­genic mate­ri­als that are safe for chil­dren. It is wear-resis­tant, does not fade or lose its shape. So, it will serve its lit­tle own­er for a long time.







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